Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1033: Blood transfusion one

  Chapter 1033 Blood Transfusion One

  When treating Ji Hao, Teacher Mo formulated several treatment plans for Man Bao, but because of technical problems, she only needed the same-Sanqi!

  This medicine is still available now. With the prescription given by Teacher Mo, he made a hemostatic medicine and added a blood-tonifying prescription, which brought people back from the death god.

  But it also let Teacher Mo know how old their world is, and also let Man Bao know many kinds of medical knowledge.

  It turns out that there are so many treatment methods for one blood loss, and each method contains so many skills.

  She wants to learn all of them!

  However, Teacher Mo broke her illusion after synthesizing the gap between the two worlds and only let her practice with anthropomorphic models. What he can provide her is a better hemostatic prescription and blood enrichment method.

  There are two ways of supplementing blood, one is auto-hematopoiesis, and the other is direct blood supplement as Manbao said.

  Of the two methods, the first one is naturally the best. After all, it relies on its own hematopoietic ability, and there is no fear of disintegration.

  But in this world, there are some artificial blood with poor ability or too much blood loss. They can't pass that level. At this time, blood transfusion is needed to help pass the initial level.

  Man Bao carefully studied with Teacher Mo. In the world of science, blood transfusion is not a problem at all, because this is something they have already researched in ancient times.

  The difficulty is how Man Bao figured it out in her world.

She has failed many times, but four different serums are indeed made. She did not use the teacher’s letter notation. She marked them as one, two, three and four. She thinks that one life is two, two is three, and three is born. Everything, so the third is what Teacher Mo said can match all blood types.

  Mr. Mo was once stunned by her remarks. He was afraid that she would get mixed blood type, but he tried his best to test her and found that she got all the correct answers after substituting one, two, three, and four.

Teacher Mo considers herself to be extremely smart and knowledgeable, but she was very dizzy when she was hit by her one, two, three and ABO. In the end, he really couldn’t help asking her, “Since there are ready-made marks, why do you have to redesign by yourself? What about one?"

  Man Baodao: "But I don't know the words that Mr. said."

   "I taught you."

"I know, but other people in my world don't know it. Only I know what is the use of knowledge. It will be spread in the future. Rather than letting them work hard to understand these words, it is better for me. Give them another name."

  "Then you should also choose one that sounds nice and easy to distinguish, how can you directly use one, two, three, and four to represent it?"

"I think this is the best name. Blood is the essence of essence, essence is the source of blood, and people live on essence. Dao produces one, one lives two, two produces three, three produces all things, with one or two Three to represent the difference in blood is the most appropriate."

  Ms. Mo’s head is so big that he can't understand what the students are talking about. He bit his head and asked, "Who said this?"

   "Which sentence? The first sentence is my own understanding, and the latter sentence is what Lao Tzu said?"

  Because the two people communicated in words, Teacher Mo replied: "Isn't that what you said?"

Man Bao didn’t understand how Teacher Mo came to this conclusion. She watched the text she had sent in the past and she stunned for a while, then slowly recalled, and then sent another sentence: “I’m Li Er with the word Boyang. He is a very powerful person. My mother said he is a god, and he is also called Laojun Taishang. We all like to call him Master Tianzun."

This series of names successfully made Teacher Mo confused. He did not understand why a person has so many titles. Anyway, this has nothing to do with medicine. Finally, Teacher Mo forced himself to skip this line of text and talked about other questions with Man Bao again. .

  Teacher Mo didn't understand, but the prince understood. It should be said that most people in this world can understand what Man Bao said.

  Anyway, people are lying down, and there are doctors who are making medicine and feeding medicine. Man Bao simply found a chair to sit down and explain the blood type to the prince.

   "Generally speaking, human blood can be divided into four types, one, two, three, and four. People with the same blood type have the greatest compatibility with blood transfusions, so we can try blood transfusion as long as we find someone with the same blood type."

  The prince asked with bright eyes, "I don't need blood from a close relative?"

   "No need, just the same blood type."

   The prince stood up, and said to the **** behind him: "Go to Du's house and bring Du Yu to Gu. You can see if it suits you to draw his blood."

  Man Bao was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Should I take medicine first?"

  The prince waved his hand and said, "Prepare first. If the medicine doesn't work, give him a blood transfusion right away, right?"

  "Who is this Du Yu," Man Bao said, "Is it his relative? Generally speaking, relatives will have a high probability of the same blood type."

  The prince frowned, "No."

  Why are you looking for people so much?

  There are so many people here and outside, why don’t you just line up for a draw?

   Thinking of this, Man Bao remembered one thing, and immediately got up and said: "The serum is still at home, I'll go back and get it."

  The prince frowned, "Where did you put it, I will let the next person go back and get it."

   "No, you have to take that thing carefully, and only I know where to put my things. Anyway, after the medicine is boiled, I have to pour it down to see the effect. Don't rush at this time, I will go back and get the things first."

  The prince frowned and thought for a while, then turned to the **** behind him and said: "You personally send this little doctor back, and you have to take things back immediately."

  The **** breathed a sigh of relief, and after a response, he asked cautiously: "Where is Lord Nadu..."

  The prince sneered and said, "I just let the Forbidden Army go please."

  The **** responded with cold sweat and waved his hand to Bai Shan and Man Bao, asking them to leave quickly.

  Bai Shan picked up the basket and took Man Bao out. When he went outside, the official had asked someone to move the doctor who was lying on the ground to the couch, and the wound was stitched and bandaged.

  Man Bao paused and turned to touch his pulse.

  The **** was anxious when he saw it, but the prince was indoors. He didn't dare to speak loudly, so he could only urge in a low voice, "Little Zhou, let's go, there is an emperor."

  Man Bao asked the official guarding next to him, “Why don’t you prescribe medicine for him?”

  The little official took a peek at the eunuch, then lowered his eyes and said: "The pharmacy is busy with the medicine for the little father-in-law, and I can't spare any time for a while."

  Man Bao felt that if this person stays here like this, even if the wound has been stitched up, he will eventually die.

  She turned back to the inner room and said to the prince who was standing in the middle of the room: "Prince, did I take this imperial doctor from the outside room?"

  The prince looked back at her and sneered: "You will be nosy..."

  Bai Shan, who was standing next to Man Bao, said in a salute: "His Royal Highness, the treasurer of Ji Shitang is waiting outside. We will hand it over to him without delay."

   said again: "Zhou Man is a healer, he is benevolent. His Royal Highness is the head of the people, and his Royal Highness should also be benevolent."

  (End of this chapter)

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