Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1002: Not public (August monthly pass plus two more)

  Chapter 1002 No public announcement (August monthly pass plus two more)

  Although these rich children don’t have less cockfighting and dogfighting on weekdays, very few of them are really addicted to it.

  Basically, those who are addicted to it are useless, not only in the eyes of the elders, but also in the eyes of teenagers and young people like them.

  Indulge in gambling, this is not for money, this is simply ruining one's life.

  Everyone took two steps backwards, a little farther away from Zhang Jinghao.

  Zhang Jinghao looked at Bai Shan with red eyes, and roared: "You just avenged me for buying a horse!"

"Then you dare to call your friend and the man who pretends to be a horse merchant to confront you?" Bai Shan picked up the corner of his mouth slightly: "You dare not, because you can't offend him. Well, you eat honestly. Let’s go back to the pit one by one and introduce you to a group of good horses. If you lose some money and make you hurt, it’s fine. You have to spread the matter out. In that case, I will not only make you hurt, but also make you hurt. ."

  Bai Shan pointed at Bai Erlang with his head lowered and said: "My junior is kind, but I'm not good to bully."

  Man Bao on the side nodded repeatedly, and silently said in his heart: "There is still me!"

  Can Zhang Jinghao admit such a thing?

  Of course not, admit it, will he still be in the Imperial Prison in the future?

  But can he find the horse dealer to confront it?

  Of course, it can’t. If he can control each other, does he need to come here to talk about so many topics with Bai Shan?

   Directly invite people to come, and just follow his instructions. Isn’t it all right?

  As soon as everyone saw his reaction, they had their own thoughts.

  The scene calmed down, and the atmosphere stagnated.

   Shirajiro looked around, coughing lightly and asked: "Then, shall we fight again?"

   Feng Zongping looked at him with a foolish look, “It’s illegal to fight outside. If you learn it from school, the lighter will be punished, and the severer will be expelled from the State Prison."

  Shirajiro was taken aback, "The consequences are so serious?"

  He looked at Bai Shan and Man Bao: "Then we still fight?"

  Bai Shan said with no anger, "What? We wanted to beat him because we were out of anger. Now that we've talked about the matter, everyone won't be fooled by him anymore, so what are we going to beat?"

  He looked at Zhang Jinghao and said, "You can do it for yourself. You'd better avoid us in the future, otherwise I might really be tempted to beat you."

  After that, he walked away with one hand.

  Feng Zongping saw that one of the parties had gone, and he had seen enough of the excitement, so he waved and left.

  The other people looked at each other and saw Zhang Jinghao standing on the ground with a blue face, they also sneered, and left after three or five couples.

  Yin may have gone with Bai Shan and the others, and asked curiously, "We just left?"

   "Of course not." Bai Shan rubbed his fist and said, "I've said that I will beat him up, how can I just leave like this?"

  Hakujiro: "Didn't you still stop beating just now?"

   "You believe those who lied to them? Didn't you hear Feng Zongping say that fighting is going to be punished."

  After that, the four of them returned to their carriage, and asked Daji to drive the carriage out of the racecourse first.

  Man Bao opened the curtains and looked at the lively racecourse not far away. The people around the court clamored with excitement, and people kept waving their hands and shouting, "I'll bet here, I'll bet here..."

  Man Bao put down the curtains and said, "This is not a good place. You are not allowed to come to this place in the future."

  Shirazen looked at Shirajiro.

   Bai Erlang said lowly: "I see."

  The carriage stopped after leaving the racecourse, Man Bao and Bai Shan stood on the shaft and looked around.

  After the two people discussed it, they took a fancy to a small hillside not far away. There were peach trees planted on that hillside. At this moment, the green leaves are lush, and the peaches are probably all planted, so there is no one to guard it.

  Man Bao went back into the car, took out the pen, ink and paper from her back basket, and handwritten a note with her left hand.

  The left-hand writing is normal, but not ugly. Man Bao blew it and folded it to Da Ji, "Go find someone to send it to Zhang Jinghao."

  Yin may have been sitting quietly on the side, and couldn’t help but ask, “Who are you posing as?”

   "It's the horse merchant."

  Yin was taken aback, and asked: "Where did you find the horse businessman's handwriting?"

  He asked Changshou to use the power of the Yin family to investigate the background of the horse merchant. Did they get all the human handwriting?

  Man Bao looked puzzled, "We didn't find his handwriting."

   "Then how can you pretend to write his handwriting?"

  Bai Shandao: "It's not his handwriting pretended to be, but the handwriting written by her left hand."

   "It's not the handwriting of a horse merchant, will Zhang Jinghao believe it?"

  "Who knows?" Man Bao said, "Maybe I believe it, he will save us a lot of effort if he comes. If he doesn't come, wait for him outside, and stop him on the road at that time."

   Yin or: "...Are you not afraid of him telling Xueli?"

   "Don't be afraid, he is the last person who doesn't want to know about this in school?" Bai Shan looked at Man Bao and chuckled, "Even if we know about it in school, we won't be punished."

  Man Bao stretched out his fist and said, "I'm not from your Imperial College. Your husband can't punish me, right?"

  Yin may look at Man Bao’s small body and express doubt, "Can you beat him?"

   "Half and half, but I'm not afraid, they will fight." Man Bao looked at Baishan and Baijiro, "right?"

  The two nodded together, and Bai Erlang said, "I know this well, so let's pull it sideways. Then, should we put on the sacks later?"

   "Stop it," Man Bao said, "Although we are not afraid of being seen by him, in fact, it is better not to let him see."

  Yin might have seen them groping in the carriage and groping out a big sack.

   Yin or:……

  Daji found a man who was running errands in the racecourse, and gave him ten cents and said, “Send this letter to Master Zhang Jinghao of Taixue. He is in the racecourse now, and should be outside the racecourse.”

  The man took the money and said, “Master Zhang, I’m familiar with it, don’t worry, it will be delivered as soon as possible.”

Daji raised his eyebrows, and when he ran away, he went back and drove away.

  He took the Yin family's servants and found a good position at a col on the hillside, and pulled the carriage in a little bit so that no one could see it at all.

  Daji put down the bench and helped the masters down. Several people were holding sacks in their hands, and they were about to go up the mountain with a wave of their small hands.

  Longevity was stunned, seeing that his son was going up the mountain, he had to stop him, "Master, let's not join in the excitement, right?"

  If the old lady knows that their young master is doing such a dangerous thing, even if the young master protects him, he might be skinned by the old lady.

   Yin or said: "I don't know how to fight, just look at it from a distance."

  He has never seen anyone put a sack in a sack when he grows up, and he has never seen anyone put a sack in a sack, so he is very curious.

    The next update will be around ten o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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