Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1028: Mid-Autumn Festival

  Chapter 1028 Mid-Autumn Festival

  When the four people meet, they walked forward along the flow of people. After walking for a while, they can finally admire the lanterns hanging on both sides and the various light cars slowly turning on the side of the road.

  This is a more prosperous capital city than Yizhou City. Not only Bai Shan's three years old, but also Bai Dalang was attracted by the excitement.

  Acrobatics, lanterns, all kinds of strange toys and gameplays that have not been seen before, many of which are the first time I have seen them.

  I thought that they would not see a lot of things on this street alone, who knew that it took them more than an hour just to visit this street.

  When they finally returned, they carried several lanterns in their hands. They were all won by guessing. Only Bai Dalang really liked a palace lantern, so he couldn't resist spending money to buy it.

  Man Bao, Bai Shan, and Bai Erlang despise this in their hearts, and this lantern cannot be kept until next year, which is just a new look.

  If you win, take it home and hang it in two and a half days before throwing it away. It’s not a good deal to spend so much money on a lamp.

  Man Bao did not notice that his idea of ​​spending money was getting closer to Lao Zhou, and Bai Shan and Bai Erlang did not notice that their ideas were almost the same as Man Bao.

  The only sober estimate is good luck, but what can he say?

  He actually thinks this idea is not bad.

  It’s better for the masters to save more than to spend money randomly, right?

  A group of people returned home carrying a bunch of lanterns, and each found a good place to hang their lanterns under the eaves.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao have the most lanterns. These two don’t know what’s wrong, so they like to guess puzzles. They also gave away many people along the way. Most of the lanterns they can take home are the lanterns they think they like.

  Now that he hung up his eaves, Man Bao ran to the yard and found the roots of the branches. After making a gesture, he felt that the position was not bad, so he asked the highest man to help hang it.

  Of course, Daji couldn't hang it up, so I found a high stool to hang it up.

  When Baishan saw it, he also found a good position around the tree. Bai Erlang glanced at his only three lanterns, then reached out and took it off the eaves, and wanted to hang it up for him.

  Bai Da Lang:...

  He looked left and right, then emphatically looked down at the palace lantern in his hand, didn't hesitate to just hang it on the tree, so he waved his hand and turned away.

  He should go back to his own yard. I don’t know why, but seeing the three of them, he can’t help but feel heartbroken.

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and stood on the porch watching their mischief. When they finished hanging the lanterns, it stopped the excitement and said, “It’s getting late. Although it means you don’t need to go to school, don’t go to bed too late.”

  The three of them responded, and after saluting, they went to wash and go to bed.

  Because of sleeping late, having fun and having so many experiences, the three children all got up late.

  Man Bao didn't wake up from her dream until Zhou Lijun opened the door. She rubbed her eyes and glanced at the window. The window was closed, but the sunlight could not be closed.

   Zhou Lijun heard the movement through the screen and said, "Sister, are you still up?"

  Man Bao stretched out and replied, and asked: "You didn't come back last night. Did you live in a shop?"

"Yeah, there were a lot of people last night," Zhou Lijun was very happy, yawning and chirping: "You don't know, the outer city is so lively, crowded with people, and one day he came to the store and booked a table before it got dark. One family eats reunion dinner, and some sit on the second floor after dark while watching the lights while eating and drinking, and even those who are half hungry come in for dinner. We have prepared a lot of ingredients in advance, because we are afraid that a lot of things will go up during the festival. We have prepared a little more vegetables and vegetables that can be kept at a reasonable price. Who knows that we ran out of them last night."

  Man Bao put on his clothes and came out and asked, "That must be very tired, right?"

   "If I can make money, I don't mind being so tired every day."

   "What time is it now?"

   "It's almost noon."

  Man Bao exclaimed, "I slept so late?"

   Zhou Lijun smiled and asked, "Sister, don’t you feel your stomach screaming?"

  Man Bao calmed down by touching his stomach. After listening carefully, he shook his head, "I'm not calling."

   She turned to ask, "Why are you back at this time? Isn't noon the busiest time?"

"Uncle Six ran out all the ingredients and sold a morning meal in the morning. Uncle Wu saw that we were very tired after being busy all night. At this time, there were not so many people on the street, so he said that we don't need to sell this meal at noon. Now, let’s talk about dinner, he’s going out to buy ingredients right now.” Zhou Lijun said: “If I hadn’t been thinking about sorting out the accounts of yesterday and today, I would have come back long ago.”

  Man Bao saw her yawning, his eyes were a little black, and he waved: "Then you go to sleep, I'm up, the room is quiet, you sleep well."

  Zhou Lijun nodded, but actually didn't care that sister-in-law was here, because she was so sleepy that she fell asleep as soon as she lay on the bed.

  Man Bao lightly changed his clothes and went out to wash, before Bai Shan got up.

After the two of them washed up, Aunt Rong gave them a bowl of hot porridge and said, "Let’s eat and pad your stomach first, and we will have lunch soon."

  The two nodded and did not eat at the table. They simply sat on the steps with their bowls in their hands, gently scraping the meat porridge and eating them while letting the Mid-Autumn Sunshine shine on their legs.

  The two felt sleepy again.

   After eating the porridge slowly, they were too lazy to move, so they sat comfortably on the steps in a daze, without speaking.

Bai Erlang in the room not far away came out clutching his stomach, smelling the scent floating in the air, and then looking at the empty bowl they were holding in their hands, he slumped his mouth and asked, "Why don't you eat breakfast? I?"

  Man Bao Shen thought of belonging, he moved his gaze to Shirajiro and said, "I thought you would like to sleep better."

  Bai Shan nodded, "After all, we want to sleep again now. We think that you are too to save others by ourselves."

  Shirajiro: "..."

  Man Bao saw him staring at them speechlessly, and said, "It’s time to eat lunch, why don’t you go to wash up if you want to eat?"

Bai Shan said, "Just now, when we were washing, Mr. took a book and went to the garden to read. He said that he was out of sight and heart. If you don’t wash, Mr. will come back later. He will wash only when I see you. It may be annoying. NS."

  Man Bao: "Mr. Careful punished you to copy the book."

  Shirajiro turned around and went back to the house to get a basin. Although he didn't want to accept their threats, he was really scared because he still had half a book of Rites unfinished.

  Shiijiro sighed.

  Wait for him to wash up, Aunt Rong unbiasedly brought him a bowl of meat porridge.

  Bai Er simply sat beside them with the meat porridge, and said while eating: "I still want to copy the "Book of Rites", the homework assigned in the school, Manbao, can you help me?"

   "Mr. will be punished if he finds out."

   "If you don't tell me, I don't tell you, Bai Shan doesn't tell me, who knows?"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan turned their heads together to look at Da Ji who stood aside basking in the sun.

  Daji met their gazes, turned around silently, and turned his back to them.

    I'm home, I will add more tomorrow! ! !

     Thank you for your support today, wow, I just know that I am so powerful, and I have more than 10 million diamonds. In short, thank you for your support. I am very happy today.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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