Chapter 1014

  The queen glanced at him, knowing why he said that, in the final analysis, it was because he came to the throne not so well, so she cared about fame.

  He wants Deng Wengu to justify his name, and he also needs Deng Wengu to stop him.

  The queen sighed, "If that stick can be avoided, it would be fine."

  The emperor snorted, "Unless they have done a great job, where can I give them relief? If I just find an excuse, I can give them away. The world will not be messed up in the future?"

  The queen thought and said nothing.

Seeing her sad look, the emperor took her hand and asked, "Still worrying about the two emperors?"

  The queen twitched the corners of her mouth, but found that she couldn't laugh, but tears suddenly fell. She wiped her tears and said, "Your Majesty, after the Queen Mother, let Saburo go out of Beijing."

   "His princess only gave birth to her eldest son two years ago, and the child is still young, why should he be so anxious?"

The queen shook her head and said, "It's not too young anymore. The twelfth king of Teng will go to the feudal clan. If you feel sorry for the emperor and grandson, let him go to the fief first, and familiarize yourself with the affairs of the fief. You can pick it up."

  She said: "He is old, so what does it look like to stay in the capital?"

  The emperor was silent for a long time, and when he saw the empress’s expression firm, he nodded, "Okay, I've written it all down."

  Guozijian went to school, Man Bao jumped out of the carriage, and happily rushed out the door and waved to Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan said goodbye to the classmates walking beside him, everyone waved goodbye to him lively, and watched him running towards the little girl with the book basket, and couldn't help but smile.

  Bai Shan ran up and smiled and asked, "How do you come to pick us up today?"

"I have replied to the post I wrote to Mrs. Tang. The people at their house said at noon today that she would come out to stroll around when she was free, and asked if we wanted to be with her, so I came to pick you up. "

  Man Bao finished speaking and saw Yin Or walking slowly, raised his hand and waved at him and asked, "Tomorrow is going to watch the dressing change. Do you come directly to my house or go to the drug store?"

   Yin or smiled and said, "Go to your house."

After a pause, he asked, "By the way, all the flowers in your house are sold? The flowers raised by my sixth sister are blooming. She likes them very much. She also cut a branch and put it in the house. I smell very sweet. "

   "It was sold out yesterday."

  Yin may be a little regretful, "Your action is fast, just telling you two purchases. Didn't you show your deeds?"

   "Don't worry, Bai Shan and I have carefully designed it, and we can't find it from us."

   Yin or smiled and nodded, seeing Bai Shan standing by and waiting, he hesitated and asked: "Aren't you going home?"

  Bai Shan nodded, "I want to meet a friend."

  Yin may wait a while, but he was a little disappointed before he heard them invite him. He nodded and said: "Then you go ahead, I will go home first."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan nodded together, and when he got in the car, they looked back at the Imperial College and complained: "Why is Bai Er so long?"

"I'm probably playing with classmates. I will go in and look for him if he doesn't come out in a while." Bai Shan asked her, "Do you think about how to deal with Mrs. Tang in a while? When she lived in Luojiang County, she wanted to know that we were there. What to do."

   "Think about it, I decided to tell her clearly that I can't speak."

  Bai Shan:...

  Yin or got on the carriage, Changshou asked, "Master, shall we go home?"

   "Don't worry, go down the street."

  Longevity waited for a while. Seeing that he didn't say where to go, he had no choice but to respond, hit the horse and started walking.

  Man Bao and the others leaned against the car to talk, and after chatting for a quarter of an hour, Bai Erlang hooked up with his friends and walked out.

As soon as he walked out the gate, he saw the two people waiting by the car. He immediately retracted his arms, then said goodbye to his friends, ran over and happily asked, "How about Takamatsu, why are you here to pick me up?" "

Bai Shan turned around and put down the bench to help Manbao get into the car. He said angrily: "Ms. Tang invited us to dinner and Man Bao came to pick us up. You've been dying for a long time. You will be on vacation tomorrow. Why are you not in a hurry to go home? "

   "Because tomorrow is a holiday, I am not in a hurry to go home."

When Bai Erlang waited for Bai Shan to get into the carriage, he stepped on the horse stool and jumped up, happily asking, "Where are we going to eat? Mr. Go too? No, Mrs. Tang is too old. Mrs. Tang is definitely not good with him. Eat..."

  Daji put the horse stool back, turned the horse's head and started walking.

  Ms. Tang invited them to dinner. Everyone is so cooked. Of course, she would not choose a restaurant as expensive as the champion building. She invited them to a Xiangmanlou. It is said that his fish is very delicious.

Mrs. Tang chose a large private room by the window and leaned against the window. She saw their carriage only when she arrived. She smiled and waved to the people downstairs. Seeing them smiling and responding, she ran in happily. At the restaurant, he smiled and returned to the main seat and sat down.

  The guy in the shop quickly led them in.

  Ms. Tang smiled at them and said: "I thought you were going to have a set of dramas that you didn’t know each other. Who knows that you still wrote a post with me after a month."

  The three impure minds all smiled embarrassedly.

  Ms. Tang waved her hand and said, "Okay, you don't have to be embarrassed. Sit down and talk about what you want to eat?"

  Man Baodao: "We are not familiar, just order it."

   "Okay," Mrs. Tang said to the buddy standing by: "Just serve the dishes I just ordered."

  Three people:...

  Ms. Tang waited for the buddies to go out, then smiled and looked at them, "Speak, what are you looking for me?"

  Ms. Tang’s girl smiled and stepped forward to pour a cup of tea for the three of them, and then stepped aside.

  Man Bao smiled embarrassedly, and then bluntly asked: "Mrs. Tang, we are not familiar with the place where we were born in the capital, and the news is not well-known, so I want to ask you, has something happened in the capital recently?"

   "Something happened?" Madam Tang tilted her head and thought about it: "The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, is there a palace banquet?"

  The three shook their heads together.

   "That is the Queen Mother's coming, the prince and his family have all entered Beijing?"

  Bai Shan: "We all know these news."

"Yes," Mrs. Tang said with her lips. "These news are not secrets. Everyone knows the streets and alleys. What's more, you three, one in Guozixue, one in Taixue, and one in a drug store with mixed news. Here, you should not be able to hide anything from you, so what kind of news do you want to know?"

  Bai Erlang had a chill in his back since he saw Mrs. Tang. He regretted it a bit. He felt that Mrs. Tang was not the same as the Mrs. Tang he had seen before, except for his face.

  So he turned his head to look at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan pondered for a moment and then wanted to speak, Man Bao suddenly rushed to speak before him: "We want to know news about King Yizhou."

    The next update will be around ten o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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