Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1001: Honest

  Chapter 1001 Honesty

  Since Zhang Jinghao is not going to die, Bai Shan naturally has to change his strategy. It is not easy for people to think that they are unreasonable. Even if you broke it apart, they weren't making such a big fuss about the horse.

  When Bai Shan said this, other people became curious, and some people booed: "Then Mr. Bai, please tell me, why are you?"

  Bai Shan looked at Zhang Jinghao and chuckled: "Master Zhang, you brought them to this racecourse, and you introduced the people. Now you are what you say, but I may not believe it."

"My younger brother is innocent and never thinks too much, but I am very suspicious. You said that it was your friend. The price of the horse was your own opinion. But my younger brother said that after seeing the horse, basically It was the horse merchant who introduced him to him, and you just echoed that this is indeed a rare good horse."

  Zhang Jinghao immediately said: "I hired that person temporarily, not my friend."

"Coincidentally, I have also seen the horse businessman, and I took my junior brother to see him, and confirmed that it is him. Since Young Master Zhang was hired temporarily, why don't I hire him again now? Let me show you something. road."

  Zhang Jinghao lowered his head and said nothing.

   "Young Master Bai, didn’t you say that it’s not for horses? It’s still about horses after a long time?"

"I'm not talking about horses, I'm talking about horse sellers," Bai Shan said: "That person has something to do with this horse farm. No wonder my brother said that when they entered the door that day, someone greeted them warmly. Not only helped to park the carriage, but also sent it all the way to the polo place to arrange a seat, and also gave everyone tea and snacks. But today we didn't enjoy anything when we came alone."

   "And tea and snacks?"

  "Don’t you have to spend money to see the position of the polo?"

  Bai Shan picked up his lips and said, "More than just sending tea and snacks, but also instructing my younger brother to bet on polo. I heard that everyone except my younger brother lost some money that day?"

After losing money, Ren Ke and others nodded again and again, "I lost most of the pocket money in January. It was only in early August. This time I came to the racecourse and decided to spend all the remaining money, but I won’t bet anymore. ."

  Qiao Tao also nodded, "I am worse than you. I have exported all the pocket money for a whole month, and now I borrow money from my classmates."

Bai Shan stared at Zhang Jinghao with cold eyes: "Unfortunately, my younger brother won two hundred taels that day. He went home happily. One thousand and fifty thousand horses have earned it back."

  Everyone opened their mouths in surprise, and turned their heads to look at Bai Erlang.

  Shirajiro dropped his head.

  Someone sighed: "I won two hundred taels."

  At the same time someone said: "It's really good calculation."

After saying that, they looked at each other and said: "No, you won't be excited too, do you know who is the first to play polo here, do you dare to bet? You want to win 1,500 taels? "

   "I'm afraid you won't see the money back if you don't lose three to five thousand taels."

  Everyone is not a fool. If Bai Shan doesn't explain it thoroughly, they may not think of it, but he has all ordered so clearly. Everyone is a fool if he doesn't understand it.

  At that moment, everyone's eyes on Zhang Jinghao changed.

   Zhang Jinghao said strong and calm: "Young Master Bai, I know you are angry that I lied to Bai Erlang to buy a horse, but you don't have to be so jealous of me. I'm also a student who is too educated. How could I get my classmates to bet on football?"

   "What's more, this gambling is originally a matter of elegance. Even your Majesty loves to watch polo Xu Caitou. We are just having fun," Zhang Jinghao said: "Look, there are so many people who place bets..."

   "That's someone else," Bai Shan interrupted, "No matter who it is, gambling is always a win or a loss. Unless someone is very familiar with the team, it is impossible to win four games in a row."

  Everyone listened to Zhang Jinghao's defense, and felt that what he said was reasonable, but they felt that what Bai Shan said was not bad, so they wavered.

  Bai Shan said, “As for why, isn’t the reason already available? My junior and younger brother obviously befriend you, and you are also a student of the same school. In the end, you used a horse to pit him for more than a thousand taels. Why?”

   "Why else, for the money!" The person next to him answered for him.

  Bai Shan: "Since you can deceive people with horses for money, why can't you lure him into gambling for money?"

Bai Shan pointed to Bai Erlang and said, "This fool is planning to use his own capital to enter the racecourse to gambling, and then buy the horse after the horse money is earned. You directly lied to him to buy the horse and waited for him to take the horse home. , We are not fools, and the classmates in the school are not fools. Everyone can always see that he was cheated by you."

"Even if you don't admit it afterwards, it will have some impact on your reputation. How uneconomical?" Bai Shan said: "On the contrary, you hang him with a thousand li horses and let him continue to take money from home to bet on the racecourse. , You can never win the money, you can never buy the so-called Maxima."

   "And with his character, I am afraid that after a month or two, he has forgotten his original intentions, and in his heart he can only win back the money he exported."

  Zhang Jinghao's heart beats sharply and shouted: "Young Master Bai, don't wrong me, he won the money that day."

   "If he doesn't win, I won't come to you today." Bai Shan pointed to Ren Ke and Qiao Tao and said, "You ask them, can they gamble again?"

  The two shook their heads again and again, never again. They lost so badly in the first bet. How many times did they survive?

  Everyone looked at Zhang Jinghao and their eyes changed.

  It sounds hateful to cheat Bai Erlang to buy a horse, but it's really not bad when it spreads out.

   Most students think Zhang Jinghao is treacherous, but they think he is smart, even if the husband knows it, they won’t blame him, because this happens from time to time in Six Schools.

However, no one would cheat to buy horses, most of them are senior scholars who copy good calligraphy and painting and treat them as authentic ones, or buy them, or the seniors of mathematics use an abacus to cheat their students; it is also possible that seniors of Guozixu are holding them. Pieces of jade dangling around and deceiving people...

  This kind of thing, as long as it is not excessive, the doctors of the sixth school will let it go with open eyes and closed eyes, and the students in the school will also look at it as a joke. Except for the deceived student, there is nothing wrong with it.

It’s just that the seniors are very discreet. Even if they cheat the students, they will be within a reasonable price range, and some are just for fun, and they will eventually spend the money, such as asking the cheated students to be the champion. Have a good drink in the building...

  There are so many things like this, and the deceived students don’t feel too unlucky.

  But this kind of thing is done in school, like Zhang Jinghao did outside of school, and there is no one who cheated such a large sum of money.

  But it’s nothing, the most terrifying thing is that his purpose is to cheat!

    The next update is around nine o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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