Chapter 1146: I like him so much

Liu Song has been peeking at the man a dozen times since he left Songfu until he left the city gate.

She didn't understand why men were so calm, even the coachman was calm. Song Jian was half-dead and went directly to the Song family door. In their eyes, it seems that it is just a small thing that is almost insignificant.

But in her eyes, this is a big thing, as serious as a hole in the sky.

Song Jian was beaten like that, but can't be better. Can the Song family give up?

She thought it couldn't be, but the man went in and went out, but it took only a little while.

She a little regretted why she didn't follow up at that time. The man made her obedient with a word, she really obediently stayed in the carriage. If she followed up, she would know what was going on inside.

"Seventeen." When she quietly raised her eyes and peeked at the man again, the man was indifferent.

Willow buds, "What."

The man turned his head and looked at her with deep eyes, "You peeped at me seventeen times."

"..." She was curious, and he looked good.

In the end, I couldn't help the curiosity. Liu Ya reached out the white and tender real finger, and poked at the man's arm, so hard ...

"Uncle Wei, what did you tell them, didn't they embarrass you?"

"No, I said I was the guard of the Lord." The man paused and looked at her again. "They are afraid."

Liu Bu blinked his eyes. It turned out that Uncle Wei moved to the mountain! No wonder they can come out well, how dare the Song family dare to offend Wang's guard? Uncle Wei is amazing. I can fight, and my mind is smart.

"If there is a backer, you should use it. It is more convenient to solve the problem than carrying it by yourself." This sentence seems to mean something, Liu Ya didn't speak at the door.

She is not a fool. She knows what Uncle Wei meant by this sentence. Uncle Wei was reminding her that she was not alone and she had a backing.

Chuanjiu Village is now the Liu family's farm. She, grandfather, sibling and brother are sisters of Xinghua Village's Liu family. Princess Nanling is her patron.

As long as she moved this backing, no one would dare to bully her.

At least, there is absolutely no problem in sending the Song family.

"I, I don't want to trouble the princess." She whispered.

If it was something else, she thought, she would rely on the relationship between her master and son, making people afraid to bully herself.

But what happened to her was unacceptable to outsiders, even if she was the victim, but in the eyes of others, she was not clean after all. A woman who has been defiled and innocent should not continue to live in this world. In order not to affect her family and to show her virginity, she should die.

If you survive, you will suffer endless contempt.

But she did not choose to die in the end, and she survived. She loves her grandpa and dad and mother. If she died, no one would naturally criticize her, but the pain was her family.

So she lived and lived in the small side of the farm. She didn't dare to go out or contact people. She just wanted to filial her family in her lifetime.

If it weren't for the princess, she would not have easily stepped out of the farm gate in her life.

Liu Ya quietly retracted to the corner of the compartment, and worked hard to keep him away from the man.

She wasn't clean. If she hadn't met Song Jian again, she would have forgotten it.

She likes Uncle Wei very much, and she also knows that Uncle Wei did not look down on her, but she suddenly couldn't get through the level in her heart.

If she still sticks to him like this and sticks to him, it's not good for Uncle Wei.

Those who knew her past would point to Uncle Wei's back and said, Look, that's the guy who was with a broken shoe, I really don't know what he thought!

Wang Ye's guard, the future is good, but he is accompanied by an unscrupulous person, not to mention his reputation, but also to the reputation of Wangfu, is his brain sick?

Liu Ya looked sad, her eyes glanced out the car window was extremely dim, she could tolerate others to criticize herself, but she could not tolerate others to criticize Uncle Wei.

She didn't want to suffer him, then she had to stay away from him.

When she returned to the farm, she would stop sticking to him.

In the future, they will have no chance to meet again? Thinking of this, Liu Ya felt a pain in her heart, which made her face pale and uncomfortable, and she couldn't bear the pain of covering her heart tightly with her hands.

Uncomfortable want to cry.

Wei Zi originally looked out the other side of the window, and she did not know when she had turned her head, her gaze fell on the woman's sad face, her little face weeping, her brows frowned slightly.

This is a girl who does not know how to hide her emotions. Her face is plain and transparent, like crystal.

With one glance, you can see what she is thinking at the moment.

She is now like a wounded snail, retracting all her tentacles into the not hard shell, and refuses to explore again.

"I am an orphan. I was adopted at the age of six and started basic training. I entered the training camp at the age of eight and studied assault, defense, and investigation with more than five hundred peers."

In the dull carriage, a low voice of the man suddenly sounded, Liu Ya's eyes waved and he couldn't help looking at the man.

What he saw was his calm face, listening to his equally calm and unhurried voice, Liu Ya's uncomfortable feeling dissipated a little, his eyes fixedly looked at him, and waited for him to continue.

"I later learned that it was the Royal Guard Training Camp. Every year the Royal Family selects the best talents from the camp to inject into the Guard Camp and become the members of the Royal Guard."

"Becoming a hidden guard means success. The competition in the training camp has become increasingly fierce and cruel."

"In the end, I stood out from the camp, because in the last test, I killed nineteen companions with my own hands." The man slowly turned to his face, and his voice was still calm to Shang Liuya's shocked eyes. "I His hand was **** early on. Until now, I can't count how many people I killed. To be dirty, I am more than a hundred times better than you. Willow bud, do you think I'm sick? "

"No, no!" Liuya shook his head, his voice changed from weak to violently, and hugged the man firmly, "You are not disgusting at all!"

She wanted to tell him that he was the best, even if countless people were better than him, in her eyes, he was the best.

He is her Uncle Wei.

He never looked down on her, he always protected her silently!

"I don't think you're disgusting, I don't even think you're dirty." Big hand, rubbing her head again, gently, warm, and away at the touch.

But the lightness fell straight into Liu Ya's heart, making her feel shocked.

Heartbeat, unbeatable fierce beating.

Bang, bang, shook all her pity.

Liu Ya didn't let go of her arm anymore, he didn't let go unless he pushed her away.

She found that she was really reluctant.

She really likes him.

(End of this chapter)

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