Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1032: Stitching (August monthly pass plus six)

  Chapter 1032 Stitching (August monthly ticket plus six)

The prince    immediately got up from the chair at the moment the blood splashed out, took the sword and took two steps forward, as if he was about to slash someone fiercely.

  Bai Shan wiped the blood from Man Bao’s face while turning his head and said to him: “This is all blood from the viscera, not cut by a knife. Don’t hack people.”

  The prince stopped, looked at Bai Shan and said nothing.

  Emperor Zheng and the others finally recovered, and while helping to clean up the blood stains, they nodded in agreement, “Yes, that’s right, your Highness, don’t worry, Doctor Xiao Zhou did a great job with this knife...”

While talking, Man Bao opened a big mouth, and stopped when Tai Doctor Zheng and the others thought she was going to pull down. She said with a little regret: "I suddenly remembered that the mouth was too big to heal. , And it is prone to inflammation, so everyone will just look for it."

  Three imperial physicians:...

  Man Bao has opened her abdomen, and the eyes are all red. She said to the three educated doctors: "It must be cleaned out, I will find the blood spots."

Royal Doctor Zheng has never been on the battlefield, but he does not have the mental quality of Doctor Fan. He has only opened the stomach of a dead person, and only twice. This is the first time he has seen the stomach of a living person. It is still so messy inside. He tried to suppress the vomiting. Desire, asked: "So messy, how do you find it?"

  Man Bao glanced at the angry prince, put down the knife, cleaned his hands, and carefully reached in to find the blood spot.

  She thought, if she can't find it, she won't be able to get points for Keke to scan.

  Man Bao groped slowly. After all, he had reached out to touch the anthropomorphic model. His injury was a bit like Ji Hao's. Man Bao soon found a bleeding mouth.

  She pinched gently, and the bleeding was very little.

  Emperor Zheng and the others felt it. They lifted their spirits and immediately helped drain the blood in the abdominal cavity. After seeing what Man Bao had pinched, they exclaimed: "It's the spleen..."

  The three imperial doctors were a little panicked. They had not stitched any wounds on the viscera, and Man Bao’s two hands were inside, and they couldn’t use it at all.

  Man Bao said: "Take the gut, thread the needle to me."

  An imperial doctor hurriedly fetched her needle and thread, glanced at the cloth bag of her knives, and said, "Isn’t this doctor Fan’s cloth bag?"

  While threading the thread to Man Bao, he twitched the corners of his mouth, and forced a relaxed atmosphere: "It turns out that Doctor Xiao Zhou is a disciple of Taiyi Fan."

  Man Bao glanced at him and then took the needle and thread, pinched the wound with one hand, sutured with the other, and then replied: "No, just had a medical treatment with Fan Tai."

The blood flowed out slowly, but Man Bao didn't panic, he sewed up the wound unhurriedly, and slowly moved the other hand back until the last bit of wound was sutured, and Man Bao took it to stop the bleeding. The medicine touched the wound lightly..."

  In order to avoid other bleeding spots, she lowered her head and carefully searched for other internal organs...

  The three imperial doctors looked at her proficient movements, their expressions changed several times, and they all looked like vomiting but not daring to vomit.

The prince    also took a look two steps forward, then turned his head away pale.

  Man Bao sewed two more bleeding spots with a needle, and after checking that there were no other problems, he closed his abdomen.

  At the close of the abdomen, Grand Physician Zheng quickly picked up her follow-up action, sprinkled the wound with their Jishitang's hemostatic ointment, and then thinly wrapped it...

  The other two imperial doctors also touched the patient’s pulse, and made sure that the person was still alive and the condition had not deteriorated before they were slightly relieved.

  But it didn’t change, but it didn’t change for the better.

  The prince stepped forward and asked, "Is this all right?"

  The three imperial physicians all looked at Man Bao, after all, she was the chief surgeon.

Man Bao said: "No, he was lucky. I found the bleeding point as soon as I opened my stomach. It took less time than Ji Hao's time and closed my stomach quickly, so he now has two more vitality. It's 70%. Later, if he can make up for the blood he lost without getting inflammation, he will be considered alive."

   "Ji Hao," the prince thought carefully, and thought of the kid, and asked, "Didn't you say that his situation is better than Ji Hao? Since Ji Hao can survive, so must he."

"Not necessarily," Man Bao said: "He is too old, and his body is not as good as Ji Hao. Ji Hao's hematopoietic ability is particularly strong. He had so much blood at the time and was in a coma for so long. I felt that he was about to survive, but after the medicine was poured, he slowly came back to life."

  Everyone turned their heads to look at the young man lying on the couch, but he was only twenty-four or five years old, which is...too old?

  The prince was also a little unacceptable, "He is very old?"

  "Compared to Ji Hao, he is much older. You must know that the resilience of young people is the best. He has already won the championship, right? He is not abstinent, and his resilience is naturally much worse than Ji Hao."


  The three imperial doctors lowered their heads together.

  The prince was silent for a while and asked, "Is there no way?"

  Man Baodao: "Give him medicine first. If his hematopoietic ability is really that poor, there is only one way, but..."

  The prince glanced at her and asked, "But what?"

   "But I haven't used that method. I figured it out after Ji Hao's incident. Cough cough, but I feel that if he is really dying, then he will be a dead horse doctor."

   "Presumptuous!" The middle-aged man behind the prince blasted angrily: "How dare you compare the little father-in-law to a dead horse, you..."

   "Okay, if he can't wake up, wouldn't he be a dead horse?" The prince walked away a little annoyed, and looked at the three doctors again, "Is what she said is true?"


  The most disliked thing about the prince was their heaving appearance, and said angrily: "If you ask me alone, you will answer honestly..."

"Yes," the three imperial physicians knelt down and said, "The most urgent task is to prescribe medicine to replenish blood. The little father-in-law lost too much blood. If the blood can't return to the internal organs, the internal organs may lose vitality, and people will be helpless. After that, be careful of inflammation. As long as you survive the first seven days, the little grandpa will be fine."

   "I thought you were dumb and wouldn't say it. So you can say it."

  The three of them were lying on the ground without moving.

   "Then what are you doing, don't you go to prescribe medicine."

"Yes Yes……"

  Bai Shan saw them going out to prescribe medicine, so he took Man Bao to go out.

  The prince’s sword stretched out, blocking their way, and asked: “I can see that you can use a knife, but you don’t seem to be as good at prescribing medicine as the doctors, so there’s no need to go out, right?”

  Man Bao admitted very readily, "Yes, so I still have to learn."

  The prince asked, "What was the method you just said?"

Man Bao tilted her head for a moment. In fact, she was really eager to try. She looked out and saw that there were only Bai Shan and the prince, as well as the **** behind the prince. A person of the same blood type as him draws his blood and infused it to him, so that he can overcome the difficulty of making blood, and then he lives."

  The prince was stunned for a while, and then a fire ignited in his eyes, and asked: "Can you do this?"

   "It is possible in theory," in fact, it is also possible, but hasn't she never tried it? She also made four kinds of serum under the guidance of Teacher Mo, and she kept it in reserve for no chance to use it all the time.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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