Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 899: The sad family is trying to feel (8)

Chapter 899: The Lament Family Is Just Trying To Feel (8)

On the soft couch, the two Douer also blinked at Wuxi's big eyes and looked at the queen mother, seeming to help the mother kiss him.

The queen queen was sitting critically, and coughed gently. "Ai's family is better now, no dizziness."

"If Xiaofeng irritates you again, you tell me, I will definitely teach him well!" Wife Liu immediately put away the feather duster, not forgetting to pat her chest while promising.

Glancing at the wife, the empress hummed quietly, what lesson? When she couldn't see it, she was retreating and protecting the little emperor.

But the little emperor was really chased after, and she didn't care much about him.

The wind-escape that escaped the birth day came over, squatting weakly in front of the soft couch, "Little Croton, Red Bean, listen to my cousin to persuade, I would rather offend the villain, not offend the old woman, there is no way out."

Immediately after the voice fell, there was a note on the buttocks, and a sudden jump of pain caused by the pain, covered her **** and looked at the queen unbelievably.

The weapon that the culprit held in his hand was really the feather duster that Mrs. Liu had just laid down.

After calmly putting down the weapon, the queen queen said, "The grief family is just trying to feel."

"How do you feel?" Feng Mojing asked with a face.


Everyone, "..."

"Hmm--" burst into laughter in the hall.

Liu Yusheng laughed and rolled on the couch.

Seeing her mother-in-law like this, Doudou danced and danced with milky and milky monotones in her mouth, grinning with a small mouth.

Even the Empress Dowager herself, trying to think of the **** just now, had to work hard to hold back the smile she wanted to rush out of her mouth.

Yangtian sighed, Feng Moyu covered her buttocks and sat down the farthest distance from the queen queen. Anyway, no outsider saw it, and he was treated as a protagonist.

Could he really be indifferent to these two old ladies.

He didn't dare.

He had a hunch that the title of emperor was on his head, and he would be afraid to display it in this hall of raising hearts in the future.

After making a joke, Liu Yusheng and his queen mother returned to the clinic and took out his new pill. "The toxins have been removed and there is no major problem, but the queen mother has a bad health and needs to be recuperated. She will pay more attention to health in the future."

"This pill is for health?" Picking up the medicine bottle and opening it, looking at the pellets the size of mung beans, the queen mother was curious.

I saw such a small pellet for the first time.

"That's it, just a few capsules a day." Liu Yusheng laughed.

This is made by mixing Lingquan with traditional Chinese medicinal materials with little space left, specifically for the Queen Mother's constitution.

The queen queen did not thank him, and naturally accepted it.

She is happy to collect what she gave.

Mrs. Liu sat next to her and picked up her small crotons and red beans one by one. "I will rest assured when you recover. Take care of yourself and take care of yourself, but don't come to Beijing next time. You are one again. Cowardly look. "

"You're leaving?"

"I have to go back. It's all here in June. The livelihoods in the family's field can't be left unattended all the time. It's not that much to let the villagers watch."

"Isn't it just to plant something on the ground, how much money can I sell? My family will give you money."

Mrs. Liu was surprised. "What do you give me for money? I'm not without money."

The old lady thought that she was reluctant to lose her crops because she was worried about losing money?

The queen mother pursed her lips and did not say a word, and her pale face faintly turned red, but she couldn't open her mouth and said you don't leave.

"Okay, I don't have to come back when I go back. Besides, if you really miss me, you can go to Xinghua Village to see me, and you can just relax and stop in this palace."

"Who will miss you." The Queen Mother hummed.

The red bean in his arms waved his little hand, and gently held it on the back of the empress's hand. The soft and warm touch penetrated the bottom of the heart and dispelled the rising sadness.

The queen mother's stern expression softened, and the reckless woman was about to leave. She still had two beans.

She will never be as lonely as before.

Watching the change in her expression, Mrs. Liu knew that the old woman was again hard-mouthed, stuffed her with a small croton, and stood up and patted her clothes. , I remember when you went to Xinghua Village last time, I particularly liked to eat pickles in our house. I went to pickle some of them, and I could eat them with a mouthful.

"Well, take the old lady to the kitchenette and watch for a moment so don't let her burn the kitchen of Ai's house."

"Let me help you, please, but you don't like to say nice things, you're awkward."

The awkward queen mother's face turned black and she couldn't get down.

Liu Yusheng and Feng Moyu could only pretend not to see it, so that the queen queen would not be angry or angry.

"Huangyin, I want to tell you something." Feng Mozhen only remembered his purpose at this moment, and his tone turned to bring some pitifulness, attracting the empress's eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Liu Yusheng was funny.

Seeing this, Bacheng felt that he had been aggrieved, and came to her to beg for comfort.

Feng Moyu immediately got up and sat down on the soft couch, blinking his eyes, and all the things about the good pregnancy and his suspicion of Feng Qingbai were explained.

Regardless of the empress queen beside him, he needs to avoid something.

"Good favor, that little doctor girl?" Liu Yusheng was surprised. She still had some impressions on this person. She had a side when she lived in the Yangxin Temple.

It is a clever woman.

"That's her." Feng Moyu stretched out his wrist. "Huanghuang, please explore the veins and see if there is any poison or any hidden disease that you can't see. I'll follow up with you every day. She's despising, she really lives like a drama. "

The last sentence was self-deprecating.

In addition to being able to be himself in front of Huangshu Huangxi, in front of outsiders, he has to live with a mask all day.

Acting for most of my life.

Maybe one day, he will be numb to the point that he can't tell the truth from acting.

Liu Yusheng frowned, and put his fingers on Feng Moyu's wrist.

He retracted his hand after a long while.

"How, is he all right?" The queen mother asked immediately.

Feng Moyi grinned, "I knew, Grandma Huang also started to care about me."

The Empress Dowager, "I just don't want you to be really killed. Nanling's mountains and rivers fell into the hands of outsiders."

Feng Moyu's smile was undiminished, and Huang's pacifier was firm and soft-hearted.

He began to feel it.

"I haven't found any problems for the time being, but if you favor it really is a hidden one, it may not prevent me." Liu Yusheng thought for a while. "In the past few days, you have to find a name and gather the harem consorts together. They may be prescribed. "

"It's easy to gather people in the harem. They don't need to find any names. They come to the family to greet them sometimes, and sometimes they don't see them when they feel annoyed. Tomorrow they come over, and they stay and drink tea. You will be able to visit them at home, "said the Queen Mother.

(End of this chapter)

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