Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 900: Can't eat her piece of radish yet? (9)

Chapter 900: Can't Eat Her Sour Radish? (9)

As soon as Feng Moyao's body was crooked, she stuck to the queen mother, holding her arm, "It turns out that it feels like the grandmother is supporting her waist."

The queen queen wanted to struggle, and her complexion had subsided, and she was ready to drink the boy down. He heard his words and acted, and her heart was inexplicably sad.

Fang realized that, in fact, she was the same as Feng Moyu, and both of them were extremely honorable, but they also lost their blood relatives early on. In this world, they are alone.

If there is no wind green cypress and Liu Yusheng, their loneliness will last a lifetime.

She stiffened for a while, but she wasn't used to such intimacy. The queen queen shook her arm. "Hurry up! You're the emperor, like this ...

"It's a system." Feng Moyu spoke with Liu Yusheng in unison.

The Queen Mother, "..."

There was laughter in the temple.

Over the small kitchen, listening to the laughter from the temple, Mrs. Liu's face was also infected with a smile, and the pickled pickled cabbage was put in a clean jar. Here comes the radish. I will make a radish that I can eat right away. "

"Okay, old slaves go now." The old lady stepped back with a smile.

In the past, the small kitchen of the Yangxin Hall was rarely used except for boiling water. The hall was cold all year round and there was depression in every corner.

Today Mrs. Liu is only slightly busy in the kitchen, but it makes people feel completely different from the past.

More fireworks.

As a result, it is more human.

Waiting for the old lady's time, Mrs. Liu wiped her hands clean and rummaged in the small kitchen. After a while, she was disgusted with this small kitchen.

"This small kitchen is just for decoration. There is no extra pair of tableware." He murmured and looked left and right, and then flashed in his head and went to the inner hall.

"Milk, what are you doing? Would you like to help?" Liu Yusheng asked over the soft couch.

"No, you talk to you. You will have to feed the baby crotons and red beans at a later date. Don't starve them."

"I see." It was time, and the two boys were really hungry, and Liu Yusheng and the queen mother hugged them into the inner room.

Feng Moyu raised his heel and went to the small kitchen behind his wife Liu.

You must avoid it.

Although the emperor was feeding two beans in the inner room, he could not stay in the inner hall.

He was a man, and that would ruin the reputation of the Emperor.

"Ma'am, what are you going to do?" Looking at the old lady's hand, Feng Moyan's eyes jumped a little.

"Pick some pickled radish. Anyway, I'm free. I made a few pieces to get rid of the tiredness. When I came to Beijing every day, I had big fish and meat, and my wife had grown a large circle of oil dumplings."

"Where's the oil?" I looked like before, rich and rich. This is a blessing. "

"Just you can talk." The old woman narrowed her eyes with a smile.

When the Empress Dowager and Liu Yusheng came out again holding the two beans, the air in the hall was filled with a tempting sour fragrance.

Mrs. Liu and Feng Moyu had already eaten at the short sides. When the old lady stood next to them, when she saw the empress coming out, her expression was complicated and indescribable.

"Come out? Come on, come and taste it. Don't look at this thing on the counter, but get appetizing." Mrs. Liu said as soon as they came out.

The queen queen's concealment was not right. She lifted her eyes to look at the past. When she saw something on the short table, her face changed, and the silver wire trembled. "

This is a decoration she put in the inner hall for viewing, it is very precious!

"Porcelain dragon-shaped bowl?" Mrs. Liu looked at the large colored bowl in front of her. "Porcelain is really beautiful. You don't even have a bigger bowl in your small kitchen. I can only find this small basin if I look for it." Outfit, just use it. "

"Do you know that this is a tribute, there is only one in the entire Nanling Palace, which cannot be bought with silver!" The queen mother was so angry that her eyes were red.

The old woman was still very innocent, and she did n’t know why she was so angry. "Is it just filled with white radish, I ’ll wash it and then put it back. Such a beautiful pot is not for use, but for display Look, it's a waste. "

"..." The queen mother raised her breath, panting, she didn't expect this reckless woman to be elegant in her life. In her eyes, things are not practical.

Now she hoped that the reckless woman would return to the village as soon as possible, so as not to mislead the two of them again.

Never let her take it!

"Do you eat or not? If you do n’t eat, you won't have it."

"Eat!" Why not eat? Make her angry like this, can't she eat her two pickled radish? !!

Liu Yusheng followed the wind Mo Yan silently in a corner, quietly grab.

Just keep silent, lest the queen queen will be angry.

A bowl of pickled radish was quickly resolved under the queen's vengeance. When I sat back on the soft couch, I took a nap.

The queen mother's silver hair trembled again.

At this point, Liu Yusheng and Feng Moyu were taken away by the culprit, and when she went out all the way, she asked what to do so fast. She had planned to spend the whole day with the Queen Mother today.

Staring at the back that was pulled away, and looking at the empty basin still on the short table, the queen was annoyed with anger.

"This reckless woman is really mad at her house."

"Even though Mrs. Liu does not recognize elegance, she is a real person, and there are a lot of adults in the Queen Mother. Naturally, she does not care about the old lady."

"It's natural."

The old man smiled, "The old slave took the dragon-shaped bowl and washed it?"

"Come on, go back and order the incense in the temple. The temple is full of sour taste, and it smells sour on the house."


Long away from Yang Xin Dian, Liu Yusheng stared at Feng Moyu with a smirk.

I was too long, so I didn't dare to laugh when I was in the temple, because I was afraid that the fire would cause oil.

"What are you laughing at?" Wife Liu was baffled, pressed down on the small waving hand of Croton in her arms, and looked at him and shouted, "Even you are laughing too much grandma? Isn't it just a pot."

"Grandma, I'm really convinced of you, and only you can make the queen queen angry and keep her out of the air." Feng Mozhu laughed and sulked.

Liu Yusheng raised his hand and patted him on the forehead. "Also said, when grandma went to get the basin, you were there, and I didn't know to wake up."

"Isn't it just a basin? It's good to run out of washing, it's too wasteful to put it on." Applying the words of his wife, Liu Yusheng was dumbfounded.

"Okay, let's go after laughing. I can't stay in Beijing for a few days. Minger will come in to accompany the old lady again. I want to see him later, maybe."

Mrs. Liu hugged the baby croton and hummed away.

Most of the things in the Queen's Palace are precious. Of course, she knows that preciousness is one thing. Only when things are used, can they show that the value is not.

She's not really a bashful woman, she knows it.

Originally I wanted to send two chapters. At the end of the book, I was afraid that you would say that I had Cavern again, so I would write another chapter together. I'm so diligent. Please call me a hardworking bee.

(End of this chapter)

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