Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1004: Be a guest

   Chapter 1004

  When Bai Shan heard this, he said to the driver who was driving ahead: "Let's go, go home for dinner."

  Man Bao said with a smile on his face: “Don’t bother, don’t bother, once you’re born and secondly familiar, you can come to my house often in the future.”

  Yin or a little embarrassed smile, he grew up so old, it was the first time he went to someone else's house alone, and he rolled his fingers nervously.

  Changshou, who was driving the carriage behind, saw the carriage stopped. He had just jumped out of the carriage to pick up his young master, but the carriage left again.

  He was taken aback for a moment, ran back to the carriage, drove the carriage to chase them, and chased them to Changqing Lane.

  The carriage stopped, Bai Erlang first jumped down from the carriage, and then stretched out a foot from the carriage, Bai Shan said: "Where is the bench?"

  Bai Erlang grumbled twice aggrievedly, and took the car stool he had thrown aside and put it away. Bai Shan stepped off the car, turned and helped Man Bao down.

  The young master opened the curtain, first glanced out, and then stepped on the horse bench lightly.

  Longevity regained consciousness, immediately ran up to support their young master.

The three Man Bao enthusiastically invited Yin or entered. Longevity held their young master tightly and asked in a low voice: "Master, shall we not go home? It's almost time for lunch now, the old lady should be anxious. NS."

   Yin said indifferently: "I said when I went out today, I want to go to my classmates to play. My grandmother has seen me for a long time and won't come back, so she would know that I stayed outside to eat."

   "But today the court is closed, aunt, grandma and grandma should all come home..."

Yin Or smiled at the three Manbaos, and while following them, he whispered back: "What's the matter here? A few of them are in the capital, and they can communicate with each other at all times. I don't need to be there every time. And I'm here. , When did Sister Xiumu not come back?"

   Yin or said: "They came back to see grandma, not me."

  Longevity was silent and did not speak. Although he was anxious, he did not dare to mention it again.

  Into the second hospital, Yin may go to see Mr. Zhuang first, after all, this is the elder of their family.

  Mr. Zhuang did not hear a few children talk about Yin or less, knowing that he is sick, and now he is treating his eldest disciple as a patient, so he is very friendly and tolerant of him, and laughed first when they met.

   "It's a lot of fun here. If they play tricks on you, you don't have to be polite. Just call them back. If you can't beat them, tell me, I will teach them for you."

  Man Bao shouted unconvincingly: "Sir, we never bully our friends."

Bai Erlang, who had just finished the short report with Mr. Zhuang, lowered his head and took a step forward. Mr. Zhuang glanced at him and said, "Okay, take your friends out to play, don’t bully your friends, and don’t bully your own younger brother. ."

  Manbao and Bai Shan responded, stretched out their hands and pulled Bai Erlang out. When he was outside, he would reach out and beat him. Bai Erlang unceremoniously pushed back and said: "You bully me again, I'm going to be called Mr."

  Bai Shan snorted: "Pen!"

  Shiijiro proudly said: "I told my husband."

   "That has to be divided."

  White Erlang became anxious, and shouted: "Mr. said, let you not bully me."

  Man Bao: "Mr. asked us not to beat you, but he didn't say not to let us divide your money, so he still scored money, hurry up..."

Bai Erlang reluctantly went back to the house to get the money. Yin might not be able to help smiling. He turned around and saw many strange flowers and plants on the porch. He curiously stepped forward to watch and found that he had many flowers that he hadn’t seen. pass.

  "What kind of flower is this? Hey, this half-opened chrysanthemum is green? Is this a chrysanthemum?"

   "It's a chrysanthemum," Man Baoxiao asked, "How is it, does it look good?"

  Yin nodded in a daze, "I rarely see these flower varieties. Most of them have only heard of them, but some have never seen them. Where can you get so many exotic flowers and weeds?"

  "Bought it with others," Bai Shandai Manbao replied, asking: "How much do you think these flowers can be sold for?"

  Yin may be taken aback and asked: "Are you short of money?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao shook their heads with ignorance, "No shortage, why do you ask?"

  "Since there is no shortage of money, why..."

  How do you always keep the money in three sentences?

  Man Bao understood, and smiled: “Although there is no shortage of money, our family’s money is not too much to allow us to spend, so who would think it’s too little?”

  Have never bothered about money, or said that he has never put money in his heart or was stunned on the spot. After a pause, he asked, "Is money important?"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan looked at him with a very strange look, thinking that Yin might be simpler than their younger brother, why would anyone ask such a silly question?

   So the two nodded together and said in an unusually positive tone: "Yes, very important."

   Yin or thoughtful.

  But he quickly recovered, pointing to these flowers and asking, "Then these flowers are for sale?"

  The two nodded together.

   Yin or smiled and said, "Sell it to me, I like flowers very much."

   "No." Man Bao refused without thinking.

  Yin might be taken aback for a while and then asked: "Why?"

  Bai Shan gave a light cough, looked up at the sky and the roof...

  Man Bao also coughed lightly. Although he was a little uncomfortable, he thought that everyone is friends and should be more honest. Therefore, he said: "These flowers cannot be sold to friends, they must be sold to people I don't like."

  Yin opened her mouth wide in surprise, and when she went to see those beautiful exotic flowers, she couldn't help but step back two steps, "Yes, poisonous?"

  Man Bao looked at him in amazement, "Your thoughts are so strange, these are ordinary chrysanthemums, gypsophila, and ancient roses. What poison can it have?"

Yin may breathe a sigh of relief, then return to the original position and stand still, smiling awkwardly at the two of them.

   Also, if it is poisonous, they should not be placed under the porch. Isn’t it possible that everyone in the family may be poisoned?

  "Then...why do you want to sell it to someone you don’t like? I think these flowers and plants are pretty good-looking, and these flowers are also very beautiful when opened. Will the rest of them be ugly when they are opened?"

   "No, it's beautiful. I can guarantee it for this generation, but I can't guarantee it for the next generation."

   Yin or rolled his eyes, "The next generation?"

  Man Bao nodded, smiled happily, but said in a heavy tone: "They are not easy to keep seeds, and they may become disabled after the second flowering."

  Yin may know why he wants to sell it to people who don’t like it. Whoever bought the scarce flowers didn’t think that he would enjoy the next year’s reward this year, and the next year’s reward would be finished.

  This generation is cut...

   Yin or smiled and suddenly remembered, "Since you are someone you don’t like, will they buy it if you sell it?"

  "I hate them, but they may not know that I hate them, and which rich and expensive family bought flowers on their own? Isn't it all bought by the subordinates?"

   Yin or smiled and said, "It's really not."

  (End of this chapter)

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