Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1024: Grievance one

   Chapter 1024

  Mr. Jiang nodded and agreed, and entered the study room with Mr. Zhuang.

  Because there are four scholars in the family, Man Bao wants to take classes in the study room, so their study room is the most spacious and brightest.

As soon as    entered, there were three rows of bookshelves on the left side against the wall, which were full of books, and a row of bookshelves on the right side along the wall, and the bookshelves were also full of books.

  In front of the bookshelf are three small tables and chairs side by side. At this time, there are pens, inks, papers, inkstones and several books on each table, but they are placed in different positions, which are a bit messy.

  Mr. Jiang took his gaze back after only one glance, and looked at the large desk that was up in the middle. Obviously, that was Mr. Zhuang’s position.

  Mr. Jiang smiled, and was about to go forward to take a look at what books he usually reads, only to be cracked a little by a basin on the side of the bookcase, and the cream-colored millet teeth-like Huang Lan attracted his eyes.

  He stepped forward in a daze, staring at the orchid.

Mr. Zhuang smiled slightly when he saw him, and stepped forward with him: "This orchid followed me all the way from Mianzhou to Beijing. I was afraid that it would suffer a crime on the road. I didn't expect it to be strong. After two months, I got used to it. Not only that. , And the buds were re-bloomed, and I looked very energetic. This is a pleasant surprise."

  Mr. Jiang was speechless for a while. Unlike the world who loves peonies, his favorite is bluegrass.

  Especially the bluegrass with such an elegant color.

  Mr. Jiang grabbed Mr. Zhuang’s hand and asked with bright eyes, “Lao Zhuang, do you think this bluegrass is also redundant, is it dispensable?”

  Mr. Zhuang:……

  Mr. Zhuang broke away from his hand and said, "I don’t think I brought it from home specially."

  Because I don’t worry about it being left alone at home, and it’s blooming and no one appreciates it. It’s so violent.

  Mr. Jiang wanted to stick his eyes on the bluegrass, but he still restrained himself, just sighed: "Well, I have no relationship with it, and I can only come to see it often in the future."

Mr. Zhuang smiled and said, "Welcome anytime."

  Mr. Jiang looked around, strolled around his bookshelf and said, "Drinking here?"

   "It's not good here, let's go to the garden to drink."

  The Mid-Autumn Festival in the capital, the weather has begun to cool, they are sitting on a stone table under a big tree drinking and eating, while blowing the autumn breeze, while talking, it is most pleasant.

The host and the host enjoyed this meal. When Mr. Jiang was sent out, Mr. Zhuang yawned. He cheered up and called the three children who were dozing off in the study to talk to him. What about your characters?"

  Man Baodao: "We have all put away."

Mr. Zhuang nodded and said: "Mr. Jiang's writing is excellent, not only in the capital, but also famous throughout Dajin. The writing for you must not only be collected, but also used to learn frequently, you know? ?"

  The three nodded again and again, and then helped him to sit down in the study and poured him tea, "Mr., didn't you quarrel with Chen Fulin today?"

  Mr. Zhuang picked up the tea cup, raised his eyelids and glanced at them when he heard the words: "Quarreling is a bad behavior. You have to fight less if you have nothing to do in the future. Don't quarrel even if you have problems, you know?"

The three of them nodded perfunctorily, and Bai Shan continued to ask: "Sir, what is your hatred with Chen Fulin?"

   "Adults, children are in charge."

"But I think he must know where we live and where we work and study at the moment," Man Bao said, "Sir, see how he sent someone to follow our posture that day, do you think he will be secretive Give us a stumbling block?"

   "Yes, if sir doesn't tell us what hatred you have, we can't even guard against it."

  Mr. Zhuang thought for a while and then said: "He is just a five-grade doctor now, and he can't make us any stumbling block."

They are now against the super-first-class princes and even the queen dowager in the palace. Of course, the enemy does not know their existence at this time, but their friends-Master Wei, Master Tang, etc. must have sent People stared at them.

  So he didn’t think Chen Fulin could cause them any practical harm, but...

   Thinking of the methods he used to use before and their grievances back then, Mr. Zhuang still frowned, and then looked at the three disciples.

  The three of them looked at him with bright eyes.

  Mr. Zhuang sighed, knowing that they were curious and wanted to hear the story.

  But if Chen Fulin really doesn’t want him to stay in the capital, he might really do something. By then, he will be fine. Anyway, he is so old and has a thick skin. It is no longer comparable.

  But three children...

  Mr. Zhuang rubbed his forehead, Man Bao immediately pressed his head cleverly, "Sir, is it too old? You don’t remember it, it’s okay, you think about it slowly."

  Bai Shan poured tea again for Mr. Zhuang, "Mr. Drink another cup of tea."

  Shirajiro pushed the dim sum on the table forward, "Mister, have a dim sum."

Mr. Zhuang gave them an angry look, and the bit of resentment and sadness that had only risen in his heart dissipated in an instant. He waved his hand to make Man Bao go back and sit down, flicking his robe, and said: "The memory of being a teacher is not that bad. , Chen Fulin, he used to be a student at the same university as me."

  He paused and said, “Being poor for the teacher’s family, I entered school late and there were few books at home, so my age was a bit older when I was admitted to the government.”

"But I was lucky at that time. At the beginning of the new dynasty, the war in the Central Plains and our Jiannan Road area has subsided. It is the time when we are waiting for prosperity. Talents are needed everywhere," Mr. Zhuang said: "Actually My ability, I couldn't pass the entrance examination at the time."

  Naid he had just finished the battle, and many people died. There were not many masters, few students, and not many reference students, so he was so easy to get in.

"Not only is this the case for the prefectural schools, the Imperial College in Beijing is also waiting to be revived. Therefore, in those years, the Imperial College will give places to various prefectures every year. There are places for direct enrollment, in addition to places for the big exam." Mr. Zhuang was silent for a moment. The latter said: "Although I was a teacher with average talent, fortunately he was able to endure hardships, so he was selected by the government at that time and became one of them to study in the Imperial College, but the list was changed the night before it was handed in."

  Man Bao widened his eyes, and instantly guessed: "Changed to Chen Fulin?"

  Mr. Zhuang nodded.

  Bai Shan pursed his mouth and said: "This is not in compliance with the rules, hasn't it been checked in school?"

  Mr. Zhuang smiled bitterly: "I checked it, and the school said it was because our husband said, I voluntarily gave up this place, and Chen Fulin ranked behind me."

  Three people: …it’s no wonder that the uncles and uncles of the Huang family are a little uncomfortable every time they see Mr. Zhuang, they can always hear what the uncles say sorry to Mr., it turns out that they are really sorry.

    The next update is around nine o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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