Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 883: Even if they are monsters, Ai's family can protect them! (4)

Chapter 883 Even if they are monsters, the grief family can protect them! (4)

The baby Croton's eyes closed, his hands drooped softly, and he pretended to be dead.

Liu Yusheng, "..." Croton understands people ...

"Want to keep eating rice soup in the future?" Feng Qingbai shook the little guy, shaking.

With a spit, the small croton vomited milk.


Mo Yu's eyes looked at the rice grains poured out of his mouth. The mouth of Xiao Croton was flattened, his eye circles quickly turned red, and two bubbles of tears would open his throat.

"It's useless to rescue the soldiers. It's still me who judges you by yourself. Don't you dare to judge me. It's not just me who judges you."

Little Croton immediately withdrew his half-grinded mouth, and his eyes were born with no love.

Liu Yusheng saw that he wanted to faint.

"You understand me, don't you?"

The baby closed her eyes and did not answer.

Such an idiot's question, Feng Qingbai, does not need him to answer, "Is the light spot in your mother-in-law's space, are you and Hongdou?"

No answer.

The body trembled again, and Little Croton hurriedly opened his eyes and blinked.

Feng Qingbai's eyes were a little darker. "Did you change the space?"

Blink, blink.

Seeing this, Liu Yusheng suddenly said, "Did you take the space aura to heal the mother?"

Little Croton paused and blinked.

With the little baby still stunned, and another baby in her arms who had opened her eyes quietly and looked at her little red bean, Liu Yusheng's eyes slowly fainted slightly red.

She was so pained to die during labor that she fainted once.

She seemed to say something before passing out, you want to hurt your mother!

After waking up later, the body felt a warm current that relieved the body pain. When the two babies were born, there was almost no effort. Except for fatigue, there was not much bleeding.

It turned out that in order to help her, the children transferred her aura to help her recover.

Are they the spirits gathered from the Lingquan pool in space?

She couldn't believe it, but it was all true.

Just like she has a carry space, the same fantasy.

The baby croton has been put down by the wind cypress, and once it is free, it immediately pounces on the rice grains and makes a sucker again.

Feng Qingbai leaned over and took the three together.

There were crows feeding back, the lamb kneeling, and so were his children.

Whether they are spirits or demons, he recognizes them.

As always, Liangbao ate rice and fell asleep. Looking at the small mouth moving slowly, the click sound became weaker and weaker, Liu Yusheng's eyes flowed soft.

Before the two babies were carried out, they kissed each other on their faces.

"Uh ... ah ..."

"Yeah, click ..."

In the dreaming baby's mouth, a fuzzy milky sound came out, making people's hearts soften together, and unconsciously smiled.

Feng Qingbai didn't kiss the baby. The baby was his mother. "You'll rest first, I'll be back in a while."

"Okay." Liu Yusheng smiled.

In the baby room, the queen mother put the baby crotons into the cradle, changed him clean diapers, and went to the red beans, and touched the little baby's little head. On the reminder of the old lady, she was ready to leave.

It's getting late outside.

Feng Qingbai watched the old woman come out and instructed Wei Zi, "Send the queen mother to the palace."

The Empress Dowager said quietly, "The Ai family goes home by themselves, there is no need to send it." For a moment, she was afraid that the other party would not listen, "Do not follow."

"Then I'll send it myself." Feng Qingbai waved Wei Zi back.


The empress queen didn't say a word, and it was useless to slap it. Since Feng Qingbai went out on his own, he couldn't refuse. She said more than a waste of lips.

The Wangfu carriage has been parked at the door. There are lighting lanterns hanging on both sides of the gate. The lights are not dim, but the queen mother is a little older. In the morning, she climbed to the top of the Bodhi Mountain to seek signs. Baby, where can she support this time.

When he got into the carriage, he stubbornly refused to help Feng Qingbai, and it was a tragedy.

When you lift your foot and step on your foot, your legs and neck become sour, and you fall down.

Before the old man exclaimed for rescue, Feng Qingbai held the person firmly, instead of giving her the opportunity to refuse, directly holding the person up.

When the queen mother wanted to be angry, Feng Qingbai had retreated, and the queen mother couldn't hold her chest in a breath.

How can I feel uncomfortable? The queen mother simply launched her temper and said, "It ’s said that you do n’t need to send it! You can go back to Ai's family. ! "

"If my mother-in-law is still alive, I will send it to you personally. She is gone, and you will be my mother after you are the mother." Feng Qingbai was pale and annoyed at the queen mother.

The queen queen pursed her lips and stared out the window with a calm face.

The night was thick, and there were luxurious houses outside. The front door was lit with bright lighting lanterns, and the yellow lights revealed the atmosphere of home.

Ever since Feng Qingbai called her a mother last time, when she faced her again, she never claimed to be the King again, only called "I".

She knew all his changes.

The carriage was sloppy, and the sound of horse's hoofs slaps on the street.

After a long silence, the queen queen said, "The Ai family went to the Huang Temple day by day, and Master Juehui said that the two babies were born of the spirit. The Ai family was worried that Hui would be hurt and asked for two peace for them. Fu. You usually watch more when the mourning family is away. Do not let the children show too much clues in front of strangers. It is not a good thing to show cleverness early. "

Muxiu Yulin, the wind will destroy it.

Looking at the old woman who talked to him, but not looking at him, Feng Qingbai indifferently said, "The wise demon, the newborn baby is so spiritual, and falls into the eyes of ordinary people as a monster. Protecting them like this, don't you worry about getting hurt? "

Automatically shield the two words of the mother-in-law, the queen mother snorted, "What about the spirit, what about the demon? Even if they are really monsters, the grief family can protect them!"

She couldn't fight the wind and cypress, which did not mean that she was unable to protect the two little dolls.

Looking at the eyes outside the window became distant, the queen queen was unconsciously ridiculed. "A lonely wife at the mourning house, it is also a life to let it go, what the mourning house is afraid of."

The carriage stopped at the gate of the palace and personally returned the queen mother to the Yangxin Hall. Before she entered the hall, Feng Qingbai lightly said, "You have grandchildren now, not alone."

The queen queen paused, leaving without expression.

There was a whining cry in the room tonight.

The old lady stayed behind the blocked curtain, and was distressed and helpless. The lord queen let the queen mother say a few words and then nothing happened. She had to say those words and made the queen mother always cry. DD.

She didn't know if she should help the queen mother to blame him.

Princess Nanling gave birth to the dragon and phoenix, and the whole palace and even the palace were full of joy.

This incident was talked about by the people in Beijing.

In addition, another big event happened in the past two days, and people began to talk quietly in their backs.

Rock King's Mansion Rock King had trouble with Shizi.

OK, little fairies, I ’m going to prepare for the update at night. Today ’s addition is complete, why?

(End of this chapter)

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