Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1025: Grievance two

   Chapter 1025

  Bai Shan looked at their husband distressedly, and asked in a low voice: "Does your husband resent your husband?"

After a pause, Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "When the incident happened, I was resentful, but Mr. Huang took care of me a lot. At that time, I did not tell the matter after receiving the reply from the school. I think even if there is no guarantee. I just went to take the exam. I didn’t expect that there was some bad news in the school, saying that I received the money from the Chen family before giving up the place. This is obviously unfair to other students, and I finally learned Li decided to remove my recommended place for the big exam."

  The three disciples looked at their husband with distressed expressions.

  Mr. Zhuang smiled when he saw it, and stretched out his hand to pat their heads. Things have been going on for so many years. When mentioning these things, apart from the embarrassment of exposing themselves in front of the disciples, his heart is very calm.

However, "I was still very young as a teacher, and I was very proud of myself. I felt that if I stayed at the school, I might not be given a place in the college entrance examination next year. So I went out of the school and returned to Luojiang County to participate first. I won the exam held in Mianzhou and won the place for the second year of the big exam."

"I met Chen Fulin again here," Mr. Zhuang shook his head, and said with a smile: "I had a normal relationship with him when he was studying in the government. Although he was older than me, but because of his wealth, I took care of some things. Two points, but I didn't expect..."

  Unexpectedly, I would be targeted like this.

This is the biggest stain in Mr. Zhuang's life, so Mr. Zhuang was silent for a while before saying: "In the capital, when I was waiting for the big exam, in order to become famous, I posted a poem post to the two adults. My post was thrown back in three days, because the night before my post was posted, Chen Fulin was drunk and made two poems while attending a small poem meeting. Unfortunately, they were the two poems I voted. "

  The three of Bai Shan opened their mouths wide.

Mr. Zhuang smiled lightly and said: "The circle of scholars is so big, and even a little big thing can be heard, not to mention such a big thing? Poor conduct! This is the impression that most people had of me at that time, except for a few Apart from my friends, no one believes me. It's because I told about the school quota. Everyone only regarded me as annoyed and blamed Chen Fulin."

"At that time, it was only three days before the big exam." Mr. Zhuang said: "Don't say three days, even if I give me three years, I can't wash away this stain on my body. I will not be able to take the exam again for the Imperial College or even the Chaozhou Examination. So I left the capital as a teacher."

"Because of this incident spreading back to the village, our life in the county town was not easy, so we sold the land at home for the teacher, and took the family with them to other places. Until we got older, your senior brother became a biological son. Our family has just returned to their hometown. At this moment, few people still remember the incident, and none of them are in the county."

  Bai Shan pursed his lips and asked, "Who stole the poem of Mr.?"

  Mr. Zhuang's eyes showed a look of regret, he looked up out of the window, and said after a while: "A friend..."

Chen Fulin thinks they have a good relationship, but Mr. Zhuang really doesn't think they know him well, so his place was taken and suppressed, but he only felt unfair and resentful. He only had that kind of betrayal when his poems were stolen. Anger.

  That’s why he was so sad.

  Mr. Zhuang whispered: "I once regarded him as a confidant and traveled together for half a year. He was also impoverished and full of lofty ambitions. Who knows..."

  Man Bao asked: "What is his name and where is it now?"

  Mr. Zhuang knew what she wanted to do. He glanced at her and shook his head, “I don’t know, I haven’t seen him again since then, and I’ve never inquired about him, so naturally I don’t know where he is.”

  White Jiro asked: "Sir, do you want to find him to testify to you?"

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said, “It’s been so many years, so why bother?”

  Bai Shan: "But isn’t Mr. worried that he will bring this up again and hinder us?"

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "I told you just to be a precaution. I am older and don’t care about the reputation. It is you, I am afraid that I will be affected."

  He paused and said: "In this way, I will go to him tomorrow to talk to him. If we don't mention the past, everyone will be in peace, how about?"

   "No," Bai Shandao: "Sir, can you believe what such a person says?"

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "No."

   "Then you go and ask him what else does it mean?"

  Mr. Zhuang didn’t care too much and said, “Try it, what if he agrees? As people get older, maybe there’s not so much eagerness to compete.”

  Three disciples:...

Man Bao said: "I don't think it is possible. You see that he is still struggling in the household department for a long time. He is only a fifth-rank official. If I get to his age, I will only be a fifth-rank official, I will leave early. The official went back to his hometown to play."

  Mr. Zhuang who is only one year younger than Chen Fulin: "...Are we very old?"

"Sir, I'm not talking about you, it's him," Man Bao said with a serious face: "He is old and old, so he is old from the inside out, but you are different, your heart is young Yes, so I look young at the body, and I can’t see how old it is at all."

  Mr. Zhuang touched his beard and smiled with satisfaction.

  Shirazen and Shirajiro stared at Man Bao with big eyes.

  Man Bao raised an eyebrow at them triumphantly.

  Mr. Zhuang shook his head and smiled when he saw it, and waved: "Okay, the story is over, you can pay more attention to it in the future, you should do your own thing, and let this matter go as a teacher."


Mr. Zhuang waved his hand.

  The three can only go out.

  Bai Shandao: "How can there be people in this world who don't cherish their reputation? The husband is just coming out to comfort us. If outsiders say that he has plagiarized the poems of his classmates, he will still feel sad."

  Man Bao and Bai Erlang nodded fiercely, and said in distress, "But what should I do? Chen Fulin will definitely not admit it. Seeing how he looks today, he might still want to drive her husband away."

  Bai Shan touched his chin and said, “If I were him, I would know that my husband and I lived in the same city, and I would definitely feel worried, so I could feel at ease, and I would feel disgusted when I saw my husband.

  Man Bao and Bai Erlang turned their heads to look at him together, "Wow" said: "Should we not take the initiative to go around Mr. with a guilty conscience?"

   "That is the idea of ​​a person with a conscience, he obviously is not."

   "Then why can you think of his thoughts?" Man Bao looked at him suspiciously, then looked at his left chest and said: "You feel your conscience is still there."

  Bai Shan:...

   Bai Erlang laughed up to the sky and shouted: "It must be gone!"

  Bai Shan flew out for a kick, he had expected it, and jumped away.

  Bai Shandao: "Do you still want to discuss it?"

    I’m going to take the train home tomorrow, so I have to save tomorrow’s manuscript, see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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