Chapter 891 Buy One Get One Free

Ten years ago.

After ten years, it was definitely not easy.

Feng Qingbai glanced at Qin Xiao, his eyes were covered with frost.

The first attempt was to poison the emperor's emperor chronically, and then to murder the empress dowager.

Xiaofenger is dead, the royal family may resurrect the conquest, but what is the purpose of poisoning the queen mother?

As everyone knows, the queen mother now has no mother family, and there is no support behind her. Although the queen queen had a confrontation with Feng Qingbai and Feng Moyu before, the relationship has recently eased. The death of the queen mother had no impact on the royal family, and no one doubted Feng Qingbai Feng Moyu. Now that the relationship has eased, there is no reason for them to kill the Queen Mother again.

What are the people behind?

"If the Queen Mother is gone, what about General Qin's heart?" Liu Yusheng said suddenly.

Everyone was startled. Several pairs of eyes looked at Qin Xiao, and the empress queen also looked at him. The ten fingers shrinking under the long sleeves quietly squeezed tightly.

Qin Xiao closed his eyes. What would happen if Aman was gone? "If the heart is dead, what is alive?"

How about turning it into a pile of loess and spilling around her tomb.

"So, there is an opportunity for Bianguan."

Feng Qingbai frowned, "Check first how the queen queen was poisoned, and catch the people who started!"

"I have just checked the medicine taken by the queen queen and the place where the palace may be poisoned. I haven't found any. There are not many people in the temple to raise the heart. There are only a few queens and housekeepers commonly used by the queen queen. There is nothing suspicious," said Liu Yusheng. "The only place I can think of where poisoning might come from is the only one left, which is the water for medicine."

Hearing that, the old man immediately exclaimed, "Yes! When the queen mother takes the pills, you need to drink warm water! It is burned in the kitchen next to the Yangxin Hall, and the water delivery is Gongye Jade! Only Jade is raising her heart The temple has also stayed for five years, and has been keeping its duties ... "

If it is really the poison under the emerald, then she hides too deeply! Just thinking about it makes people feel scared!

"Come, bring the jadeite immediately!" Feng Moyu ordered outward.

The shutter guard came back to life very soon, "Return to the emperor, the emerald hanged himself in the room, and he was dead for a moment!"

A moment ago, Liu Yusheng just found out that the queen mother was poisoned.

"The clue we just caught is broken again!" Feng Mo screamed in anger, frustrated.

In the end, who wants to set off the Nanling Royal Storm repeatedly, and wants to shake the entire Nanling!

Feng Qingbai was silent for a moment, and opened his lips. "No, I have already grasped the idea. All the other party has done is to make Nanling chaos and make the border soldiers unstable, so that they can take advantage. The other party's plot is the entire Nanling.

"Who does Uncle Huang suspect?" Feng Moyu immediately asked.

"Baicao Valley." Feng Qingbai said, "I got some clues from my mother and mother some time ago. I sent someone to investigate. It's a bit of an eyebrow, but there are still areas that need to be considered. We need to continue to verify."

Listening to the words of the second mother from the uncle's mouth, Feng Moyu is still not used to this day. Uncle Huang renamed her queen mother, then he had to call her queen grandma.

Only those two words can be ignored automatically.

On the side of Liu Yusheng's interface, "You are wondering, if Baicao Valley is planning the entire Nanling, how will it gain the throne after the Nanling chaos is provoked?"

Feng Qingbai nodded, "The successive emperors of the past dynasties emphasized legitimacy, and the other side was not recognized by the world. Without the latter move, Nanling was in chaos, and they could not sit in that position."

This is the place to consider.

"Things are too complicated, and it is not possible to think of something immediately after a short while, but only to untie it slowly. But the palace must be cleaned again. We do n’t even know when the other party ’s stakes came in. The emperor followed the queen mother. Meetings are always in danger. "Qin Xiaodao said.

"It's up to General Qin. Although the commander of the palace guards is the man I brought up, almost half of the guards under his command are stakes you planted. It is most appropriate for you to order."

Qin Xiao smiled and didn't speak, while Feng Moyu's face was black and blue and green.

He now knows that the so-called palace in which he had always thought was all his own, and it turned out that half of them were hidden poles planted by others!

His emperor is too useless!

There is also Qin Xiao, who is even more cunning than the wolf!

Fortunately ... Xiao Mimi glanced at the calm queen queen, Feng Mo whispered a sigh of relief, but fortunately Qin Xiao is now her own.

The uncle Huang is the real mastermind to calculate that. Once the queen mother is settled, it is tantamount to the Nanling battlefield **** of war.

Buy one get one free.


Think of it this way, the three words Grandma Huang don't seem to be so difficult to ask for an exit.

The next time he meets, he will change his tongue.

Everyone in the hall had experienced strong winds and waves, and their emotions calmed down quickly and they returned to nature.

Only Mrs. Liu was still faint, and all the words said to them were heard, but I didn't understand what they meant.

"Don't think about it, just take your simple mind and take apart the words one by one and explain to you that you don't understand it. You have to stun yourself." The Queen Mother pinched the small claws of Croton. Teasing Chao Hongdou, contentedly.

It was as if she was poisoned.

"Your heart is so big." Husband Liu hummed. "But the palace is really dangerous. There are so many people. You can't see one by one with black hearts and red hearts. If you can't stay, just go to my house and don't bring Whoever waits for you, my wife is waiting for you. "

The old lady bitterly, "Mrs. Liu, the old lady has been waiting for the queen mother for decades. Don't let the queen mother leave the old slave!"

The queen mother is extremely tolerant of Mrs. Liu, and it is not impossible to answer her words.

Mrs. Liu waved his hand, "Yes, you go too! But you have been to my Liu's compound. There are many empty houses in my house, and there are enough to come!

Looking at Mrs. Liu, the empress queen smiled lightly from the bottom of her eyes, and then stained the corners of her mouth.

Qin Xiao was by his side, and he was blinded for a moment, forgetting to hide it.

For many, many years, he never saw her smile again.

Now it's just such a shallow smile that makes him feel like he's gone.

A long absence can cause a sore throat.

Let the two Douer accompany the Queen Mother in the Yangxin Hall one afternoon. When the sun goes down, the team leaves.

Qin Xiao walked at the end, and when the first few people had already walked out of sight, his feet turned and turned back.

The Queen Mother frowned as she watched the people returning, "How come back?"

"Aman, I want to ask you a word." He called her name, very presumptuous.

The queen queen pursed her lips, her palms clenched quietly, and there was no snoring.

"If I die, do you remember me occasionally when you remember the past?"

Little fairies, I'm sorry I can only update two chapters tonight. Flu gagavin, slow to write. The hard feeling is wrong. I will find the feeling first, and I will drive the rest out as soon as possible, and you will see it during the day. Group flutter ~

(End of this chapter)

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