Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1003: Beat him (August monthly ticket plus three more)

  Chapter 1003 Beat him up (August monthly pass plus three more)

  Longevity can't stop it, so I can only keep up with it.

  Daji glanced at him. He wanted to leave him looking at the carriage, but when he saw his anxious appearance, he didn't mention it, let him follow, and left both carriages underneath.

  The group found a good position on the mountain, so after everyone looked at each other, Bai Shan, Man Bao, and Bai Erlang looked at Daji together, "Daji, you go get people here."

Daji had long thought that this task would fall on him, and was not surprised, so he got up and walked down the mountain as usual.

  They are lucky. Zhang Jinghao hasn't really distinguished the handwriting of the horse merchant. He walked up the mountain with an expression of absent-mindedness.

  Daji looked at Xiao relieved from a distance, and guessed that he could see it. He coughed slightly behind a tree, attracted the other's attention, turned around and left.

  Zhang Jinghao frowned, followed a few steps quickly, and asked, "What is Mr. Yan looking for?"

  Daji didn't answer him, and walked forward quickly.

  Zhang Jinghao could only see Daji's back from a distance, thinking that he didn't hear it, or disdain to answer, he became even more unhappy, but involuntarily speeded up his pace to chase him.

  Zhang Jinghao chased him for a while and lost him. He could only stand under a tree with a confused look and shouted, "Where is the man? Where did you lead me? Where is Mr. Yan?"

  Bai Erlang, who was hiding in the canopy of his head, took the sack, looked at each other with Bai Shan, nodded, and the two looked at the opposite Man Bao together.

Man Bao stretched out three fingers, one by one, and collected them one by one. When they received the last one, they would take them back. Bai Shan and Bai Erlang jumped down from the tree together with the sack, the sack. Aiming at Zhang Jinghao's head, he slipped it down.

  In one set, they let go of their hands in the air and landed on the ground. After rolling twice, they quickly climbed up...

And Man Bao, who was hiding under the tree opposite them, stretched out a foot to kick Zhang Jinghao after he was in their suit. Zhang Jinghao just wanted to untie the sack and was kicked to the ground. His fist soon hit the face. And on...

  He screamed and rolled on the ground subconsciously.

  Man Bao aimed at his **** and kicked several times, Bai Shan helped her kick her.

  Shiajiro was still a little guilty, so he cheered them with his fingers on the side.

  Bai Shan was so angry, he leaned in his ear and whispered: "Think about your right hand being beaten into a pig's hoof."

   "But I also earned two hundred taels."

  Bai Shan was silent for a while and then said: "No, we are so laborious to vent your anger, you must score the two hundred taels for us."


Bai Shan waved to Man Bao quietly. Man Bao ran over and heard that Bai Shan was right. Seeing Bai Erlang's painful expression on his face, he said, "If you make your husband so worried, you must respect and respect him, you. Don’t keep the copy. Buy something for your husband."

   Bai Erlang became angry, and then aimed at Zhang Jinghao, who had stopped and was about to sit up and untie the sack, and kicked him, causing him to roll around on the spot.

  He is finally able to kick his feet now, and Man Bao whispered to him from the side, "Spanks, thighs, arms, these areas are painful, and it is not easy to leave marks, and it will not be seriously injured..."

  The three teamed up to beat Zhang Jinghao, making Yin or and Changshou who were hiding under another tree dumbfounded, and could not recover for a long time.

  Until the three of them felt that they were almost done, and when they ran over and pulled him, he didn't react.

The group of people trot down the hillside for half of Yin or could not run, Bao Bao said: "Okay, let's go slowly, don't let him overwork and get sick, anyway, he is still working hard to untie the sacks at this moment. Well, definitely not catching up so quickly."

Yin or panting and returning to the carriage with them, Man Bao took out the bamboo tube with boiling water, opened it and tested the temperature of the water, and found that it was still warm, so he poured it a little bit, "Drink slowly and take a sip smoothly. Just go well."

  Yin or took the bamboo tube, swallowed his saliva, and asked, "You guys, why are you so skilled?"

  Man Bao heard his hidden meaning, and quickly said: "Don't get me wrong, this is also the first time we set human sack, we used to set sparrows before."

  Shirazen and Shirajiro nodded again and again.

   Yin or a look of confusion, "What is a sparrow?"

  Longevity hurriedly said: "Master, sparrow is a kind of bird. It loves to eat millet and wheat most. It is the most in summer and autumn."

  The three of them looked at Yin contemptuously or said afterwards: "You don't even know a sparrow."

  Yin was silent for a while and asked, "Why are you going to set up sparrows?"

  Man Bao: "It's delicious."

  Bai Shan: "It's fun."

   Baijiro: "It's delicious and fun."

  Yin may not have eaten that thing, but it seemed quite fun to see them pulling a sack down from the mountain just now. He asked with interest, "How many sparrows can you nest at one time?"

  "Not necessarily, but the sparrows that are pecking at the corn are not stupid. If they were a little stupid and our nets were big enough, then we would be able to net a little bit more."

  Yin may continue to receive new knowledge, one by one, "The net? Isn't it a sack?"

Even Bai Erlang couldn't help but glanced at him contemptuously and said: "Who would use a sack to cover a sparrow? Of course, it is a fishing net. It is big and easy to fall. The sack is so small with a small opening, and the sparrow is so flexible. The thump is gone."

   "But I think you are also very proficient in sacking."

  Bai Shan: "Think of Zhang Jinghao as a big, clumsy sparrow, and aim it at his head. It's not difficult at all."

"Yes, if you have used sparrows, you will know that it is not difficult to set people." Man Bao said, covering his stomach: "I'm a bit hungry, speaking of which I haven't eaten sparrows in a long time. ."

  Yin could not help but swallowed, and asked, "Is the sparrow delicious?"

  The three nodded together, and said happily: "It's very delicious, my sister-in-law's stewed it is very delicious, our roast is delicious, and Aunt Rong's fried it is delicious."

  Yin or very small swallowed, lowered his eyes and thought for a while, raised his head and asked Man Bao, "Can I eat?"

  "Bake and deep-fried are probably not good enough, but you can eat stewed." Man Bao said: "Where can I catch sparrows now?"

  "Didn’t you say that there are many in summer and autumn?"

"It's in the countryside, in the fields of millet and wheat. At this moment..." Man Bao probe looked out and sighed: "You have a lot of horses, donkeys, and mules here, but sparrows do. Not much."

  "Are you in the country?" Yin Or thought for a while and said, "I can ask my dealer to send some over."

  Man Bao said unceremoniously: "Then you can give me some by the way."

  Yin or nodded with a smile, "Okay."

  His grandmother would definitely not give him these things at home, but after going out...

   Yin or brilliance in the eyes.

  Bai Shan also got up and suggested: "Then we will make another rack, and then we can bake a few in the yard to eat."

   "Okay, okay."

  The four people discussed in full swing, Da Ji drove the four into the city in a carriage, and when he reached the fork, he said: "Master, Master Yin is going home or..."

  Bai Shan felt a little hungry, so he asked Yin or, "Are you going to our house for lunch?"

   Yin or lowered his eyes and said, "I'm afraid to interrupt."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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