Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1015: Secrets (Happy birthday to Xiaoxue)

  Chapter 1015 Secrets (Happy Birthday to Xiaoxue)

  Ms. Tang raised her eyelids and looked at Man Bao for a long time before saying: "Okay, but the king of Yizhou hasn't had much news lately, and it's no different from previous years. After entering Beijing, she goes to the palace every day to send greetings to the Queen Mother."

  Ms. Tang paused when she said that, she suddenly approached Man Bao, elbows on the table and stared at Man Bao’s eyes and asked, "You are asking what King Yizhou is doing. Did the county magistrate Tang ask you to check it?"

  Man Bao was startled when she suddenly approached, shaking his head like a rattle.

  Ms. Tang squinted at Bai Shan and Bai Erlang, Bai Shan nodded repeatedly, indicating that Man Bao was right.

   Bai Erlang followed Man Bao and shook his head, saying that it was not the Tang county magistrate who ordered the investigation.

  Bai Shan's head paused, and he turned to look at Bai Erlang, only to force himself to follow him and shook his head, but Bai Shan nodded with him.

  Man Bao stared at the two stupid juniors so angry that they were speechless.

  Ms. Tang smiled slightly and asked, "Have you communicated with County Magistrate Tang recently?"

   "Occasionally write one or two greetings," Bai Shan replied cautiously: "After we entered Beijing, the magistrate of Tang and Yang took good care of us."

   "I can see that my father-in-law knows about you. I have listened to his instructions to the housekeeper to take good care of you." He raised his eyes and looked at them.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao's complexion is okay, with a puzzled look on their faces, "Really, but we haven't seen the steward of Tang Mansion."

  Ms. Tang squinted at Bai Erlang.

  Sweat broke out on Baijiro's forehead, and nodded and said: "I haven't seen it either."

  He felt that he had come by mistake. He shouldn’t have followed him today just for a delicious bite. Mrs. Tang is really terrible. From now on, Bai Shan and Man Bao will come to this kind of thing.

  Bai Shan paused for a while and asked: "Mrs. Tang, there is nothing wrong with King Yizhou, so what is upsetting now?"

  Mrs. Tang turned to look at him.

  The two looked at each other and looked at each other in silence for a while, then Mrs. Tang asked: "Do you want to ask this, or does County Magistrate Tang want you to ask?"

  Bai Shan was silent for a while and then said: "The Tang county magistrate will agree to our question."

  Ms. Tang turned her finger around the teacup and said, "What annoyance~~ Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon. Everyone is very happy looking at it, but it's a pity."

Mrs. Tang said: "A few days ago, a concubine died in the East Palace. I heard that she hanged herself. She had just had a child of three months before her death. The princess was still sick because of this, and she hasn't gotten better until now. "

  Baijiro and Manbao are puzzled, "Why hang themselves? How do children flow?"

  Hakujiro even lowered his voice and asked, "Did the crown prince hurt?"

"Impossible!" It was Bai Shan. Although he heard very little in Guozixue, he occasionally heard a sentence or two. He said: "The prince has never had an heir. If the concubine has a child, she should be happy."

  Mrs. Tang nodded, "Yes."

  Man Bao looked up at Madam Tang for a while, and asked, "But the concubine was also killed, right?"

  Ms. Tang didn’t answer, she just said: “If you want to say that the trouble is only this one, the emperor also applied for the crown prince two days ago.”

Man Bao thought about the papers they received, and couldn't help but pat the table and said, "I know, it was the king of Yizhou. The prince has no son, then his position is unstable, the country is unstable, and Chao Gang is naturally too. Not stable."

  Ms. Tang squirted out the tea from her mouth, her eyes widened to see Man Bao, "What did you say? Chaozun is unstable?"

  Man Bao blinked, and asked with a guilty conscience, "Did I say something?"

  Bai Shan stretched out his hand to cover his face, and after a while, he raised his head and said to Mrs. Tang seriously: "Mrs. Tang, you got it wrong, she didn't say it."

  Mrs. Tang: ......These two bear children, when she is deaf!

   She said angrily: "There is another gossip. I don't know if it is true or not. Would you like to listen?"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan nodded again and again, Bai Erlang shook their heads.

  Bai Shan, who was sitting next to him, reached out and pressed his head, causing him to nod afterwards.

Mrs. Tang didn’t care about his opinion, and she continued: “I’ve quietly inquired, saying that the reason why the prince was reprimanded by His Majesty was because he beat the third prince and smashed the third prince’s mansion, but it happened. In the mansion, Yu Shi did not write a letter, and your Majesty and the Queen wanted to suppress this matter, and no one would dare to speak up about this matter."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan opened their mouths wide, and fell silent thoughtfully after a while.

  Mrs. Tang looked at their faces thoughtfully.

  The meal was very unpleasant, because no one was in the mood to eat, everyone ended the meal hastily, and Mrs. Tang gave them a few posts so that they could come to her when they had something to do.

  Man Bao told her the address of her home, so that she could come to the house as a guest when she had time, and she could give her some pots of beautiful flowers.

  Ms. Tang knew that she loves money, and asked with a smile, "Is it for me, not for me?"

  "Not for sale, not for sale. Those pots of flowers are not like bluegrass and worthless."

  Mrs. Tang thought of a pot of flowers she had never heard of in someone’s house yesterday, and couldn’t help but ask, “There is a kind of flower called Gypsophila paniculata. You sell it, right?”

  Man Bao blinked, "Mrs. Tang, you have seen it."

  Ms. Tang: "...I think that flower is quite strange, is it worthless? Why is it worthless?"

  Bai Shan gave a light cough, pointed to the front and said: "Mrs. Tang, your carriage has arrived."

  Ms. Tang glanced at him, chuckled, stopped questioning, waved: "Okay, I know, I won't talk outside."

   After saying that, the girl's hand was holding the carriage.

  As soon as Mrs. Tang got on the car, the smile on her face fell, and she picked up her veil again and again.

  What is Chaozun instability?

  She faintly guessed what her husband was investigating, and she also guessed why he just refused to tell her these things.

  This is a matter of life and death. If you are not careful, you will die.

  Ms. Tang thought about having a meal here, but it was not right. Since it was a matter of life and death, he would not even tell her, so why would he let the three children participate?

  How old are those three?

  Ms. Tang frowned, turned her head and asked the big girl, "What is Zhou Man doing at home?"

  The big girl paused and said, “It’s not that she grows land, but also grows medicinal materials. That’s why Miss Man only learned medicine, and her family also started a grain seed business with her master.”

"What about Bai Shan? By the way, after he was a hero, after a hero..." Madam Tang pondered for a while and said: "Go back and check what merit his father has done, and where he has been an official. "


  The three people who were also in the carriage were also not quiet, and their faces were also solemn.

  The three people with rich storybook experience have come up with several situations.

Man Bao stretched out a finger and said: "In one situation, the prince did not have a son yet, and the third prince did. He wanted to compete with his eldest brother for the emperor, so he heard that the prince’s concubine was pregnant, so he had a miscarriage. Planted the money to the King of Yizhou, but the prince did not believe it. The emperor believed it. So the emperor became angry with the King of Yizhou and let us go to the King of Yizhou."

    Happy birthday to Xiaoxue, getting younger and younger, and soon meet her own peach blossoms

     I forgot to announce everyone: The activity of playing and building a house for diamonds in the APP, don’t vote for me for these two days, you can keep it, and wait until the 21st to vote together, and try to make it to the top five.

    Also keep the monthly pass until the end of the month, because there is a one-for-one event at the end of the month.




  (End of this chapter)

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