Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1023: Famous

  Chapter 1023 is famous

  Out of Mo Huiyuan, there were quite a few half-aged teenagers and children outside. Mr. Zhuang stopped, took out a handful of money from the purse, and waved at the group of children.

When the teenager headed by    saw it, they immediately led a group of children around.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao Bai Erlang looked at them dumbfounded, not understanding what the husband was going to do.

  Mr. Jiang saw it but smiled slightly, and stood aside waiting for him.

  Mr. Zhuang gave the handful of money to the young man, and said with a smile: "There is a good poem in it. It was named the top of the list. You run into the streets and alleys."

  The young man responded happily.

  Mr. Zhuang read Bai Shan’s poem to them word by word. The boy read it twice and confirmed that there was no omission, then turned his head and asked the people around him, "Have you all remembered?"

  "Remember." After that, one person reads two sentences, and the person next to them adds two sentences. Some children only remember one sentence when they are young, but they also remember it.

  When the boy saw this, he nodded slightly, and promised Mr. Zhuang: "Master, don't worry, we have noted it. I don't know where the top person is. How old is this person?"

   "Guo Zi learned from Bai Shan, thirteen this year."

   "Bai Xiaolang is so amazing," the boy asked after exaggerating praise, "Don't you pass on your native place?"

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said, "No, just pass on the Guozi to learn from Baishan."

The young man took notes, put the money given by Mr. Zhuang into his arms, greeted the friends to avoid aside and discussed it, and after a while he ran away happily along the street, still reading a poem written by Bai Shan. .

  The three disciples who had never seen the world opened their mouths wide, looking at all this in shock.

  Mr. Zhuang smiled apologetically to Mr. Jiang after seeing it, and said: "The children have never seen the world, so Mr. Jiang laughed."

  Mr. Jiang retracted his gaze and said with a smile: "Youth is innocent, rare, rare."

  He was about to leave, and remembered something, “Hey, haven’t you been in Beijing for several months? Why don’t they understand this right now?”

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "I used to think that they were young, and there was no need to rush for this kind of thing, so I just kept them in the courtyard to study."

Mr. Jiang walked and talked to Bai Shan, "You still have to become famous as soon as possible. Don’t be embarrassed. Others want your age and your talents are not there yet. Now that you have something that others don’t have, you must Make good use of it, otherwise, isn't it a violent thing?"

The servants of the poetry club held out Mo Ju, and Mr. Jiang was very happy to ask his servants to take it, and then he took Mr. Zhuang to ride with him, leaving the three disciples of Bai Shan still bewildered and climbed up to his house. Carriage.

  Not far from the carriage, you can vaguely hear someone reading his poems in unison.

  Manbao and Baijiro looked at Baishan from left to right.

  Bai Shan's face was thin red, and he asked in anger into anger: "What am I doing?"

  Man Bao feels that today is really a good life, "It turns out that it is so famous."

Bai Shan's face was not so hot anymore, and then he thought about it, "It's no wonder that scholars who come to Beijing spend so much money. My grandmother told me before I came here that if the money is not enough, I will ask Liu Gui for it. It turns out that money is spent like this. ."

  Man Bao and Bai Erlang turned their heads to look at him together.

  Bai Shan once saw their gazes, and said: "Don't look, I haven't asked Liu Gui for money yet, and I still use my own money."

   Bai Erlang rolled his eyes and said: "Then you say, if I ask my father for money for this reason, will my father give it to me?"

  "Will you give you a clubbing?" Man Bao said, "How much money you have on you, can't your father figure it out? And there is still your brother in the capital. Doesn't he know if you spend the money?"

  Bai Shan: "Also, if you want to spend this money, you have to make a good poem first. Then the cousin will ask you if you want a poem, can you make it?"

   "You can still make a squeeze."

  Man Baodao: "If it is not good, it is better to keep the bottom of the box for yourself, it will be embarrassing if you take it out and spread it."

  Bai Shan nodded.

Bai Erlang thought for a while, and could only give up this great wish, and sighed on the window, "I don't know when I can spend such a lot of money to let people read my poems like this. "

"Are you still young, why are you in a hurry?" Man Bao said, "When you get older and have enough knowledge, even if you don't have the talent in this area, you can always make one or two decent poems with your heart. "

  Bai Shan turned his head and asked Man Bao: "Do you want to be famous?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and shook his head, "I don't want to be famous by poetry, I want to be famous by medicine."

   She said with gleaming eyes: "I like to say that Zhouman is a little genius doctor in the streets and alleys in the future."

  Shirajiro turned around, "Why not the great doctor?"

   "You are so stupid, of course because she is still young, so she can only be regarded as a little genius doctor." Bai Shan turned to Man Bao and said, "But I think you are more difficult than writing poetry."

Healing people and composing poetry are not the same. Composing poetry can rely on talent. No matter how hard you work, a good poem may come out at a flash of inspiration. It can cure diseases and save people, but it requires not only sufficient knowledge, but also experience and opportunities. .

  It's not that one or two patients can be cured to be known as a famous doctor, let alone become a genius doctor?

  Bai Shan looked up and down Man Baodao: "You are still young, and you still have to wait."

  Man Bao is full of confidence, "I have learned medicine for many years, don't worry, as long as I have the opportunity, I will surely soar into the sky."

  Back to Changqing Lane, Mr. Jiang took a closer look at the location of their home, and made a note of his decision to come to visit frequently in the future.

He and Mr. Zhuang met by chance while visiting the bookstore. It’s not like seeing it right away. They just feel comfortable getting along and can talk together. But Mr. Zhuang seemed to have some concerns before, except for the name, he was not very happy. Tell them where he lives.

  So Mr. Jiang is still looking forward to being invited by Mr. Zhuang today.

  As soon as he entered the gate, Mr. Jiang looked around, and Mr. Zhuang invited Mr. Jiang into the second hospital.

  At the second courtyard, Mr. Jiang was attracted by the potted plants placed on the porch as soon as he entered.

  This is newly bought by Manbao and the sellers in the mall in the past two days. It is not for selling, but for your own appreciation.

Everyone likes to look at beautiful flowers. Man Bao is not choosing any particularly exotic colors and varieties this time. She wonders what kind of flowers she likes, and what kind of flowers Bai Shan and Mr. Bai Shan like. So I bought it back and placed it under the porch.

  So now the flowers under the gallery are normal, but the colors are many colors, they are bright when you look at them, and you can't help but feel happy.

  Mr. Jiang couldn’t help being happy when he saw it, but he was even more sure that Mr. Zhuang’s taste seemed a bit vulgar. The flowers were mostly bright colors, mostly red and yellow.

  Mr. Jiang looked along the corridor one by one, nodded and said: "Mr. Zhuang, this yard is very elegantly furnished."

  Mr. Zhuang smiled at the three disciples and said with a smile: "These were all set up by the three children yesterday. They said it was going to be a holiday, and it must be festive. Mr. Jiang, let's sit in the study?"

    The next update will be around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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