Chapter 810: How Long Can You Pretend

Southeast border, Yigucheng.

Because it is located on the border between the two countries, the inhabitants of Yigu City are complex, with three religions and nine streams.

On the street, you can see people in different costumes from different dynasties.

"Master, the garrison knock gate is not far ahead." Wei Zi probed and later reported.

"But Cheng Cheng, the garrison general?"


Feng Qingbai bowed his head and said, "Let's go first and make a temporary resettlement in Jianmen. Xuan Chengsheng will come to see you."

In a purple dress, the style is unparalleled. The man walking in the crowd was very conspicuous, but with a strong breath, he also called Xiaoxiaoliu dare not to peep.

In the yamen, when garrison general Cheng Sheng heard the soldiers coming to report the people at the door, he wondered why noble people would come to the border.

When I saw the person standing at the door with my own eyes, I knelt down in a hurry, "Chen and military general Cheng Sheng, seeing Wang Ye! I do n’t know if Wang Ye suddenly came here, please Wang Ye forgive me!"

Prince Wang suddenly came to the border. He hadn't heard any news before!

When the guards at the entrance of the gate saw this, they followed each other on their knees to salute.

They have been soldiers for so many years, and very few kings and nobles from the dynasty have come to the border. I did not expect that this time they came to the king of Nanling.

"General Cheng asked me to come here. This time, there is something important about the King's coming. The matter is urgent, so there is no advance notice. It is not convenient to speak here. Let's go in." Helping people, Feng Qingbai indifferent.

"Looking at this clumsy head, I was so excited that I forgot the rites, please, Lord Wang!"

Several people had to walk to the Yamen Hall and instructed the waiter to serve tea. Cheng Sheng knelt again, "I don't know what the Lord is doing this time. If there is a place where the minister can help, never die!"

"It has been several years since General Cheng stayed in the border. What happened to General Cheng's troubles?"

"The Dongyue wolf ambitions, would my great power in Nanling be afraid of these shameless people! He dared to commit crimes in Dongyue, and the minister voluntarily invited him, and led my Nanling soldiers to expel those barbarians and protect me!

"I don't need you to throw your head to shed blood," Feng Qingbai glanced at him. "The King came this time to talk to the Emperor Dongyue, just the general to report the other party's movements over the past few days. . In addition, send some staff to pay close attention to the whereabouts of the East Vietnamese emperor. "

"The minister takes the command! The prince came to the border on a long journey. It's not too early now. It's better to settle down first and report to the minister immediately after the investigation!"

Although the gate of the garrison was a gate, the border was bitterly cold and the people were poor. The so-called gate was just a remodeling of a larger house, and there was no servant in the gate.

Cheng Sheng personally led the two to the chamber of the main courtyard in Yamen, and then retreated after a confession.

Looking around the room environment, except for a bed, a table and a chair, there is nothing else, very simple.

Wei Zi frowned. "Unexpectedly, the environment in the garrison's Yemen has been so poor. Master, otherwise, go to the city inn to stay temporarily?"

Even their hidden camp training places are not comparable here! There is poverty, and a garrison gate is not so poor. A person who is clearly a garrison gate is intentionally embarrassed!

Cheng Sheng, the dog's gall!

"Anyway," Feng Qingbai smiled and walked into the room. "There is a tile covering his head, there is a couch to rest, enough. The king lived in a bad place, Cheng Sheng naturally had to accompany him, and he could pass over him. Can't enjoy it? "

"A trivial general, playing tricks like this on a grandfather, can such a person be a heavy task?"

"If the North Koreans say that they know the situation on the southeast border, there is only Cheng Sheng. Although Cheng Sheng is not as good as Qin Xiaoxiao on the battlefield, he is also a strong man. This person is very upright and likes to talk with others. However, he is rather inconspicuous to Wang Sungui. In his eyes, Wang Sungui is the same as his sister-in-law, except that he is very good at it.

"Why is the master so clear about this person?" Wei Zi was puzzled. He has been with the master for more than ten years, during which time the master crossed the border from the future, and did not have much contact with the generals. Now talking about a Cheng Sheng, it seems like Know well.

"Know yourselves and your friends, you can fight forever. This is true for your enemies, as well as your own people." When I walked to the table in the room, I poured a cup of herbal tea in a gaping tea cup, and tasted the taste of the wind green cypress. "In the past, every day was embarrassing. But now, coarse tea and rice are also blessed."

Wei Zi did not say, the master is thinking about the princess.

Except for the princess, who can make him drink cold tea and drink the expression of drinking nectar.

There was a knock at the door of the room. A soldier brought in the food and put it on the table. "The king forgive the sin, the general said that the border is bitterly cold, and it should be better than eating and living in Beijing. Only coarse tea and light rice, please also forgive me."

A plate of greens, a plate of sauerkraut, a small bowl of peanuts, and six black-faced buns on the table.

It's really light rice.

Just now I heard Feng Qingbai said that Cheng Sheng's temperament had started. Wei Zi's anger had been suppressed. When he saw such a meal, he couldn't help it. "Sauerkraut is served, and your general's hospitality is really great. Eye-opening! "

"The king is angry!" The soldier knelt on hastily, his face crouching into a bitter gourd.

If it weren't for his turn today, why wouldn't he come to deliver meals to Wang Ye!

The prince was angry, and his head was worried!

"Okay, go on, thank you, General, for the king."

"Dare not dare, Lord Wang use it slowly!" The soldier quickly retreated.

When I ran to the corner of the compartment, I was caught by several people waiting there.

"How? But an angry discoloration?"

The soldier face was bitter. "The guard around him is discolored, and he is just like a okay person. He can't see what he's thinking. He also told the little teller to thank the general for hospitality. General, really let them eat those?"

"Our soldiers at the border have eaten these things from top to bottom. The prince ca n’t eat it anymore? It ’s hard to eat, so he can't come to the border. When he comes, he will only point at the soldiers and know nothing about marching. In the military barracks, for the sake of merit, disregard the lives of the soldiers! "Cheng Sheng hummed, and then waved his hand," Okay, let's all disperse, give us whatever we eat in the future. "

The soldiers dispersed, and Cheng Sheng glanced over to the compartment again. "It didn't have any reaction at all. I was quite calm. Huh, can you do it? It depends on how long you can do it."

Pointing and pointing when you come, don't you rely on the identity of Wang Ye?

With a three-inch tongue that doesn't rot, he earns a lot of honor by moving his tongue. Others may be convinced by the awe of Nanling King, which is not feasible in his Cheng Sheng.

He Cheng Sheng only served those who really have the ability.

After the noise outside disappeared, Wei Zi asked, "Master, can you give him some lessons?"

Xi Cong's ear is clear, and the movement of this distance can be heard clearly.

"The other side deliberately let the king hear it. For the time being, it's up to him." Feng Qingbai hooked his lips, and there will always be a time for accounting after the fall.

(End of this chapter)

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