Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1027: Lover's Eye

  Chapter 1027 Lover's Eyes

  Man Bao and Bai Erlang are very curious about how much money Bai Shan’s family has. Why do you buy a house in Beijing?

  Bai Shan doesn’t know it himself, and he doesn’t care about it. Grandmother and mother always say that you just need to study at ease.

  So he has been at ease studying with Mr. Zhuang, family affairs, unless his grandmother tells him, otherwise he knows the same as Man Bao.

   However, although the three friends don’t know how rich Bai Shan’s family is, they are just right.

   Baijiro feels that he is at least richer than his family, because his father has never said that he wants to buy a house in the capital.

  This kind of deterrence, coupled with the majestic impression given to him by his grandmother since childhood, Bai Erlang didn't dare to make any trouble, and he was honestly prepared to take a stroll on the street and come back.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan also planned the same.

  They think there are few people in the inner city, no matter how lively it is, how lively can it be?

  As a result, when they went to the street, the three of them were startled by the crowds in front of them.

  Man Bao became excited, "This is the same number of people who saw it at the Dragon Boat Festival in Yizhou last year."

   "No, there are more people than there were."

  Bai Shan exclaimed: “There are so many people in the inner city, how many people are there in the outer city.”

  Bai Dalang said complacently: "That must be more, almost difficult, very lively."

  Shirajiro was envious of it.

  Bai Shan didn’t quite understand, “With so many people, should we look at the lights or the people?”

  It's boring to look at people.

  Bai Dalang laughed and said: "This is a junction, and people coming and going on both sides of the road are crowded in this area. It should be a lot more spacious if you go further. Let's go, let's go and take a look."

  Daji and Liu Gui Gaosong hurriedly guarded behind the little masters, for fear that they would be dispersed by the crowd.

  Bai Shan was also afraid that Man Bao would be squeezed away, so he stretched out his hand to hold her and wanted to go together, but only when he stretched out his hand, he was slapped on the back of Bai Erlang's hand without catching it.

  He turned his head to look at Shirajiro.

  Hakujiro proudly said at him: "I've grown up, do you know if you don't know how to give and receive from men and women?"

  Bai Shan is so angry that his nose is almost crooked.

Man Bao had already walked a few steps, and saw that they were still behind, and there were two people between them, so he could only stand still and wait for the two to pass by, and then stretched out his hand to hold him while there was no one in the middle. The sleeves of the two people said, "I see, let's go, and let it go when you go out."

  Bai Shan broke away slightly, not letting her pull her sleeves, directly holding her hand, followed her out and squeezed out, and then looked back at Bai Erlang triumphantly.

  Bai Erlang was angry, and wanted to grab Man Bao's hand, and then he was hit on the back of his hand by Bai Shan who had been aiming early.

  The Bai Dalang who had been following him couldn't help it. He reached out and twisted Bai Erlang's ears and let him walk by his side.

  Bai Erlang screamed, and couldn't help stopping to save his ears. After a while, he and Bai Shanmanbao squeezed in several people. They were so small that they could not be seen at once.

Da Ji followed Bai Shan and Man Bao. Liu Gui hesitated for a moment. Seeing that Gao Song fell behind, he could only follow Bai Dalang and Bai Erlang to watch them.

  Bai Dalang dragged Bai Erlang outside all the way. There were a lot less people. He was relieved and let go of his stupid brother's hand. He looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Do you like Manbao?"

  Shirajiro didn't react for a while, and replied: "Do I still dare to hate her?"

  Bai Da Lang: "..."

  He took a deep breath and asked, "I mean, do you want to marry Man Bao?"

  Baijiro's eyes widened, "How is this possible? Shanbao is going to marry her."

  And if he married her, wouldn’t he be bullied by her every day, he couldn’t talk, he couldn’t beat him, and he would be frustrated, right?

  Just thinking about it, Bai Erlang shook his body and looked at his elder brother guard.

  Bai Dalang said angrily: “You don’t need to look at me like this. You don’t mean to, what are you doing to disturb others, and you still hold hands. You are still holding hands when you are so old...”

  Bai Erlang opened his mouth, holding back a word for a long time, he just didn't want Bai Shan to be so fast. However, he was afraid that he would say that his elder brother could beat him to death, so he held back and did not speak.

  Bai Dalang thought he had been taught, so he asked curiously, "The two of them have agreed?"

  "How do I know, but I think the husband agreed. But everyone is still young, so there is no need to talk about it."

  Bai Dalang nodded, "They are elder brothers and sisters, they are worthy, but the family is a little bit worse, but if grandmother doesn’t mind, it’s okay."

   Bai Erlang muttered: "My grandmother won't mind, she likes Man Bao..."

  Bai Dalang finished his gossip, refreshed, and looked around to find Bai Shan and the others, but when he turned his head, he met Liu Gui's dazed expression.

  Bai Dalang was also stunned, when did this person follow them?

  He coughed slightly uncomfortably, after all, he had just finished gossiping in front of him.

  Bai Dalang’s face is not thick enough, so he is a little red, but Bai Erlang is ignorant, he can beat Baishan in front of Daji, but dare not to say Baishan in front of Liu Gui?

  So as soon as he saw Liu Gui, he asked, "Where are Bai Shan and the others?"

  Liu Gui also recovered, pointing to the front and said: "Master Huitang, it should be headed forward."

   "Go, let's find them."

At first, Bai Shan was able to hold Man Bao’s hand and barely walk around. Later, when he was squeezed by the crowd, he had to let go in order not to get hurt. Daji was afraid that they would fall apart. He could protect this, but he couldn’t help that, so he just made big hands. With one push and one pull, the person squeezed between the two was pushed aside, and the two of them were pulled together.

Man Bao was squeezed and Bai Shan squeezed together. The Big Ji Tower usually stands behind the two people. It is better to let them squeeze. They breathed a sigh of relief, let go, and shook their hands together. I'm sour, why are there so many people here?"

  Man Bao looked around and found that she could only see the black back of her head. After all, she was still a little short at the moment.

  She retracted her gaze a little frustrated, and said anxiously: "With so many people, what if there are patients who want to go to the drugstore?"

  Bai Shan: "...This is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Who will go to the drugstore if it is not an emergency?"

  Because of the full treasure, Bai Shan knew that on the Mid-Autumn Festival and New Year’s Eve, there would be people staying in the drugstore, preparing for someone to get sick and find someone.

  Man Bao Crow's mouth said: "What if there is an emergency?"

  I heard that Bai Shan wanted to cover her mouth. Several people who heard them talk turned their heads to look at the two of them.

  Fearing that they would have a conflict, Daji quickly reached out and gently pushed them, letting them go further.

After squeezing out the crowd, the front is much more spacious, at least you can walk normally.

  Man Bao touched the somewhat tangled hair, and sighed: "No wonder the gentleman asked me if I want to bring a comb before going out."

  Bai Shan stretched out his hand and brushed her hair indiscriminately, then opened his eyes and said nonsense: "Okay, it's neat, so it looks good."

  It happened that Bai Erlang and the others came over. When they heard these words, they subconsciously looked up at Man Bao’s messy hair, then all looked up at the sky, and they saw the big round moon in the sky shining all over the earth.

  Sure enough, in the eyes of lovers, Xi Tzu is easy, and the ancients sincerely did not deceive me.

   The next chapter will be updated at around 11pm



  (End of this chapter)

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