Chapter 1529: You Didn't Do Anything

Just now the emperor and the couple of the Nanling King were present, and among the people involved were Nanling Xiaoshizi and the small county owner, and his father was not able to catch the anger for a while.

Doesn't mean that this matter can really be exposed as said.

Everyone present knew that as soon as the VIPs left, the old man had to turn over the old accounts.

Now they are stubbing their necks one by one, waiting for the reprimand to come down.

Who makes all the kids in trouble?

The most helpless is Min Shaohe.

The culprit was his daughter. He not only had to wait for the reprimand of the old man, but also had to bear the grievances of other houses.

Seeing that the old man had checked all the book shelves, except for the broken pen, there was nothing wrong with it. Min Shaohe was bolder. "Dad, although the children came in to play, but the baby I think they still understand the size, knowing your precious things inside, they certainly dare not move. "

"Don't dare to move? Huh, how dare you shatter my pen wash?" Father Min hummed, walked around the bookshelf and went to the book case in front of the window.

Min Shaohe stiffened his head. "That ... should just be an accident."

The voice didn't fall, and the old man held a scroll, and his face had changed suddenly.

The people standing at the door looked at the scroll together and took a breath.

But when I saw the drawing paper on the drawing axis, it was torn from one side, and the mouth cracked directly to the middle of the drawing axis!

There are only six painting axes in that bookcase, all of which are the favorite paintings of my father, and the most precious and rare!

One less one!

"Who, who broke it, stand up for me!" Father Min was so angry that he stuttered.

How can a lot of children withstand the anger of the old man? It's not good yet, and several have already been scared to cry.

"Grandfather, it's not me, I haven't moved the scroll!"

"It wasn't me either. I went straight behind the book shelf and didn't get close to the book case at all!"

"Neither I nor I, I just broke the pen wash ..."

Crying and unanimously denying.

Wei Minzi and Min Si were standing still and silent.

Min Zi's gaze fell on the axis of the painting, and his expression was dull.

She remembered that the small scroll was once opened and opened, but soon it was rolled back and put back.

She was watching beside her at the time, and she was sure that when Xiao Shizi put the painting axis back, the painting axis was still good, and it was not bad at all.

Now that my grandfather took it out, why was it broken?

Min Si's expression was also a little dull, his eyes were timid, seeming to be scared by the anger of the old man.

Neither of them spoke. The old man looked at them first and snapped, "Minzi, Minsi! You said! Who broke this picture! If you say it, I can still fine it! If you ask me three questions, Those who entered the library today thought about the wall of the room for three months! "

The cry of the baby was louder.

Crying and scolding rendered the library library noisy and chaotic, and the atmosphere was tight.

"Grandfather, grandfather, the scroll, Xiaoshizi moved. Only he did!" Suddenly, Min Si looked up and said these words quickly.

"Sir, what are you talking about! It wasn't Xiaoshizi who broke it!" Min Zi anxiously shouted at her.

"Only Xiaoshizi took the painting, not who he is? Could the painting axis fail by itself, my sister, I didn't talk nonsense!" Min Si fisted, his eyes became red, and his eyes were full of scolded grievances.

"Not Xiaoshizi, not him anyway!"

"Presumptuous!" Mr. Min slammed the book hard, and the popping sound shocked everyone. "It's not here yet for you to yell! Minzi, if you said it wasn't broken by a young man, then you said, who Broken! "

"I, I ..." Minzi panicked and was afraid. "Grandfather, Zier didn't know who broke it, but it wasn't really Xiaoshizi's!"

Min Si gritted his teeth, stepped forward and knelt down and cried, "Grandfather, Si Er did not lie. At that time, Si Er was standing with her sister and entered the library, and the brothers and brothers in the government went to the bookshelf to play. Only Xiaoshizi ran to the book case and jumped into the book case to sit and took the drawing axis to see it. The little county master said at the time what the painting was and what it was doing was very valuable! I didn't really lie! Except Xiao Shizi, we have n’t moved the drawing axis, we did n’t even dare to approach the book case! ”

"Zi'er, do you think Sier is lying?" Father Min looked at Min Zi with a stern look.

Minzi slowly stepped forward, kneeling and shaking her head.

Sier did not lie. The situation was exactly the same as what she said.

"Grandfather, it wasn't really Xiao Shizi's broken painting. Zier watched him put the scroll back and put it back. It wasn't bad at the time. Zier didn't know why the painting was like this."

The grieving tears slipped from his eyes, and Min Tzu's heart was flustered and uncomfortable. She didn't know why this happened.

Knowing nothing about Xiao Shizi, there was no way for him to prove his innocence.

But Si Er didn't lie, and she couldn't blame Si Er for talking wildly.

The cries of the little babies stopped, and the space in the library was quiet, making people nervous.

The grandfather was very powerful in the house, and the children of the clan were not afraid. Min Shaohe and Mrs. Min Shao were also panicked and anxious at this time, unable to think of a way to ease the situation.

"Grandfather, all mistakes are Zier's mistakes. Zier shouldn't bring people in to play. Grandfather wants to punish him, so he punishes Zier. It's not about the brothers and sisters." Min Zi drew his head and scratched his head Admit it.

"Zier!" Mrs. Min shaved her face and asked for a plea, which was stopped by Min Shaohe's eyes.

The maid of the house is not qualified to speak on such occasions.

"Dad, the son does not teach the father, Zier makes mistakes, and my dad also has a responsibility. If the painting is broken, if the father wants to punish, punish the child. Zier is young and not sensible ..."

"Put both big and small!" Father Min was furious. "Come here, take the master and the young lady down!"

Both the father and daughter who had confessed their mistakes were taken away, and the people who remained at the door of the library were even more afraid to show them at this moment, for fear that the old man would be punished with anger.

Finally, the old man closed the door of the library and blasted everyone out.

Someone was fined and bombed away. Min Fu's children dispersed, and he didn't dare to mention the things in the library.

Mrs. Min Shao was anxious about the punishment of her husband and her daughter, but also chased after her, leaving Auntie Sun and Min Si in the end.

Looking at the little baby girl who was crying and twitching, Auntie Sun looked pale, took her hand, and slowly walked to the other courtyard where they lived.

"Auntie, I ..." Min Si bowed her head and twitched.

"Go back and take a rest, don't think about anything, you're right."

In her palm, the girl's hand trembled. "Auntie, I ..."

"Remember, you just said what you should say," Aunt Sun stopped, raised the girl's head, and stared at her with a word. "You haven't done anything."

(End of this chapter)

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