Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1528: King Nanling's eyes are as big as the needle point

Chapter 1528 Nanling King's Eyes Are As Large As A Needle Point

The moment he met those eyes, Jiang's body suddenly became cold, as if he saw a poisonous snake.

However, the next moment I looked at it again, those eyes were as faint as usual, there was no special emotion. It seemed like the creepy moment was just her illusion.

"Yo, who are you yelling at? It's not the same as usual, it seems that I look down on you. Look at it silently, when you want to bite, it's as fierce as a dog! "Just being scared a moment ago, Jiang was angry and stern, and even more mean.

"The government is entertaining VIP guests, and Aunt Jiang also asked to leave Germany in his mouth, otherwise it was the whole Min House that was listened to. The father-in-law was serious, and he would certainly not lighten people at that time." My aunt lowered her eyes and said lightly.

"That said, who has troubled me? Taking your father-in-law to oppress you, do you think I'm afraid? I'm too lazy to take care of you, huh!" With a cold cry, Jiang's twisted his waist and left.

Behind her, the young lady behind her slowly raised her head, looking at her eyes as cold as a snake.

Shortly after the two players exited, there was also an absence from the hall.

Before leaving Min House, Croton reluctantly reluctantly.

There are so many children in Minfu, and he can play with him. Although the game is a bit childish, but the victory is lively, isn't it? This kind of scene can only be seen in Xinghua Village in the past. After traveling for such a long time, basically the little dolls where he went will retreat, hitting him a lot of fun.

Thinking of this, Croton was very embarrassed, left the gate of Min House, and turned back to see the temporary friends who waved goodbye.

Minzi stood at the front of the little boys, catching Croton's effort to turn his head, holding his little hand to his mouth, silently making a mouth shape, "Large tea pot!"

Croton knew, and chased the little girl baby with a pair of scissors she couldn't understand, "Wait for me!"

The little secret between the two babies, Liu Yusheng smiled, watching, "What are you going to get?"

"My dear, this is a secret and I cannot tell you."

"Still keeping your mother-in-law secret?"

"There will be a surprise when this is announced. When Dad gave you something, he never told me what he was going to give to Red Bean." Croton grinned and blocked his mother in silence.

Turning his head, his dad slipped into the carriage.

"Dad, I can go by myself!"

"I think you talk too much."

Croton's nest in the corner of the carriage with his arms folded, full of resentment.

A bunch of people who saw off in Minfu just now, Dad just carried him and threw it away. The boss he had just set up in front of a bunch of little carrots disappeared majesticly.

Dad just demolished him!

Feng Qingbai turned a blind eye to this. There are more people complaining about him, what a small eye-catcher is.

"I chatted with Mrs. Min in the back garden. I mentioned the woman Minfu was going to take part in in the election of the concubine. Later, it seemed as if someone had been called from the other side of the hall. Did you see Mrs. Min before she left? The next man asked to leave for a while, and when he came back, he told the two women to explain things, Liu Yusheng asked with a lip.

"Yes, I didn't notice it. Father Min introduced to Qi Shao specially." Feng Qingbai calmly said.

"I didn't notice." Yan Rongjin also said indifferently.

Liu Yusheng looked at the inseparable expression and reaction of the two, and helped him, "Just like your expression, the girl came, but I was afraid my heart would be cold."

The two living beings stood in front of them, saying that they didn't notice who believed? Don't care.

However, since Yan Rongjin wants to win over the forces of the court, the woman offered by the courtier won't care if he cares.

"Brother Xiaoqi, are you going to marry a concubine? I have seen my cousin's concubines. They are all very beautiful. Your concubine must also be beautiful." Red beans supported the little face, and was full of excitement.

"Well," Yan Rongjin nodded, and he said something. "Although I haven't seen many concubines yet, but Hongdou said that it is beautiful, it must be beautiful. Those who are not beautiful cannot enter the palace."

Feng Qingbai's gaze turned back after Yan Rongjin and the baby daughter had turned back and forth, and the detective hugged her daughter. "The tone of the seven youngsters should be used on your future concubine. They will be very happy. Right a few years old Little doll, be normal. "

"..." This time Yan Rongjin is Shinji.

Hongdou is a little girl. When he speaks to such a baby, he just subconsciously softens his voice. Is this also wrong?

"Master Wang, your tone of speaking to Red Beans is lighter than when you speak to Aunt Liu." Unable to help, Yan Rongjin voiced.

"Red beans are my daughter." Feng Qingbai's eyes were cold and words cold.

My daughter, need your pet?

Yan Rongjin was defeated for this reason.

Sighing in the sky, Liu Yusheng moved his seat and sat next to his son Croton and Qiqi, pointing to Feng Qingbai. "At the time, Taigong was treating your father just like your father is now treating Xiaoqi brother. "

"Mother, what is it like?" Croton understood.

"Sour taste."

"That must be my dad's small eyes. What did Brother Seven do wrong? Red beans are our baby. The more people are good to red beans, shouldn't we be happier? My father is still sore, Nanling King's eyes It's as big as the needle tip ... Hey! Daddy, gentleman can't move! "

Covering his head, Croton glared at dad.

Feng Qingbai hooked her lips and sneered, "In your eyes, when is your father a gentleman?"

"That's it. Mother, why did you marry this villain? No other gentleman likes you--"

"Croton, do you think you live too well?"

"Dad, I was wrong!" Croton confessed immediately.

It's okay to touch the tiger's butt, and it's okay to touch it twice. When he is a bitch, you have to touch the third time. It's really not afraid of death.

After leaving Min Mansion, the horse-drawn carriage to the imperial palace floated along the road with loud laughter, accompanied by the occasional roar of ignoring who made the noise.

On the side of Min Mansion, after Liu Yusheng and his party left, Father Min's expression changed immediately, and he rushed to the Tibetan Library without a word of rush, and rechecked the entire Library carefully.

But everything that the children have moved must be picked up and examined carefully to see if they are damaged.

Books, decorations, scrolls.

Min Shaohe and other children also followed, standing at the door of Zangshuge and dared not enter, only waiting at the door.

Everyone was worried.

Zangshuge is one of the oldest places in Minfu. Many things in it are even longer than Minfu, and there are heirlooms passed down from the ancestors. Because the things in the collection are so important, except for the old man, the library does not allow anyone to enter at will.

Even Min Shaohe, the sister-in-law who wants to come in and read the books or take things, must ask for it beforehand, and can only enter with permission.

This time Min Zi secretly brought Xiao Shizi, the small county master, and the little baby in the house over to play.

(End of this chapter)

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