Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1016: Unwilling

   Chapter 1016

"The second situation," Bai Shan also extended a finger: "The prince still has no sons. The third prince still wants to compete with his eldest brother for the emperor. King Yizhou knew about this, so he knew that the prince's concubine was pregnant. Later, it was revealed to the third prince, so the third prince sent someone to miscarry the concubine. King Yizhou told the prince again, the prince was very angry when he found out, so he fought with the third prince, and the emperor was even more angry when he found out. , Then let us sue the king of Yizhou."

"Also, also," Bai Erlang said anxiously: "The child was dropped by the king of Yizhou, and then planted to the third prince. The prince was stupid and didn't find out, but the emperor found out, so he gave birth to two people. The anger, not only punished the prince, but also told us to sue the king of Yizhou."

  Man Bao slapped the table with anger, “Aren’t that all the **** of their family? Why do we want to be the first bird?”

  Bai Erlang shrank his head and whispered: "You can't say that, the emperor has no family affairs. This is also a national matter, Man Bao, you have to keep your voice down."

Bai Shan was also very unhappy, "Since it is a national matter, then we have to be a little more serious. It involves contesting positions. Look at the official histories, unhistorical histories, and those written in the script, which one is not a bloodshed? "

  He said: "Whether we like it or not, we are already involved, and there is no way to complain and hate it."

  Bai Shan said, his eyes gleaming, and the corners of his mouth squeezed to express a very unpleasant emotion, "There is a mountain in front, and we turn over it. If it's a river, then walk over."

  Man Bao asked: "What if it's fire, or a knife?"

  Bai Shan glanced at her and said, "Can we still retreat? Or else we must gritted our teeth and walked over, with some blood and injuries, just walk over."

  It is true that you cannot retreat. Man Bao's mood is a little depressed, and thin tears in his eyes can not help asking: "Then, what if you can't go there?"

  Bai Shan lowered his eyes to prevent them from seeing the tears in his eyes, "Then it's dead."

  Even Bai Erlang fell silent, two young masters and one girl sat in silence, and the car was quiet.

  White Erlang whispered: "I, I don't want to die..."

  Who wants to die again?

Man Bao wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, pursed the corners of his lips, and said: "No, we just want to die, then we can't just die like this. I have to write down everything about us. If we die in the future, our Things can be passed on to later generations just like current books."

  Bai Erlang also wiped his tears, and nodded again and again: "Yes, let future generations scold King Yizhou," he lowered his voice and said, "Also scold the emperor."

  Bai Shan raised his red eyes and looked at the two human beings: "This is wild history at most. The official history will not be written. The wild history will only be used as a post-dinner talk. Who will really take it seriously?"

  Man Bao: "It doesn't matter, I will write."

   "Okay, you can write it." Bai Shan said: "Let me see when you are finished."

   "No." Since it is written for the future generations after her death, she must also include Keke. How can it be shown to Bai Shan?

  Man Bao glanced at him and said, "What if we are not dead but you watched it?"

  Bai Shan lifted his spirits and looked at her suspiciously, “You don’t want to write bad things about us, do you?”

  Shirajiro also looked at Man Bao guardly.

  Man Baodao: "No, I am a fair person, I can only write truthfully, and I won't deliberately praise or devalue anyone."

  Bai Shan expressed suspicion, “I think you should read more about how modern history books are written, and read less of Shangshu, Spring and Autumn.”

Man Bao snorted: "Mister said that in the past, historians did not fear the emperor, but now they are very obscure, and ordinary people often read it. I don’t want this. My books must not only be read by scholars, but also Show it to ordinary people, hum, if we die, I will let them stinks for thousands of years."

  Shirajiro said that he was very worried, “How easy is it that others may not believe it to be true if you write it out, and how can you not believe it? It’s not necessarily whether you write it well or not.”

  Man Baodao: "I dare not say anything else, my article must be better than yours."

  Bai Shan glanced at her and said, "Why don't you think about how you will circulate this book? If you write it out, it won’t be printed, it won’t be circulated, and your story will just rot in the soil."

  Man Bao began to ponder, "Then I am rich, and I have to open a bookstore or something, so I will print my books specifically, and then they will be cheaper and I will sell them at a loss."

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang couldn't help reminding her, "...Can you survive to the time when you have money to build a bookstore?"

  The topic was pulled back into the heavy range, Man Bao: "...I don't know."

   Seeing that the car was quiet again, Daji couldn't help but shook his head, speeding up and going home.

  And there was a carriage not far behind them, it was the carriage of the Yin family that had just turned out from another street.

  Changshou saw the familiar white carriage from the back, and quickly said to the young master: "Master, look, the white carriage is in front."

  Yin or lifted the curtain and glanced forward, nodded and then said: "It's getting late, let's go home."


  Man Bao When they returned home, Mr. Zhuang was already waiting for them in the study. When they saw them coming back, he beckoned and asked, "How is it, what did you ask from Mrs. Tang?"

  Now they don’t hide anything from Mr. Zhuang anymore. Mr. Zhuang knows it anyway, and it's boring to hide it.

   Except for a little bit of their careful thinking, they dare not conceal this kind of major event, and they will not conceal it.

  Mr. Zhuang heard the thought for a long time, he weighed in his heart for a while, and found that there was nothing he could do.

  He sighed and asked, "What are you going to do?"

  Bai Shan said: "Let’s take a step and take a step, sir, since your Majesty doesn’t want to wait any longer, can we find a way to become famous?"

Mr. Zhuang nodded, "Be famous, the more famous you are, the greater the chance of survival."

  Although this opportunity is slim in front of all forces, it is also an opportunity, isn’t it?

  Mr. Zhuang, who is also born in Weihan, knows the feeling of wanting to take a chance at all costs.

  He reached out and touched the heads of the three children, and inspired them: "You have always been smart, and I believe you can do it as a teacher."

   Baijiro raised his head, his eyes sparkling and asked: "Sir, do you include me?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao, who were so excited, calmed down instantly.

  Mr. Zhuang looked at Shirajiro and smiled and said, "Of course you are included. Jiro is also very good."

  Shirajiro smiled complacently, and glanced at Baishan and Manbao.

  Mr. Zhuang said in a warm voice: "Well, you guys have been tired for a day. Let's rest. I have assigned you some homework for the teacher, and I will tell you tomorrow."

  Three disciples:...

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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