Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1017: Mo Ju

  Chapter 1017 Mo Ju

  Mr. Zhuang assigned them a lot of homework, of which Man Bao had the most, because Bai Shan and Bai Erlang still had school assignments, but she didn't have them.

  Man Bao was a little dissatisfied with this, and argued with her husband on the basis of reason: "Sir, although I don't have the homework assigned in school, I also want to study the case."

  Mr. Zhuang raised his eyelids and glanced at her and said: "Then you get up earlier and go to bed later. Your courses have slowed down. If you don't do your homework, you will be caught up by Erlang."

  Man Bao turned his head to look at Bai Erlang, who happened to turn his head to look over, and he was happy at her.

  Man Bao turned around and said to Mr. Zhuang: "Sir, I think you are right."

  White Jiro:...

  Bai Shan held back a smile, opened his textbook and started thinking about homework.

  The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday in the capital is longer than when they were in Yizhou. I don’t know if it is because the officials in the capital have to attend a palace banquet or something, anyway, the Guozi Supervisor has a five-day holiday.

  From the 14th of tomorrow, the streets will be lively. All shops have begun to move out lanterns. There are more people who sell food outside and play.

  Unfortunately, Bai Shan and the others couldn't even get out of the door, so they all stayed at home to do their homework.

  Mr. Zhuang said, take them to a poetry meeting on the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  Of course, unlike in Yizhou City, in Beijing, they are not eligible to attend the poem meeting. At most, they are watching and participating.

  Mr. Zhuang never thought about taking them to participate in these events before, after all, they want to be low-key?

  But now there is no need to be an invisible person, so just do what you should do. As for whether you can become famous, it depends on the ability of a few children.

  For Bai Shan and Man Bao, Mr. Zhuang is still very confident. After all, he has taken so many students and met so many people, and he has only seen so many people as smart as them.

  Except for the two of them who are still young, the others are all very famous.

  And the poetry society is also divided into many levels, Mr. Zhuang can participate in the level is not too high, the next day he dressed up the three disciples and led them out.

  There was a poetry meeting that moved to a place called Mo Huiyuan. Inside was a three-entry garden, all of which were open. The literati and ink guests who entered could stroll around, and finally returned to the atrium to write poetry.

  Of course, you need a post to get in.

  I don’t know where Mr. Zhuang got the two posts, and led all three of them in.

  Man Bao followed Mr. Zhuang, looked up at the plaque, and then moved forward. He asked curiously, "Sir, why is it called Mo Huiyuan?"

  This name always sounds weird, especially when holding a literary meeting.

  Shirazen and Shirajiro also felt strange, so they all raised their heads to look at Mr.

  Mr. Zhuang: ...Where does he know why?

  The name given by the host’s family, do you still go to the bottom of it?

Mr. Zhuang could only say: "The owner of this garden is named Mo. This garden is rented out all year round for banquets, literary meetings and poetry meetings. It has always been called this name."

  Man Bao was curious: "Who does the banquet not in his own home, but rents the garden?"

   "Many people," Mr. Zhuang said: "The capital is expensive, and the houses are not cheap. Many people only have enough houses to live in. There is no room for banquets at home, so they can only rent out."

  Bai Shan puzzled: "There are only a few literary and poetry fairs held in a year. If it can’t be rented out, wouldn’t it be empty and won’t lose money?"

"No, like this, there are many more rented gardens inside and outside the capital," Mr. Zhuang said: "Some fourth- and fifth-grade Beijing officials, even third-grade Beijing officials, have only two and three in their homes. If a family lives together, if it’s a small banquet, where should a dozen guests go to the table at a time? And there is not even a scene to see, and it’s too shabby, so someone will rent the garden outside."

"Think about it, how many officials and Chinese-funded homes are there in Beijing? Today is a birthday, tomorrow is the first one. Poetry meetings, literary meetings, and flower viewing banquets will be rented in turn. This garden will be empty within a few days. Right."

  Man Bao curiously asked: "Is it very profitable?"

Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "I don't know this. This garden requires money not only for land, but also for construction, but also for the decorations, flowers, trees, and maintenance of the garden. Compared with money, I think the host's family needs more money. I care about the people who come here for the banquet."

   is also the network.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao nodded, and Bai Erlang sniffed and said, "Sir, I smell a sweet smell."

  Mr. Zhuang: "...This is the aroma of the back chef."

  Man Bao also sniffed, and whispered happily: "I can smell it. It's the taste of the moon group. I heard that the moon group in Beijing is also delicious."

  Bai Shan: “After all, it’s Mid-Autumn Festival. Moon group is a must.”

Mr. Zhuang nodded.

  The four masters and apprentices went to the atrium and then went in. There were a lot of people standing in twos and threes in the courtyard of the atrium. Everyone was enjoying the flowers or talking, so it was so lively.

   "Bai Shan?"

  Bai Shanxun turned his head and saw Peng Zhiru’s classmates standing together. He smiled slightly and stepped forward and said, “It’s you, are you all here for the poem meeting?”

   Peng Zhiru smiled and said, "Yes, I just met when I came in, I didn't expect you to come too."

  A few people looked at Mr. Zhuang and Man Bao who were standing aside.

  Mr. Zhuang met for the first time, but they all knew that Bai Shan had a teacher who had been following him since childhood, so they guessed his identity.

  Manbao, they are not rare, but they have not officially met.

Bai Shan took the opportunity to introduce them. After everyone got to know each other, Peng Zhiru smiled and said, “It’s more lively over there. The owner of the garden bought a particularly rare pot of Mo Ju from nowhere. Most of them are now open and everyone is there. Flower viewing, do you want to go over and take a look?"

  Bai Shan: "Mo Ju?"

  He turned his head to look at Man Bao.

Mr. Zhuang and Shirajiro also looked at Man Bao.

  Man Bao opened his mouth slightly, and asked in surprise: "The black chrysanthemum?"

  Peng Zhiru paused and then smiled: "It's not black, it's ink, um, it's not that dark."

  The four masters and apprentices were particularly curious to look at it, because there was a pot of Moju among the flowers that Man Bao once moved home, but it has already been sold.

  But they seem to remember that she sold to the relatives of King Yizhou, right?

  Waiting for the place, the four masters and apprentices carefully avoided the people and squeezed to the front. As soon as they saw the flowerpot, the leaf, and the color, Mr. Zhuang, Bai Shan and Bai Erlang all turned their heads to look at Man Bao.

  Man Bao blinked his eyes, and stared carefully for a long time, confirming that he was really not dazzled. This was really the flower that had been in her hands.

  The chrysanthemums sold to Yin or were green, and the ink-colored ones were sold to the relatives of King Yizhou.

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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