Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1026: no

   Chapter 1026

Man Bao and Bai Erlang sat honestly, and Bai Shan coughed lightly: "I think there are two ways to clean up the grievances of the husband. First, find out the person who stole the poems of the husband and let him publicly admit it. This matter; two, is to let Chen Fulin admit it himself."

  Man Bao: "Chen Fulin is not stupid, how can he admit it?"

  Bai Shan: "We can talk about it."

   Baijiro asked: "Is it the same as what is written in the script?"

  Bai Shan nodded, "Almost, we can ask Mr. Jiang and the others to testify at that time, come, let's first anticipate what he will say before we can tell him what he said."

  I just thought about it. Mr. Zhuang, who was about to come out and breathe, just heard it. He shook his head, turned and left, thinking about letting them touch a nail.

   But thinking of their enemy, he took a deep breath and turned back.

   Forget it, this is not the time for them to eat and grow their wisdom.

  Mr. Zhuang walked behind Bai Shan, and saw his Man Bao and Bai Erlang shrink their necks at the same time, and sat down honestly.

  Bai Shan straightened his back as soon as he saw their reaction, without turning his head back, and said cheerfully: "Okay, let's take a pair of homework that I wrote yesterday."

  Mr. Zhuang angrily patted him on the head.

  Bai Shan touched his head and turned back, "Mr..."

  Mr. Zhuang shook his head and said: "I've said this to my teacher..."

  He paused and said, "This method is useless."

  The three asked, "Why?"

  Mr. Zhuang raised his eyes and glanced at them.

  The three of them understood in seconds, "Oh-sir used it."

Mr. Zhuang coughed softly: "After the incident, I went to him once as a teacher. Unfortunately, no matter how I questioned or detoured, he answered perfectly. See you today. He only said that it was a misunderstanding. "

  Mr. Zhuang looked at the three disciples and said, "How old are you this year and how old is he? He has been in officialdom for 20 years. Isn't he still inferior to you with his careful mind? Don't say hacking him, it's good if you don't get ridiculed."

"Also, you still have great enemies. King Yizhou is like the flood that is about to break the dyke. The **** may collapse at any time, especially now that the **** that is blocking the flood has deliberately collapsed to release the flood. Standing right below, there is nothing more dangerous than you, so I won’t make trouble now."

  This is also the reason why Mr. Zhuang tried to hide at home after he learned that Chen Fulin was looking for him.

  But he is not a weak person. Although he has reduced going out, it is impossible not to go out. Who knows that it is such a coincidence. He was safe and sound for the first two months, but he met today.

  This is the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is really bad.

  Mr. Zhuang felt a little bad when he remembered this. He simply glared at the three disciples and ordered directly, “You are not allowed to take care of this matter anymore, have you heard it?”

  Bai Shan three honestly stood up and responded with a yes.

  Mr. Zhuang looked at the faces of the three of them one by one, nodded in satisfaction, and then went back to take a nap with his hands behind his back.

  Man Bao, Bai Shan and Bai Erlang watched Mr. back to the house, and sighed together, "Forget it, let us think about it in any way, it's useless now."

  Man Bao was full and a little sleepy, mainly because today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and they are going out to enjoy the lanterns and lanterns at night, so they have to get enough sleep.

   So also yawned: "I will also go back to the house and sleep for a while."

   Shirazen and Shirajiro glanced at each other, and then went back to the house.

  At the Mid-Autumn Festival in the evening, Friday Lang originally wanted to come back to have a reunion dinner together, but they didn't expect that the people in Beijing would not like to eat at home instead of eating out at home.

  The restaurant received several tables of reunion wine, so I can only stay in the shop.

As a result, the number of people who came for dinner today was not unusual. Don’t even talk about the reunion dinner, Wulang and others. They were so busy that they couldn’t even drink their saliva. They only had time to find a kid who often runs errands in the street. He had a few pennies and asked him to run back and tell Man Bao them.

  So, there were only four masters and apprentices and the next door Dalang Bai Dalang during the reunion dinner.

  Bai Dalang went out to attend a one-day literary meeting, and he went out for a drink with his classmates. Even if he had washed, he still smelled of alcohol.

  Man Bao three automatically moved away from him.

Bai Dalang was only drunk on his body, and he was not drunk. When they saw their reaction, he became amused. He glanced at Bai Erlang first, "During the Chinese New Year, you still stole the wine at home and drank it. What kind of pretense? ?"

   Shirajiro said frankly: "I'm vomiting again, it's bitter and spicy, I really don't understand what's good to drink."

  Bai Shan nodded in agreement.

Bai Dalang went to see Manbao, "Didn't you say that you want to make wine, and you asked me to help you find a book about winemaking. How can you make wine without smelling the wine? You know that good wine is very particular about it. It's fragrant..."

  "I am not making sorghum wine, I am making wine, and Brother Bai, the aroma of this wine is not the same as that of a person's body."

  Mr. Zhuang poured himself a glass of wine and watched them talk with a smile.

  Wait for them to talk about it, and said: "Move the table to the yard in a while, and we will enjoy the moon together tonight."

   "Mr., when shall we go out to see the lantern?"

"Our Changqing Lane is the main street, and the Guozijian is going forward. That street is very lively. There is no need to go to Zhuque Street, and don't go out of the inner city. If you want to join in the fun, just walk on the street." Seeing that all four of them were unwilling, Mr. Zhuang said: "There are too many people and there are many dangers. Don't be naughty."

  Bai Dalang smiled silly and sweetly: "Sir, what danger can be at the feet of the emperor? We are all spending the Mid-Autumn Festival in the capital for the first time. Why don't I take them to the outer city?"

  That is the most lively place.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao, who were always afraid of death, were also moved and looked at their husband.

  Mr. Zhuang directly raised his head and looked at Da Ji who was sitting under the porch.

Daji noticed his gaze, got up and walked over quickly, and said to Bai Shan, "Master, the old lady will be in the capital in these two days."

  Not only Bai Shan, Man Bao and Bai Erlang were also honest in an instant, even Bai Dalang stopped talking about going to the outer city.

  Lao Mrs. Liu actually set off a long time ago. She would have arrived before the tenth day, but on the way she decided to go back to Longzhou temporarily, so she stayed at her hometown for a few more days.

  But she was not in the capital, and the order was always delivered to the capital. First, she asked Liu Gui to look for it in Changqing Lane and its vicinity, and found a second courtyard for sale, and bought it directly.

   Originally, she wanted to buy the house where Mr. Zhuang and the others lived, but the host’s family was reluctant to sell it and preferred to rent it out, so she didn’t buy it.

   But the wealthy behavior still shocked Man Bao and Bai Erlang, including Bai Shan, the head of the family.

  Yes, Bai Shan is now the head of their household, but his money is still useless.

  (End of this chapter)

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