Chapter 878 Thank You, Mother

The sewing action was paused, and the queen mother said indifferently, "The king is blessed, congratulations."

She just didn't want little baby to have no father, she wasn't for the sake of cypress green.

"The queen queen can regret it and let go of the king that day." She did not admit it, but Feng Qingbai knew that it must be her.

Only Qin Xiao can move Qin Xiao in this world.

The empress queen was silent for a while, and said, "don't regret it."

He said that he looked up at Feng Qingbai, "But my child died under your sword. Even if the family of Ai knows how to defeat the king, the family of Ai cannot forgive you, and it is impossible to release the suspicion from Wang Ye. You are the murderer's enemy of the Ai family, forever! "

"The original situation was that the king did not kill them, and it was the king who died. I don't regret everything I did during the capture, but the king really feels ashamed of you." Walking over, Feng Qingbai was beside the queen mother. Sit down slowly, "My King lost his mother since he was a child. When he was young, his father and emperor died, his kinship was very thin, and he only felt the warmth of his family with Liu. I will treat you as my mother, It ’s you who do n’t like it. My king has decided and it wo n’t change. You just listen. ”

No comments needed.

Reaching out, he held the queen's thin white and cool hand, and Feng Qingbai got up and went out. "Thank you, mother."

On the soft couch, the old woman was stiff, and under the candlelight, the silver wire slowly trembled and became more and more intense. When the eyes were extremely red, tears burst out of her eyes.

The stiff choke sounds overflowed the throat, shattered, and more sour than crying.

The old woman also cried silently, her tears revealing relief, she thought, the queen mother must be the same at this time.

Hate can't be forgotten, but it will eventually be relieved.

As the queen mother said, she had to choose how to live.

Either live in hatred, or rebirth in hatred.

Walking on the road of the white marble palace, facing the evening wind, the wind and cypresses looked up and looked up at the night sky, the sky was starry, and the moonlight was faint.

My heart was suddenly clear.

He heard Sheng Sheng mentioning his temporary stay in the Yangxin Hall. Sheng Sheng had a high abdominal pain that night, just the night he went to Yan Rongwei's banquet at the appointment. At midnight, Xue Zhong was trapped and trapped inside the East Vietnam border. The situation is grim. Perhaps that night, the queen queen moved quietly.

The thought of her allowed him to escape under Qin Xiaojian, and the fetus moved afterwards, and the baby in the belly was very close to the queen mother. As long as she calmed them, they would be obedient.

He didn't believe in gods and Buddhas, but these coincidences did not allow him not to think in the direction of gods and Buddhas.

Maybe his two little dolls are really born of a pregnant spirit, and they are still undecided.

This makes them know gratitude in their mother's womb. The queen mother let go of their father, so they replaced the father to pay the guilt and approach the queen mother.

Is this really the case? Naturally, it cannot be put out of the mouths of the two newborn babies, but he speculates that they are inseparable.

The young boy still knows how to be grateful. There is nothing he can't do without a big man.

Rather, it is a joke to let my son teach Lao Tzu to be a man.

Those two mischievous potatoes ... Thought of the baby who was still sleeping in the cradle at this time, Feng Qingbai's eyes overflowed with a smile, it was really refined.

Back to the palace, you can see the excitement everywhere.

The princess successfully gave birth to a child, and the birth was a dragon and a phoenix. This was extremely rare in the Nanling royal family, and it was a sign of great fortune.

People in the middle of the house were beaming.

The chefs in the kitchen have been working all day for this and haven't rested yet.

Housekeeper Ding walked around the whole house, with a few small details telling Xiaoya maid several times, during the care of the concubine concubine, can not go out of the pool.

The most lively is the baby room.

In order to feed the two little babies, a bunch of people were too busy to turn around.

Because the two little children refused to feed the grandmother. Even if she was so hungry, as soon as the grandmother approached, her mouth would be closed tightly and her legs would be pushed hard.

It was useless to have a good nurse in Fuchu early in the morning.

Even the little baby goat milk from the kitchen, who tried to get it, didn't drink it.

Liu Yusheng next door was still sleeping so hard that everyone couldn't bear to wake her up. In the end, there was no other way but to make the rice soup for the baby for a while, so she drank it.

This is why the cook is so busy that he can't rest now.

Little baby has eaten rice soup twice, and now she is sleeping. There was a crowd of people in the room, and no one spoke, but from time to time, I had to go to the cradle to see the baby's sleeping face, and the corners of her eyes were filled with satisfaction.

Standing in the doorway and staring at two beans, Feng Qingbai did not walk in, and instead went to the master bedroom.

The woman was still asleep, breathing shallowly and quietly.

Feng Qingbai went to bed lightly, lay down next to the woman, and slept with her, smiling in the corners of her mouth.


Liu Yusheng fell asleep and fell asleep. When she woke up, the sky was bright outside, and the energy she consumed during her labor seemed to be back.

People are very energetic.

Turning his head, he met the dark and bright eyes of the man beside him.

"Awake? Mother."

Liu Yusheng curled his lips. "Lack of absenteeism again, baby father."

Look at each other and laugh out loud.

Qing Ling and low laughter intertwined with each other, leaving a room of affection in the room.

"I'm back now. You can let the girl-in-law handle the hot water over me, scrub it, and then carry the children over. I want to feed them in person." Liu Yusheng nudged the man.

"right now?"

"Well, there is milk in my chest." Liu Yusheng's face was a little red. Although the two had been married for more than a year, they were almost tired every day, but they said they still felt uncomfortable.

But for now, feeding a baby is the most important. Breast milk has very high colostrum nutrition. She wants to breastfeed her baby herself.

Looking at the woman's crimson face, Feng Qingbai smiled slightly and got out of bed to go next door.

Soon the baby hugged over. Mrs. Liu and the elders of Chen Xiulan and Cuckoo took care of Liang Baoer for one night. She was so tired that she was persuaded by Feng Qingbo to go to sleep.

Xu Shi knew that he would be able to get close to his mother immediately. Liang Baoer was full of spirit. He opened his eyes with black glazed eyes and stared straight at Liu Yusheng.

When he touched his mother's body, he immediately searched for the treasure and sucked. The small mouth sucked a drum and moved very fast.


Feng Qingbai did not evade, and looked at the corners of his eyes.

How did these two little things abandon the grandma yesterday? He saw it with his own eyes.

Really can recognize people, like their father-in-law have cleanliness.

Feng Mei moved, Feng Qingbai opened his lips toward the male treasure, "croton."

The little baby sucked slightly, then continued to suck.

Feng Qingbai's lips lingered quietly, really understandable.

Immediately, he took a look and pulled the little baby who was eating happily.

When he noticed that someone was doing something bad, and wanted to break his rice, Croton stared round, his two claws narrowed quickly, and his little feet desperately kicked.

He was pulled by an unscrupulous father so that his body was perpendicular to the treasure without loosening his mouth. The sucker sucked firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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