Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1034: Blood transfusion 2

  Chapter 1034 Blood Transfusion II

  The prince squinted at him, "Are you threatening Gu?"

   "No," Bai Shan denied, "The minister is admonishing His Highness."

  "Chen?" The prince looked at him up and down. It is naturally impossible for him to be an official in the court at such a young age. If he can claim to be a minister, he asked, "Are you a student of the Imperial College?"

   "Yes, the minister is a student of Guozixue."

  Guozi learning is mostly for grace, otherwise it will be especially outstanding students who can enter the exam, and there is no fuel-efficient lamp that comes out of there.

  The prince is not a person who likes the Imperial College very much, because the students there are more familiar with the youngest, so he doesn't like Bai Shan very much either.

  But at the moment he didn't want to waste too much time on this kind of thing, so he waved his hand and said neither agree nor disagree.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao took a look, immediately saluted and retreated outside, allowing people to carefully carry out the imperial doctor who was lying on the couch.

  The people looked at the middle-aged eunuch, and saw that he had no objection, and then they stepped forward to lift people up.

  There is a ready-made bed board, which is the bed board that brought the little father-in-law back from the outside. At this moment, I lifted the doctor out.

  Not far from the yard, a group of people came from the opposite side in a mighty manner, Man Bao and Bai Shan evaded aside as soon as they saw their posture.

  The old lady who was being supported was full of tears, she was dressed in a dress, and the hairpins on her head were a little messy, as if she had hurried back from outside.

I saw Man Bao and Bai Shan head on, both of them were carrying blood, especially Man Bao, there was blood on the plackets, and there were still blood stains on her face. Her feet became weaker and she looked towards standing between them. The **** behind him could hardly stand, "Duke Wu, my son, how is my son?"

  Duke Wu immediately stepped forward and said: "Back to the old lady, the blood of the little father-in-law has stopped, and the younger one will go to her house with Dr. Zhou to take it..."

  He didn't know what it was, so he could only look at Man Bao.

  Man Bao added: "Serum."

  The old lady looked at Man Bao carefully, and asked suspiciously: "This is?"

Grandpa Wu hurriedly said: "This is the doctor recommended by Grandpa Zheng. The old lady doesn't know. She is amazing. It is the blood of the little grandpa she stopped. Go back and get the serum now and give it to the little grandpa. Use it."

  Man Bao endured it, did not hold it back, and explained: "The serum is not for him, it is used to distinguish blood types."

  The old lady couldn’t understand what she was talking about, but she understood what Duke Wu said. She looked at Man Bao in amazement, but she quickly said, "Thank you, little doctor, for your help."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan couldn’t escape, and hurriedly responded. How could they be accepted by her when they were so young?

  Man Baodao: "Time is tight, let's go first."

   "Good, good..."

  The old lady immediately took people to escape and let Man Bao and the others go first.

  Man Bao paused for a while, feeling that it would be a waste of time to push back, so he took Bai Shan and left.

  The person carrying the imperial doctor behind him hurriedly followed. The old lady was shocked when he saw the person on the bedboard, "Mighty imperial doctor?"

  Wu Gonggong, who was still waiting by the side, quickly explained in a low voice: "The doctor is not effective in diagnosis and treatment, and His Royal Highness is furious, so..."

  The old lady was silent for a while and then turned back to the humanity behind her: "Go to the storeroom and take some precious medicinal materials to the house of the imperial physician. We must save people."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan had already walked quickly to the front yard. The treasurer Zheng was walking back and forth in front of them. When they heard the movement, they turned their heads and saw them come out in blood, and their hearts were almost cold.

  Man Bao walked over and said, "Big shopkeeper, there is an imperial doctor behind him. He is seriously injured. Take it back and let Doctor Ding get a cure."

  The treasurer Zheng then shook his hand and pointed to the inner courtyard, "Then, that little grandpa..."

  Bai Shan said angrily: "Alive, not dead."

  The treasurer Zheng didn't care about his tone at all, and asked quickly: "Has the blood stopped?"

   "Stop it," of course Man Baolai answered this kind of question, "but if you lose too much blood, you may not be able to live."

  Duke Wu, who happened to catch up with him, almost fell to the ground when he heard this sentence, Dr. Zhou, you didn’t say that just now in the inner courtyard!

  The treasurer Zheng's heart also raised, "Then Royal Physician Zheng...No, I mean, didn’t the Physicians prescribe a prescription to replenish blood?"

   "It's on, but I touched his pulse, I feel a little mysterious, so I will go back and get something, the treasurer, I will leave it to you."

The treasurer Zheng finally came back to his senses. He knew that Man Bao had a good medical book, maybe there was a prescription, and immediately nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will personally send people back to the hospital. This, this is a plan. Great doctor..."

  The treasurer of Zheng knew that the prince slashed someone, but he didn’t know that the slasher was a doctor.

  He hurriedly helped hold the bedboard and took people to his carriage.

Grandpa Wu also took Man Bao and the others into his own carriage, and he had to take the people to Changqing Alley by himself. Only then did he pick up the whip. Da Ji did not know where he came out to take the whip and bowed. : "Lord, come on the little one."

  Bai Shan glanced at it and said, "This is my servant, he is familiar with it, let him come."

  Duke Wu gave him the whip.

  Bai Shan invited him and said: "Father-in-law come in and sit together."

  Duke Wu slightly bent over and smiled: "No, no, we just sit outside."

  Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she got into the car. She touched her face and asked, "Is there still blood on her face?"

  Bai Shan’s veil is red, so she pulled her sleeves and wiped her and said, “It’s okay, just go back and wash it.”

   "Forget it, maybe it will get dirty after washing, so let's wait until it is no longer needed."

  Duke Wu on the wheel of the car was frightened when he heard this.

  Who knew that Bai Shan asked a question that made him even more frightened, "Can he really save it?"

   "70%, plus blood transfusion, there should be a 80% possibility, but blood transfusion may also fail."

   "Isn't it the same blood type?"

  Man Baodao: "Not necessarily, if the blood is not compatible, and there is a rejection reaction, it will kill people."

  Bai Shan: "Then you still propose a blood transfusion?"

"You can die if you have an open stomach. You can die if you walk, eat, or drink water. We can't stop doing it because of the possibility of this. Transfusion and find the blood type. Although there is a possibility of rejection, this is a possibility. It’s very small, we can’t give up this treatment plan because of the small probability.” Man Bao said: “My teacher told me that medicine has always been small and broad.”

  Bai Shan nodded, "Did Doctor Ji say that?"

  Man Bao smiled, took a look outside the car, felt that this place was strange, and asked, "Who was the little grandpa just now?"

  When he went out, Bai Shan took a special look at the door plaque, and said: "It should be Su Jian, the son of Piguo."

  Man Bao didn’t understand Bai Shan about this kind of thing. She searched in her mind for a while but didn’t remember who he was.

  Bai Shan said: "The princess is the daughter of Pi Guoguo, and Su Jian is the prince’s companion. He is two years older than the prince. The two have always been close to each other, and he is now an official of the Donggong palace."

  Wu Gonggong on the shaft of the car coughed twice.

  Dai Ji, who was driving, glanced at him, flicked his whip, and made the carriage speed up.

    The next update will be around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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