Chapter 892: Hero Sorrows Beauty

Hearing Qin Xiao's words, the old man's face changed. He looked at the queen mother and immediately retreated.

Some words are not hers.

The less you know, the better.

The hall was very quiet.

After asking, Qin Xiao stared directly at the queen queen and persisted.

The emperor's back was calm, but the corners of her mouth were already tightly closed.

She is upset.

Even the flustered heartbeat sank before.

"Qin Xiao," she stood up coldly, and walked up to him step by step, "Ai's family won't let you die!"

"Why do you ask the mourning family like this, and why do you want the mourning family to remember you!"

"Why do you always decide!"

"It was you who refused to take me away, but you left me! Do you think I will forgive you when I'm all my life? What I have lost is my life!

"You still want to die first. Why do you want me to remember you forever?"

Every word she said, her voice became increasingly angry, her eyes flushed, but no tears fell.

"Contribute to success, marry the scenery? Why have I asked you for this? I never look down on you. It is you who look down on yourself."

"Aman ..." She didn't cry, he shed tears she was about to shed.

Clenching her fist, she turned away from looking at him, "Qin Xiao, I am a queen mother."

Qin Xiao closed her eyes with a smirk, yeah, she is a queen mother, and this status is enough to cut off everything he has with her.

But, "If there were no Liu Yusheng, you would be dead, Ah Man."

"In the past, as long as you were good, I could keep you behind you, and I was satisfied. But you almost died."

"If you die, what am I supposed to do?"

"That being the case, why can I only keep it, why do I ..."

He was gone, and she never looked back at him.

Until his footsteps disappeared outside the door, she fell to the ground and trembled.

Forbearing tears for a long time, drop by drop.

She is a queen mother.

She is old.

What else can they do?

Outside the door of the palace, the burly Ang hiding figure stood at the corner and looked at her for a long time, leaving her eyes dark and firm.

In this case, why can he only keep it, why can't he force it!

That night, Qin Xiao went straight to the Nanling Palace.

At that time, Feng Qingbai was sorting out all the doubts about Baicao Valley in the study.

The door of the room was pushed open from the outside. When seeing someone, Feng Qingbai just raised the eyebrow slightly. "The general came to me so late, but there is something important?"

Staring at Feng Qingbai, Qin Xiao pulled out a black token from his arms. "This is a private force cultivated by the husband himself outside the Three Armies."

After a pause, "I want to talk to Wang Ye alone."

Feng Qingbai rubbed his eyebrows, turned his head toward the window and said helplessly, "Grandma, mother, Eryi, Shengsheng, Zhiqiu, Eryi, it's getting late, and hurry up after you've finished your sleep."

A few heads slowly came out under the windowsill, and his expression was more helpless than Feng Qingbai.

"What are your ears so smart, can you hear us when we take off our shoes and stomp?"

"Nothing can't be told to others, and we won't spread it out, let us listen? Listen to two? One sentence?"

Both faces in the window began to turn black.

Liu Yusheng pushed a few people around him back and sneered, "It's okay to gossip occasionally. Since you have important things to talk about, then we won't bother, hahaha."

Watching a few people go far, Feng Qingbai sighed, got up and walked to the window, and to the humanity of the cat under the window sill, "Grandpa, father, second uncle, you should go back to your room to rest."


When the two men and women gathered, Liu Zhiqiu sighed, "High martial arts is good, and it can easily wipe out the entire army."

"Looking at General Qin's aggressive intrusion into the study just now, wouldn't it have happened to the queen mother? Well, what do you say he wants to talk to Asho?" Madam Liu was curious.

She didn't have such gossip before, but later she had this bad habit with Wei Hong at home.

"I don't know, but there should be no problem there," said Liu Yusheng. "Otherwise General Qin would not be so calm."

"That's true."

"It's done, go back to sleep, the pestle is useless here, can't listen." Father Liu hurried people, "These people who are mixed in the chaotic hall, like to talk round and round, even if we hear, It may not be understandable. Come back, don't bother. "

"Hey, don't say it. I'm in the palace at noon today. I heard them talking and I was so dizzy. What was the meaning of the first sentence before I could say everything?"

"Milk, tell me, what did they say at noon?"


A group of people went away while gossiping. Liu Yusheng looked back at the window through which the light was shining and smiled.

Just now General Qin revealed the hole card when he entered the door, so the plan is certainly not small.

Only one queen can let him throw all the pictures.

The study door opened again, half an hour later.

Qin Xiao stepped out of the door and the man behind him indifferently said, "Does the general regret it?"

"In the world, it is not only Wang Ye who can leave the mountains for the beloved."

The man left while it was night, leaving the black token on the study table.

Holding the token in his hand, Feng Qingbai smiled slightly.

Unexpectedly, the silver supplied by Qin Xiao from the Liu family in Kyoto was originally used to cultivate private soldiers.

Hundreds of thousands per year. Over the years, a huge number can be accumulated.

Twenty thousand soldiers, Qin Xiao's own training can reach 200,000 troops without any hesitation.

The old fox had a headache in the back.

Back in the room, the woman was still awake and smirked at him with open eyes, obviously waiting for him.

Undressing and going to bed, he closed her eyes and closed his eyes, deliberately not speaking.

Soon the woman couldn't hold her, and her fingers were scratching lightly on his chest. "Feng Qingbai, eight hexagrams?"

"No gossip."

"You're eight, I can't deal with grandma them tomorrow."

"Listening to the Royal Doctor, it is best for women to act two months after giving birth," said the man, his voice mute. "Sheng Sheng, don't force me."

Liu Yusheng silently retracted his finger and muttered, "Sting."

She refused to say anything and scared her.

What else is listening to the doctor? Did he ask it specifically? Also pretend.

Liu Yusheng turned his back to the man and didn't want to ignore him.

Feng Qingbai opened his eyes and brought the woman closer to his own arms, with a slight smile under his eyes, "I am eight, don't be upset, OK."

The corner of the woman's lips rose quietly, and she had to make fun of her to coax again, which was bad.

"It's a story about a hero who is sad and beautiful, like me."

"General Qin marched on the battlefield and made great achievements. He became a hero, and you don't feel hesitant compared to him."

Feng Qingbai's mouth lightly said, "I'm not a hero, but Shengsheng is definitely a beauty."

The woman was pleased with a slap, and immediately turned around and smiled at him.


Leprechauns, there is one more chapter, and it will be published after writing, but I don't know when it will be finished. You can read it in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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