Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 809: I won't let people deceive you anymore

Chapter 809: I Will Never Let People Bully You Anymore

When the teenager spoke, Shi Xianrou glanced at him, his pupils shrinking.

She didn't see any emotion in the eyes of the teenager.

Deep and heavy.

Since taking charge of the Great Seal, the teenager's feelings have changed.

But if you look closely, nothing seems to have changed.

Feng Moyu has begun to be inscrutable, more and more like Feng Qingbai.

"Xiaofenger, don't make a rash move here. Your uncle explained it before leaving. It is a last resort. Don't drive the soldiers. That's too much loss." After taking the plum soup, he took a sip to suppress the chest tightness brought during pregnancy. Liu Yusheng didn't Forgot to remind.

If two soldiers were to fight, Feng Qingbai would not choose to go to the border alone to talk with the Emperor Dongyue.

He made a plan over there, and if Xiaofenger acted rashly, it would likely disrupt Feng Qingbai's plan and fail.

"I know, I won't be reckless."

After snoring, Liu Yusheng remedied the medicine in the Yangxin Hall after taking a nap, and the queen mother reclined on the soft bed to read the scriptures.

The interior is quiet and no different from the past.

The only difference is that the sandalwood in the air has been replaced by a light and elegant medicine.

The lingering solitude and coldness in the hall also disappeared.

Just because there is one more person.

Even if you do your own thing and don't talk much, the atmosphere is very different.

The queen queen raised her eyes and watched the concentrated expression of the woman's refining medicine, so that the old lady would refill a plum soup for her.

As the sunset landed, the **** of the outer hall reported, "Mr. Qi Qi, General Qin is here!"

Liu Yusheng was drowsy beside the medicine stove at that time and was awakened by this sentence.

Qin Xiao?

Qin Xiao came to visit the Empress Dowager?

"Let him in." The queen mother said indifferently.

Taking advantage of the eunuch's effort to spread the word, Liu Yusheng cleaned up his small medicine stove. "There is a guest in the queen mother, I will avoid it first, and I will come over to accompany the queen mother for dinner."

The Empress Dowager nodded, leaving no one behind and saying nothing else.

At the door of the hall, Liu Yusheng passed Qin Xiao by the side.

Feng Qingbai had never heard of it before, and the empress queen had a relationship with Qin Xiao.

Does Feng Qingbai think this matter is not worth mentioning, or is it even clear to him?

What is the meaning of Qin Xiao's visit today? If she really wants to hide it tightly, she should avoid her and not let her know.

Is she too mean?

All the way back to the side hall, Liu Yusheng was thoughtful.

"Wei Chen see the Empress Dowager." Entering the hall, Qin Xiao saluted.

"No courtesy, is there something important for General Qin today?" The empress queen fell on the scroll in her hand, and did not look up at the general.

Qin Xiao sighed and looked around, looking for a seat to sit on her own. "In the hall of the queen mother, how the taste has changed, my husband remembers that the queen mother loves sandalwood."

"The sandalwood has a strong scent, and this taste is also acceptable."

"I heard people say that the queen mother Rong Nanling refined medicine in the temple. At first, I couldn't believe it. Now it seems true." Qin Xiao laughed, condensing the queen mother, "You are still as soft as before."

"What do you want to say?" The queen mother finally lifted her eyes, her eyes calm, no waves.

"I just came to see you." Qin Xiao lowered his voice, with a few inconceivable self-deprecating, "You are happy, sandalwood, but the changes in the hall of raising your heart have been quite big in recent days. Sandalwood has withdrawn, and also Noisy all day, I'm afraid you're wronged. "

"It's a matter of grief at home, you don't have to worry about the general, and you don't need to worry about it. Qin Xiao, remember your identity!"

There was a moment of silence in the temple.

A moment later, Qin Xiao said again, "As long as you are happy. You know, I have been looking forward to your joy all day long."

Throwing down the scriptures in her hand, the queen queen approached Qin Xiao step by step, her eyes flashed, "Rejoice? Do you want me to rejoice? How do you say I rejoice ?! Qin Xiao, you should not laugh!"

"Aman ..."

"Don't call me Aman! You are a minister!"

The four eyes are opposite, one is fierce and fierce, the other is repressive.

They are full of suffering.

"The minister just came to visit the queen mother, and had no intention. The queen mother was fine, and the minister was relieved." Qin Xiao saluted slowly, and "Qin Xiao retreated slowly." Interview. If the interview fails, the minister will be responsible for leading the army, and the Queen Mother will do everything for you. "

Staring at the man's figure, the queen queen's eyes continued to grow steadily. After he stepped out of the temple door, he smiled sadly.

"Aman, I won't let people fool you anymore, you know, I can do anything for you."

Light as the breeze, this sentence just escaped in the hall, and then drifted away.

The sun was shining in the west, and the purple color hit the hall, and fell on the woman, plating her silver hair with a purplish red.

Alas, sad.

There was a barrenness in those fading eyes.

There was no one else in the hall. There was only an old lady who had waited for the empress for many years. She stood at the corner of the hall, looked at the woman in anxiety, but did not dare to come forward to comfort him.

Life is the most painful and painful. What is the use of comfort?

Everything looks pale.

Outside the main hall, the burly tall figure slowly walked away in the setting sun, staggering.

The shadows on the ground were thin and long, fragile.

After Liu Yusheng returned to the side hall, he felt restless.

I have been thinking about Qin Xiao's visit to the empress.

Finally couldn't sit still, still felt it back, wandering outside the inner hall door.

She watched Qin Xiao leave with her own eyes.

At that time, the hall did not say anything, but Qin Xiao's back seemed to be ten years old in an instant.

Inside the hall, there were heartbreaking laughter.

Hesitating for a moment, Liu Yusheng walked into the hall.

The old woman was standing in the middle of the hall, smiling, with tears in her eyes.

Lost in spirit and indifferent expression.

"Mrs. Queen?" Softly called, and Liu Yusheng approached her slowly.

The queen queen turned a deaf ear and did not look at her, but just stared out the door.

"Mrs. Queen, you don't look well. May I help you sit down?"

When she touched the Queen Mother's arm with her hand, she grabbed it with her backhand, her strength was so great that Liu Yusheng frowned.

"Why do you stick to the mourning family?" The old woman asked, staring at her. "Why do you rely on the mourning family? But do you feel that the mourning family is pathetic? Or you want to influence the mourning family and follow the trend?

"The queen mother ..."

Withdrawing her hand, the queen mother turned back and walked to the inner hall. The old man immediately stepped forward to help.

"Refining medicine in your side hall, don't need to come here, the mourning family is used to cleanliness and does not need to be accompanied."

At this point, the voice was extremely calm, and his ability to control his emotions was relaxed.

She returned to the queen queen, who usually does not show up in front of people.

Liu Yusheng pursed his lips and looked at the figure disappearing behind the bead curtain.

What did Qin Xiao and the Empress Dowager just talk about just now, so she suddenly changed her attitude and refused to indulge.

Feng Qingbai ... Feng Qingbai should soon reach the border between East and Vietnam. Qin Xiao came here at this time, what did he want to do?

This chapter is a bit late, and the fairies have been waiting a long time. There is also a chapter of the day code. Tomorrow night should be able to revert to the previous update time. Four o'clock on time at 12 am.

I'm going to make a typo, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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