Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1000: frank

   Chapter 1000 Confession

  The three jumped out of the carriage. Seeing so many people in the field, the three of them were a little confused, "So many people, how can I find them?"

   was closed, and someone shouted not far away: "Brother Bai, Jiro Bai, here, here—"

  The three of them hurriedly followed the sound, only to find that a group of people were standing not far away. Seven or eight people surrounded Zhang Jinghao, who had a bad face, and were beckoning with them excitedly.

  The three of them looked at them, became happy, and immediately greeted them, “I'm rude, rude, we got a bit of a delay before we went out, so it's late to come, Master Zhang didn't wait long, right?”

  Zhang Jinghao hasn't answered yet, the classmate beside him has already said cheerfully: "We have just arrived too, and we haven't waited long."

He glanced at Zhang Jinghao and said with a half-smile, "Xuemu today. Brother Zhang probably went to bed late last night. He hadn't gotten up when we picked him up at his house, so I'm afraid you will wait a long time in advance. , It turned out to be such a coincidence that everyone arrived at the same time."

  Bai Shan was surprised, "Are you still picking up someone at home?"

  The person beside Zhang Jinghao smiled and said, "Of course, we played with Brother Zhang for so long. Taking advantage of Xiumu's time, naturally we are going to visit one or two."

  Joke, they asked Zhang Jinghao to eat for so many days, but in the end they were deceived by someone. If they didn’t check it out, it would be too bad.

  Since Bai Shan went to the cafeteria to talk to Zhang Jinghao for the second time, the people who were a little angry that Zhang Jinghao looked down on him immediately figured it out.

  Especially inquired, knowing that after Zhang Jinghao took Bai Erlang out to play, Bai Erlang's right hand was wrapped.

  They are not stupid. They guessed that Zhang Jinghao must have done something to anger Bai Shan. Only then did he go around such a big circle to dig a hole for Zhang Jinghao.

  Although they seemed to have been scammed by Bai Shan, they were really not very angry, and the anger did not know why it was all directed at Zhang Jinghao. As a result, they even wanted to know what's wrong with Zhang Jinghao and this racecourse.

  After everyone discussed it, they went to Zhang's house to pick up people together early in the morning.

  Zhang Jinghao quietly approached Bai Erlang yesterday and wanted to negotiate a peace, but Bai Erlang pretended not to understand and rejected his white flag, so Zhang Jinghao had a headache and hesitated early this morning. Is he coming or not?

  Come, there is bound to be nothing good waiting for him.

  Don’t come, Bai Shanzhen made trouble at his house, and his grandfather could kill him.

   And just when he hesitated, these people made a decision for him, and ran over to pick him up and walk with him.

  Zhang Jinghao stood silently among the people, without saying a word.

  Bai Shan looked around and said, "Master Zhang, where is the Chollima that you introduced to my junior brother, why don't we go to see Chollima first."

As they were talking, several carriages came to a halt slowly in general. Ren Ke and Qiao Tao jumped off the carriages first, and a particularly familiar carriage was also lifted back, Yin or supporting the longevity man. car.

  Everyone was surprised to see them.

  No, I should have been surprised to see Yin, Ren Ke and they have also been to the racecourse. There is nothing unusual about coming again, but how did Master Yin come?

  Yin or he walked directly towards them, walked to Bai Erlang and then smiled and asked, “Why, don’t you want to see the horse? What about the horse?”

  Everyone turned to see Zhang Jinghao.

   Zhang Jinghao's desire to die is gone, he especially wants to go back to the past, and pull out himself who had chosen Bai Erlang to have a fight.

  Why did he think that Bai Erlang had no roots and foundations, so he was bullying, rich, and stupid?

Zhang Jinghao looked around and saw Bai Erlang’s classmates, several of his classmates, and other classmates in Taixue; after a while, they even ran into several classmates from Guozixue. Among them is the famous Feng Zongping.

  Feng Zongping added Yin or, and Zhang Jinghao became more silent.

  He led a group of people to the racecourse. As he walked, he suddenly stopped, turned and bowed deeply to Bai Erlang, "Bai Makoto, I'm really sorry, I lied to you the last time."

  Everyone looked at Zhang Jinghao in surprise, not knowing why he suddenly confessed.

Zhang Jinghao got up. Seeing that Bai Erlang didn't respond, he bowed deeply, his waist was about to bend to his knees, he could say that he was very sincere in apologizing, and he was very ashamed and said: "In fact, I want to sell it to Your horse is not owned by a horse dealer, but by a friend of mine. He is short of money and his horse is not bad. But it was sent to the horse farm and was so squeezed by the price. It happened that you wanted to buy a horse. That’s why I thought about selling it to you under the pretense of being a horse dealer. Yes, our price was a bit harsh. This is ours. Please forgive me."

  Everyone was a little regretful when they saw it, and the meeting was no longer lively.

  It’s wrong for Zhang Jinghao to lie to others, but he apologized in this way. Bai Erlang has not suffered any loss at the moment. Everyone thought he would forgive him, but who knew he turned his head and glanced at Bai Shan and avoided him.

  Bai Shan gave him a gaze of approval, then stepped forward, stood in front of Zhang Jinghao, and asked, "Master Zhang, what about your friend, can you please come out and let us see you?"

Zhang Jinghao looked guilty, "This matter was my idea. I was wrong to cheat classmate Bai for money. I am willing to set up a table in the champion building and apologize to a few people, but my friend knows nothing about it. I was ashamed to invite him over, and I also ask Mr. Bai to forgive me."

   "But my younger brother said that he made the offer at the time."

  The people on the side couldn’t help asking, “How much money does this cost?”

  Before Bai Shan said, Zhang Jinghao said with a look of shame: "One thousand and five hundred taels."

  Everyone:...They finally know why Bai Shan is so angry. Is this because his money fell from the sky?

One thousand and five hundred taels. Usually, the horses they buy at home are only about a hundred taels. The horses are a little bit, and four and five hundred taels are also up to the sky. They are not going to be a general on the battlefield, let alone a royal family. Need thousands of horses?

  Everyone's recollection is coming, no wonder it will be 300 taels cheaper, I'm afraid that horse...

  Someone coughed lightly and asked: "What is the real price of the horse?"

  Zhang Jinghao didn't answer, he just looked ashamed.

Bai Shan walked around him twice. Seeing that he was ashamed and his body was still slightly bowed, he smiled and clapped his hands: "The strong man has broken his wrist. NS."

  "Young Master Bai, I sincerely regretted..."

"But I didn't bother you for this matter," Bai Shan said, "It's for the more than one thousand taels of silver to not be enough. Although our Bai family is only a small landlord, we can still get one or two thousand taels. , Eat a ditch to gain a wise, the big deal is that we are angry, but you just need to take a sack while learning the coat."

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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