Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1021: Chen Fulin

  Chapter 1021 Chen Fulin

Mr. Zhuang waved his hands at the three disciples, and then took Bai Erlang’s hand back to the chair. He smiled at Mr. Jiang and the others: “The tea Mr. Jiang brought today is too good. I didn’t expect to drink it. I got drunk after a few cups."

Mr. Jiang tilted his head and glanced at Chen Fulin. Seeing that he was silent with his eyes down, he couldn't help but laughed and said happily: "This is the first time Jiang has seen drunk tea in his life. Come, come, Zhuang Brother, take another drink to get drunk."

  Mr. Jiang handed it over. Mr. Zhuang actually took a sip and praised: "Good tea."

  Everyone:...... So is this really drunk tea or fake drunk tea?

  But now everyone looked at Mr. Zhuang who looked plain, and then looked at Chen Fulin, who was staring at Mr. Zhuang, everyone also figured out that the relationship between these two classmates and classmates does not seem to be very good.

  Chen Fulin waited for them to finish talking and then smiled with Mr. Zhuang: “I haven’t seen Brother Zhuang for many years. How about we make an appointment to talk about the past?”

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said, "I think it is better to hit the sun than to choose a day, it is better to just today."

  Chen Fulin was taken aback, and smiled: “It’s too hurried, so I might as well have a banquet in the champion building another day and invite Brother Zhuang to have a glass of water and wine. I remember that Brother Zhuang loved to drink very much before.”

  Mr. Zhuang said in a daze: "Yes, drinking has made a mistake, so someone Zhuang has given up."

  The three disciples raised their heads to look at their husband, and said in their hearts: It's strange, he still loves to drink so much, Mr. Sure enough, his mouth is a deceitful ghost.

  Chen Fulin didn’t believe it either. The last time he ran into him in the champion building, didn’t he get drunk?

  Mr. Jiang smiled and asked: "So you are not drunk now, but are you drunk tea?"

Mr. Zhuang nodded solemnly, "Yes."

  Mr. Chen, who had just had a drink with him some time ago:...

  Chen Fulin paused, and said unwillingly: "I don't know where Brother Zhuang will live after entering Beijing. Why should I visit Xujiao tomorrow?"

"The shabby room is cold, I'm afraid I've neglected Master Chen and dare not invite adults in." Mr. Zhuang casually pointed, no matter where it is, and smiled: "Master Chen and I have something to say, I will borrow the convenience of the host today. ."

Mr. Jiang stroked his palm and smiled: "This is easy-going. Since Mrs. Chen and Mr. Zhuang are old classmates, don’t be so polite. Just as Mr. Zhuang said, choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun. Well, I don’t think I need to go. Elsewhere, it's great here, we just make room for you."

   After speaking, shouted to everyone, "Go, let's go over to the atrium to see what good verses have been published this Mid-Autumn Festival."

  Everyone had remembered it a long time ago. Looking at the two people's posture, they may not have the old feelings, but the old grievances are possible.

  Everyone smiled politely and left with Mr. Jiang.

  Peng Zhiru and Lu Xiaofo hesitated for a moment, glanced at Bai Shanhou and followed Mr. Jiang. Mr. Chen, who was about to follow, looked back and saw Bai Shan and the others motionless. He couldn't help calling them, "Let your husband speak, come, you just come over from the atrium, take us over and see?"

The three of them turned to look at their husbands. Mr. Zhuang nodded slightly to them. The three of them looked at Chen Fulin together. They felt that he was a little younger than their husbands at his age, and their husbands would not be able to fight for a while. Too bad, they turned around and left together.

  However, they refused to go to the atrium. They found a slightly higher place to lean against, and looked over there quietly. If the fight really started, they could provide support as quickly as possible.

Seeing that they are all gone, Mr. Zhuang stretched out his hand and said, "Master Chen, please sit down."

  Chen Fulin smiled bitterly: "Xunmei, do you have to share with me like this?"

  Mr. Zhuang raised his eyes and looked at him faintly.

  Chen Fulin slightly averted his eyes, not facing his eyes, still the same sincere expression on his face, "You, why did you come to the capital?"

   "When people get older, they tend to think back to the old things, thinking, thinking, and then wanting to walk the places they have walked again, so they come."

  Chen Fulin nodded and sighed: "Yeah, I also often think of the days when I was studying in Yizhou. I was one year older than you, but many times I still need you to take care of me. How long do you plan to stay in Beijing this time?"

  Mr. Zhuang poured himself a cup of tea, and smiled lightly and said: "It's uncertain, maybe in March or May, maybe in three or five years."

  Chen Fulin clenched his fists at once. After a while, he relaxed again and asked with a smile: "Those three young people were your disciples just now? Are they going to Beijing to study, and are planning to wait for the next year's Imperial College Examination?"

  Mr. Zhuang laughed but said nothing.

  "I’ve heard people say before that you opened a school in Mianzhou to accept students. I didn’t expect to teach such good disciples. I think they are still young. How confident are you that you can pass the big exam next year?"

  Mr. Zhuang put down his tea cup after drinking tea, and said with a smile: "They don't need to take the exam, they are already in the Imperial College at this time."

  He smiled and said: “One is in Guozixue and the other is in Taixue. The treatment is much better than that of our government’s recommendation. I remember that if we were lucky enough to be recommended by the government, we could only enter four schools, right?”

   "By the way, Lord Chen came out of the four schools?"

  Chen Fulin swallowed, looked at Mr. Zhuang’s eyes, then moved away, and smiled: “That’s also a concession to the United States, otherwise I can’t rush into the Imperial College in the last year.”

  Mr. Zhuang picked up his lips and did not speak.

Chen Fulin whispered: "Xunmei, after you left Beijing, I asked my classmates to find you, and I wanted to recommend you to Tongzhou as a county prime minister. You also know that when my uncle was a governor in Tongzhou, you went there. With your power, coupled with my uncle’s help, it won’t be long before you can be promoted to the county magistrate. Unfortunately, there was no news after you left the capital. I heard that you took away your siblings and nephews when you returned to your hometown. Alas... Why bother?"

  Mr. Zhuang looked at his kind face, and suddenly got tired of it, “Let’s say what Master Chen wants to say.”

Chen Fulin shook his head, "Xunmei, you misunderstood me too deeply. I know that you did not believe me because of too many explanations back then, but you have to believe that the friendship between you and me was really not my original intention. I met you in the champion's building the second time, and I thought it was you, but I was afraid that it wasn't you, so I sent someone to find you..."

   "I know," Mr. Zhuang smiled lightly: "I know someone has a car following me."

  Chen Fulin choked instantly.

Seeing Mr. Zhuang looking at him indifferently, Chen Fulin raised his hand and swears: "Xunmei, I swear, I have no ill intentions. We are all this age and half of our bodies are in the soil. What can I hide from you? I swear, whether it was more than 20 years ago or today, more than 20 years later, I never thought of harming you."

  Mr. Zhuang looked at him for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, I believe you."

    The name was written incorrectly in the previous chapter. I changed it. It is Chen Fulin, not Zhang Zheng. Zhang is Zhang Jinghao’s grandfather.

     The next update will be around 9:30 PM



  (End of this chapter)

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