Chapter 882: I'll Ask You An Answer (3)

"Well, you woke up? Oh, you can scare grandma just now. You shake it for a long time and you don't respond!" Upon seeing the woman waking up, Mrs. Liu patted her chest immediately, relieved.

The worries of the queen mother's eyes also quietly disappeared as the woman woke up.

Only the wind and cypress, the eyes are still dark, but said nothing, reached out and touched the woman's cheek, "croton and red beans are hungry, may now feed? If you are unwell, you lie down and rest, let them both eat rice soup . "

Two beans who can't speak, "..."

Liu Yusheng laughed and shook his head. "I'm not tired, but I'm a bit weak after giving birth, so I slept a little bit."

Waking up from the open eyes, seeing the worried faces in front of him, Liu Yusheng was relieved.

Fortunately, I was lucky, and her medical skills were still available without space, but it was not as convenient as medication.

Besides, her real treasure is never space, but these loved ones around her.

The two little babies saw their mother wake up, and their mouths were even more screaming, their looks were impatient and extremely attractive.

The queen mother put the small crotons into Liu Yusheng's arms together, and together with the red beans, the two were fed at the same time.

Fortunately, Liu Yusheng has enough reserves, or not enough for the two children to grab.

The little baby handed it over, and the two women left the room and waited next door. They would have to take the full baby away later. Although it was getting late, the Queen Mother was in no hurry to return to the palace.

She stayed here for a little while today, and she felt inexplicably that her Yangxin Temple was very deserted.

It's too quiet.

Quiet enough to make people feel desolate and lonely whenever they think of it.

There was a constant clicking sound in the master bedroom. Each time it was time to breastfeed, the performances of the two babies were extremely fierce. When they saw the treasure, they immediately whine and bite up.

"What happened just now." Feng Qingbai stayed with the woman, helping her to hold the baby in her hand, so as not to get her arm involved, and she also asked.

Just as she knew him, he knew her very well. He could detect even the slightest change in her.

Liu Yusheng also did not expect to conceal a man. She preferred to confess to him rather than conceal it.

In his Tovar's gesture, she let go of one hand in front of the man, changing things out of thin air.

Suddenly there was an extra blindness in the hand, and in the man's suddenly enlarged eyes, the medicine disappeared again.

Repeat several times.

Then smiled and admired the rare stunned man in his life.

Feng Qingbai had shortness of breath. If he hadn't been very steady, he couldn't hold the two small things without weight.

"Sheng Sheng, what's going on?" He condensed the woman tightly, his voice dry.

"Are you scared?"

"Not afraid. I only worry about whether you will be okay." The only thing that can scare him in this world is the same, that is, losing her.

Others, even if the world turns around, there is no way to make him afraid.

Liu Yusheng smiled lightly, she knew that he would certainly not be afraid of her.

"This is another secret besides my rebirth. I didn't say it before. It wasn't intentionally concealed. It just made you temporarily take a break."

"Are you worried that one after another stimuli will scare me crazy?" Feng Qingbai frowned.

The woman laughed out loud and blinked playfully. "If I was scared, who would compensate me for my unique husband?"

Feng Qingbai, "..." Forgive her, it was so easy.

He stunned and he was okay.

"I have a space in my body that I had before my rebirth. I did n’t expect to bring it together after my rebirth, just like the illusion created by the gods. The space is huge, there are medicine fields, there is a spiritual spring pond, The small bamboo building used as a warehouse can hold a lot of things. The medicinal materials grown in the medicine field can be used in reality, and the potion in the jade gourd pendant I gave you is actually the pure spiritual fluid in the Lingquan pond. You should know the efficacy. "

After the initial surprise, Feng Qingbai's face was calm and did not show any fluctuations, but she naturally accepted what the woman said, and the others heard extremely absurd words.

"And then." He asked.

There must be something wrong, otherwise Sheng Sheng won't sleep and wake up, and he still frowns in his dream.

"The space has always been good before, but after giving birth to a baby this time, the space has changed a lot." Liu Liusheng explained the changes in the space to the wind and cypress, and finally faced bitterly, "Can't find a sudden I do n’t know the reason for the change.

"It doesn't matter, there is no space, you are still you." Feng Qingbai leaned over and pecked at her face, smiling.

As long as it's not her business, everything doesn't matter.

Liu Yusheng smiled and nodded.

She is not afraid of losing space, but she is a bit sorry, without space, she cannot help Feng Qingbai better. Such as spiritual spring water. That's a good medicine to save lives at a critical moment. Without it, the security of Fengqing Cypress will be greatly reduced.

He is always in danger in this position, which is what she is most worried about.

Clicking, the two little babies in their arms still ate completely, and Liu Yusheng looked down at them, and his smile became softer.

Xiaohongdou suddenly opened her eyes while sucking, and her little paw lifted up, and met Liu Yusheng's forehead.

A coolness spread quickly at that location, seemingly acquainted.

Liu Yusheng's eyes widened suddenly, incredibly.

"Sheng Sheng?"

"Wind, wind and cypress!" The shaking voice of the woman lifted the man's heart and listened to her. "When I fell asleep just now, my consciousness was chaotic in space, and then a sudden coolness passed through my mind I woke up and turned around. "

Little red beans condensed with trembling lips, "Red beans touched me just now, that is the kind of coolness!"


"I also forgot to say that when I first discovered that I was suddenly unconscious when I was pregnant, my consciousness sank into the space, and I saw two small spots of light in the space, chasing around me. But after the child was born, Then those two spots of light disappeared ... "

Looking at each other, they looked at the two beans who were desperately absorbing rice in their mouths, and the couple looked astonished.

After a moment, Feng Qingbai raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand again and grabbed the little Croton's little feet, and lifted the person upside down. Even if he kicked his hands and stared at him in disguise, he just didn't let go.

Of course, Croton did not let up.

The father and the son are like confrontation, it depends on who wins for a long time. On the other side, the little red bean that was not harmed for a while, speeded up immediately after seeing the small mouth.

Liu Yusheng looked straight at the corners of his eyes. Is this really spiritual?

She was born again with memory, and she was clever and fair enough from birth, but what the **** are these two little things?

Also reborn? Or, as she thought, was space becoming a fine spirit?

Next to him, the unscrupulous father had already pinched the mouth of Croton, forcing him to loosen his lips, sneering, "I ask you to answer, just blink, not twice!"

(End of this chapter)

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