Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1022: True love and false meaning (August monthly pass plus five more)

  Chapter 1022 True love and false meaning (August monthly pass plus five more)

  Chen Fulin smiled and asked: "Then you forgive me? You give me an address. I will bring a moon mission and wine to visit you tomorrow."

  Mr. Zhuang shook his head, "I believe you, but let's forget about the past, and it's best not to meet again in the future."

  Chen Fulin: "Why is this?"

  Mr. Zhuang sighed, "I have always been afraid of seeing old friends. Isn't Mrs. Chen not afraid at all?"

  Chen Fulin looked at Mr. Shangzhuang, could not help choking, and could not speak for a long time.

Mr. Chen and Mr. Jiang, who had gone far away, joined together, shook their heads and smiled: "Master Chen is forgiving, a well-known good old man, and Mr. Zhuang is also a broad-minded person, so why don't the two of them look at it? "

  Mr. Jiang smiled and said, “You’re not in harmony with your temper. This is the same as a pen for writing. Some pens look good, but they just don’t fit your hand. Isn’t this not going together?”

  Mr. Chen: "...Is that Mr. Zhuang's pen more suitable for you, or is Mr. Chen's pen more suitable for you?"

  Mr. Jiang laughed and said: "How can you compare it to you, be careful that Lao Zhuang turns around and asks you to settle the account."

Yes, Mr. Chen understands without him answering.

  Man Bao, who is still standing on the high ground, and the three Mr. Zhuang and Chen Fulin, who are staring at a distance and talking, have a heated discussion, "You said, what is the grudge between Mr. and him?"

  Bai Shan's eyes were good, he could see their expressions, and said: "It doesn't look like a quarrel, but the husband is very polite, and he doesn't seem to be familiar with the other party."

  Hakujiro: "Mr. is not a stingy person. I think it can't always be a problem left over from a fight in school. It must be a vengeance."

  Bai Shan has a headache, "What kind of hatred will it be?"

   was guessing, the three of them saw Mr. Zhuang got up and walked away, and the three of them immediately turned and rushed down, "Sir, are we going home?"

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "What is the hurry, I brought you to the poetry fair. The results of the competition have not come out yet. How can we go first? By the way, what poems have you made today?"

   Baijiro first raised his hand and said: "Sir, I didn't write poetry."

Mr. Zhuang understood him, nodded and said, "If you don't do it, you won't do it, but after you go back, you are not allowed to sleep in bed anymore. After getting up every morning, you must go to the garden to read the poems for two quarters of an hour before eating. go to school."


  Mr. Zhuang turned his head to look at the other two, "How about you?"

  The four masters and apprentices returned to the atrium while talking. It happened that everyone's poems were also finished, and the judges were about to judge them. The poems and essays were being opened for everyone to appreciate.

  Zhang Hui took out the top three judged by them, and said with a smile: "Today's poems will be very rewarding, and I have three good poems in my hand to share with you, especially this one by Bai Shan..."

  Mr. Zhuang didn't have time to hear the poem from Bai Shan. He turned his head and glanced at him. He didn't need to say it again, and went straight to look at it.

  "...The osmanthus under the moon will be tested first, and the ancestor wished Hsinchu to go around Fengchi..." Mr. Zhuang nodded approvingly, and said with Bai Shan: "You finally touched the edge of the poem, hahaha..."

  Mr. Jiang was standing not far away, and he heard his laughter approaching him and asked with a smile, "You are a good disciple, this is the top spot today."

  His voice just fell, and the referee standing on it was already looking for Bai Shan.

  Man Bao and Bai Erlang immediately pushed Bai Shan up happily.

  The next step is the old routine of the poetry club. As a senior, I will encourage the younger generation, and then give them the prizes they get in public.

  As the top of the list, Bai Shan got the specific color of Mo Huiyuan. After that, Zhang Hui slapped his palms, and someone raised a pot of flowers. Bai Shan looked intently at the Mo Ju they had just admired in the morning.

  Zhang Hui smiled and said: "Chrysanthemum proud wind, this ink chrysanthemum is even more rare, ink color and noble, Bai Xiaolangjun, I hope you will be like this basin of ink chrysanthemum in the future without fear of autumn cold, and open to the fullest in the literary world."

  Bai Shan: "...Yes, I will live up to the expectations of adults."

  He looked at the middle of the table for people to watch, then turned his head and glanced at the enviable gaze of everyone, and finally could only silently retract his gaze to look at Man Bao.

  Man Bao opened his mouth wide, and stared at him with big eyes, feeling that this one was a bit of a loss.

  Shirajiro also opened his mouth wide, and then lowered his head to laugh uncontrollably.

  Man Bao couldn’t help but pinch him, and whispered: "What a laugh, fool, you also lost, okay?"

   Bai Erlang murmured: "If he is good, he will give it to you first, I am not rare."

  Mr. Zhuang also looked at the Mo Ju for a long time and was speechless, and Mr. Jiang on the side looked envious, "This chrysanthemum seems to be about to bloom, Lao Zhuang, I will go to your place to enjoy the flowers when I look back."

  Mr. Zhuang glanced at him and asked: "Do you like it?"

  Mr. Jiang nodded and said, "I like it."

   "That's for you."

  Mr. Jiang: "..."

  He looked at Mr. Zhuang suspiciously, "Are you a joke or..."

  Mr. Zhuang: "Seriously."

   "Don't you ask your disciple?"

   "He will be willing." After that, he waved to Bai Shan who had just stepped down and said, "Mr. Jiang likes Mo Ju."

  Bai Shan immediately said: "Then give it to Mr. Jiang, let the subordinates move out to Mr. Jiang's car later?"

  Mr. Jiang saw that he was not reluctant to be strong at all, so he believed that he really didn’t like this Mo Ju, but why?

  He looked back and forth at a few of their masters and apprentices, and asked: "Do you not like the color of ink?"

  No, they don’t like Manbao’s Moju, flowers and plants, they still like it very much, provided that Manbao can’t buy them from outside.

  So everyone glanced at Man Bao.

  Man Bao gave a light cough and nodded: "Yes, we all like bright colors, such as red and yellow. The brighter the better, the better."

  Mr. Jiang: ...Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhuang looks a bit elegant, but he likes such a vulgar color.

  In this case, Mr. Jiang was very happy to accept this gift.

He turned his head and saw Chen Fulin, who was talking to people on the side, but his gaze had been on this side. He simply did a good job and called Mr. Shang Zhuang to master and apprentice: "The first name has also been decided, you disciple, don’t say anything else, at least after today In this film, it is famous, and then spread the poem to the outside world, the famous is just a matter of moments, so we don't need to stay here for more, go out for lunch together?"

  Mr. Zhuang took the opportunity to invite, “Why don't you go to my place, there are not only the cooks at home, but also the sweet-scented osmanthus wine I brought from my hometown. Today is Mid-Autumn Festival, and it's time to have a drink.”

  Mr. Jiang couldn’t help being happy, "Didn’t you give up drinking?"

   "Well, it seems that we are about to commit a ban today."

  The two looked at each other, and both laughed.

  Man Bao, Bai Shan, and Bai Erlang, who don't like to drink, looked at them inexplicably, not knowing what was funny.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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