Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 877: How the Ai family lives, the Ai family chooses! (2)

Chapter 877 How Ai Family Lives, Ai Family Chooses Itself! (2)

"It's okay, it's just strange that the children are so spiritual." Feng Qingbai smiled and shook the woman's hand. "You have just finished the production, you need to rest more and sleep again. I'll stay with you here."

"Okay." Liu Yusheng said with a lip, she was really exhausted, and she woke up feeling sick.

As for the birth of the child, she was spiritual. There was some suspicion in her heart, but now she was very weak. When she was better, she would confirm it.

The others watched the woman close her eyes and fell asleep after a while. She hugged the child and went out of the door quietly. She went to the baby room that was already set up next door. Several old men and young men who were at the door for a long time. Only finally got the chance to get close contact with the baby.

It's just that the baby is small. He was born less than an hour ago, and fell asleep after putting it in the cradle for a while.

Heads around the cradle one by one, looking at the sweet sleeping face of the baby doll, that's not enough.

The queen queen reluctantly left before it was night, and all the things that were remembered along the way were two treasures.

Worried that the reckless woman cares badly for the baby at night, worried that the grandmother will not feed the baby, and worried that the big guy fell asleep at night and could not change the diaper in time, and also remembered to go to the royal temple to ask the master for a name.

Endless mind.

The old lady followed, listening to the empress chanting all the way, from time to time to echo the last sentence.

After so many years, today I really saw that the queen queen behaved like a normal woman. She was so angry that she forgot to hide.

Those long, barren eyes, because of the arrival of the two little Baoer, began to shine, slowly stained with vitality.

She felt that the queen mother wanted to accompany the two little treasures to grow up.

With them, the queen queen can do a lot of things, such as how to raise them and how to plan for them in the future.

There is something to do and care about, the queen queen will never be alone again and alone as before.

Returning to the Yangxin Hall, regardless of uploading dinner, the queen queen instructed the old lady, "You go to Shang Yi Fang, and let them take out the fine cotton of the moon, which is specially made for the baby by the storeroom. , Cut out the style, Ai ’s family needs to sew some small clothes. I did n’t know that the princess will give birth to dragons and phoenixes. The spare ones are not enough. The baby ’s clothes should be changed several times a day, especially in hot weather Be diligent. "

"The queen mother, otherwise let Shang Yifang directly make the small clothes. There are more embroidered mothers in Shang Yifang, and it will be faster to catch up."

"You can do it without them." How can others do what they do.

The mind is different.

The old man smiled and went to preach.

The stuff was not delivered over there, the queen mother couldn't even eat the meal.

Once the cloth was delivered, they couldn't wait to pick it up and unfold it.

At the same time, the second-class 嬷嬷 who sent the cloth and handed a small cloth bag, "Mr. queen, this was handed over to the queen by Tonu."

Taking a look at the second class, the queen mother took the little cloth bag and unfolded it, and her face suddenly became cold when she saw the contents inside.

Those are a few tiny silver pins!

"Ma'am, this is ..." The old lady frowned.

The empress queen threw the cloth bag onto the long case coldly. "Come, take this dog slave!"

"The queen mother spares her life, the slaves know nothing, the slaves just help to deliver things!"

"Don't know? Ai's family didn't know that a dog slave in Shangyifang even helped the nobleman run up his legs!" The queen sneered, "Drag it and kill yourself!"

do not know? These three words just want to shirk responsibility? You can do anything and everything, and dare to guess her mind, be brave, and die!

She has been silent in the harem for so many years, but it makes people gradually ignore her!

Slightly adjusting her shirt, the queen's eyes looking in a certain direction were heavy and sharp, "Go to Qingning Palace!"

Qingning Palace, this place has begun to be forgotten.

Even the people inside are rarely mentioned again.

There were two inside guards at the gate of the hall, who were not standing, lazily, and saw the people walking in front of them. They hurriedly tightened, "The slave has seen the Queen Mother!"

The empress queen looked at the obscurity, entered the hall, and opened the heavy door of the inner hall.

There was a candlelight burning in the temple, and the old woman sitting by the candlelight withered, as if she had expected her to come in the morning. Not surprised, she stood up and smiled, "This palace knows that the Queen Mother will come. "

When she walked in front of her, the queen mother gave her a quiet look and raised her hand.

Snapped! The harsh sound of the sound in the hall of silence, shattered the proud contentment of Mrs. Liu's face.

"You won't be able to lock your concubine in such a situation!" The empress queen looked coldly. "Do you really think that Ai's family is thinking about it? For so many years, Ai's family has not argued, it is not that Ai's family has no means! Ai's family warns you If you dare to hurt them for a little bit, the grief family will need your Kyoto Yanagi family to have no trace of blood in this world and become history! "

After speaking, leave, don't want to look at that person any more.

"Don't the queen mother forget how your dear son died! The hatred of the killer is not shared! Seeing that he is full of cypresses and children, the queen mother is still protecting and protecting, your two sons will not die in the spirit of the sky! You should also let him taste the pain of losing his parents! "

The woman who came to the door paused, and in the dim candlelight, the silver wire trembled violently, and finally calmed down.

"The Ai family knows what they are doing, how the Ai family lives, and the Ai family chooses!"

Behind her was the unbelievable look of the withered woman.

The Empress Dowager's back was straight, step by step, and walked away from the deserted temple.

At the gate, he stopped again.

In the dim light of the moon, the man in the purple clothes was standing in front of Xuan Xangang, and he stood opposite her with a negative hand.

Feng Qingbai, he's here.

The Qingning Palace is like a cold palace, and the entrance of the outer hall is not even lit.

The moonlight on her head was not very bright, but it was very light, but it could clearly illuminate the tear marks on the old woman's face, reflecting a little silver light under the moonlight, like her silver hair, permeated with sorrow.

Neither of them spoke. After a while, the old woman turned back to the Hall of Yangxin. Behind him, the man in purple was not sick and followed, keeping a short distance, not approaching, not surpassing.

Back in the Hall of Yangxin, light up the candlelight. The Queen Mother picked up the fine cotton cloth still placed on the soft couch, and touched it with her hand to make sure there was no tiny silver on it that would hurt the baby. Needle, then took the sewing bag in the cabinet head, threaded the needle.

The person is old, and his eyes are not good at night. He can't put on the needle several times. The man reached for the needle and thread from her hand, put it on, and passed it on.

The queen queen took it silently, and according to the cut pattern of the fabric, began to sew small clothes under the light under the light.

Through the whole process, the wind green cypress in front of the pestle was regarded as an invisible person.

"At the border that day, King Wang was intercepted by General Qin, and he almost died under his sword. At that time, a flare was suddenly ignited to save King Wang's life." The man's voice was faint, narrating the danger at the time There were no slight fluctuations. "That flare, but it was released by the queen mother?"

(End of this chapter)

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