Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1035: Blood transfusion three

  Chapter 1035 Blood Transfusion III

  As soon as Bai Shan and Man Bao heard the cough, they knew that the man lying there was indeed the son of Pi Guo.

  The two looked at each other, and they didn't speak any more.

  At Changqing Lane, Man Bao jumped out of the carriage and said to Wu Gonggong, "You wait, I'll go in and get things."

  Bai Shan followed with a basket.

  Wu Gonggong was afraid that they would not come out after they entered, so he hurriedly followed. Seeing the two of them turned around to look at him, he pleased and smiled: "Our family is a little thirsty for a long time, so go in and ask for a glass of water."

  Bai Shan handed the back basket to Man Bao, invited Wu Gonggong in, and personally took him to use tea.

  Mr. Zhuang drove out when he heard the movement and saw the blood of his two disciples. After a shock, he looked at Wu Gonggong and greeted him.

  Man Bao gave her husband a greeting and went to the backyard. Mr. Zhuang ignored her. He glanced at Bai Shan, and he was relieved when he saw him nodding slightly, and invited Grandpa Wu to have tea in the front hall.

  Bai Shan gave Wu Gong Bus to Mr. Zhuang, and ran to chase Man Bao.

  Shiijiro has been immersing himself in the study to do homework. He also heard the movement, and while he was not attentively writing, he looked out the window.

  Seeing Man Bao and Bai Shan entering the yard, but the husband did not follow, he immediately dropped his pen and ran out. When he saw the blood on Man Bao's clothes, he screamed and stuttered at her, pointing at her.

  Man Bao directly pushed the door into his room, and took the time to reply, "It's not my blood."

  Bai Erlang was relieved, took his hand back and jumped to Bai Shan's side, and asked curiously, "How many people have been injured, so much blood?"

  Bai Shan stretched out a finger, thinking that something was wrong, another one popped out.

   "Both people have so much blood, so, can they still live?"

   "There is only one blood splashed on our bodies, and the blood is much more than what you see now. Now the blood has stopped, but it is difficult to survive."

  As soon as Manbao entered the house, he quickly closed the doors and windows, and then took out a box from the system space, which contained the serum she had sealed in a container.

  Man Bao put the box in the back basket, and then carried it out.

  I took the things, but the two did not go forward, but stood in the yard and discussed, "It's the prince, how about we file a lawsuit with him?"

  Bai Shan shook his head and said: "The prince is a little impulsive, and his position is unstable. Don't expect him to call us the shots, but if the relationship is better, maybe you can see the emperor through him."

   Bai Erlang said: "Didn't the emperor know you? If he wants to see you, he can directly declare that he can meet."

  Bai Shan glanced at him and said, "Do you know why the emperor didn't see us?"

  White Erlang shook his head.

  "Because he has no legitimate reason, he doesn't want people to know that he knew about King Yizhou early. That way, he can't explain to the queen mother; second, he can't stop the world."

  Bai Erlang said irritably: "I don't understand, can you explain more clearly, he knew that the King of Yizhou was not easy to explain to the Queen Mother? What does this have to do with the mouth of the world?"

Bai Shan paused and said: "The King Yizhou's matter did not come out. From the Queen Mother's point of view, this is a family affair and can be solved by himself. Whether the emperor suppresses King Yizhou, it is fine to prevent King Yizhou from entering Beijing. It’s good to discuss. If you let the queen dowager know, the emperor knew about this, but still wants us to sue the imperial court to make the matter big, the queen dowager will definitely be very upset, and the emperor will be embarrassed by that time."

  Man Bao said: "But let them do housework, then Uncle Bai, my parents, and the officials who used to go up and down in Shu County all died in vain. No one knows why they died."

  Bai Shan nodded, "Yes, then my father, there are so many people who worked hard for the world twelve years ago are really buried in the dust, no one knows."

"Another point is because your majesty is in an improper position," Bai Shan lowered his voice: "As many people today say in private that the first prince and the first three princes were killed by the emperor, if he directly summoned us. Exposing the King of Yizhou, there will be people who suspect that he can't tolerate the King of Yizhou being trapped in him. The mouth of the world is not so easy to block, and I don't want to see it."

   "Then you want to sue the imperial court?"

   "I don't want to, life preservation is as important as revenge. If there is a chance to face your majesty without being able to hear the drums, it is naturally best to file a complaint in person." Bai Shan said: "The prince is an opportunity."

   Bai Erlang only then understood, and asked: "Is the prince easy to get along with? What does he like? You can find out, and I will help you do what you like."

  Man Bao said: "Forget it, he has a bad temper and likes to hack people. I think we can't accommodate him in this respect."

   Baijiro: "...Hi, like to hack people?"

  Bai Shan nodded heavily.

   Bai Erlang swallowed and asked, "Yes, but isn't he the prince? How can he be so cruel?"

  Bai Shan sighed and said: "I know now why the classmates of Guozi School don't like the prince too much. No wonder they all like to talk about the three princes. If the prince is not kind, our people's life will be difficult in the future."

The three of them were silent for a while, and Bai Shan said, "Let's go, we can't delay it for too long."

  Man Bao nodded.

Daji brought a paper bag over and Bai Shan took it. Man Bao faintly smelled the fragrance and stared at the paper bag in his hand.

  Bai Shan said: "I asked Daji to get it in the back kitchen, and eat it in the car later."

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly. They got up late and only ate a bowl of meat porridge. They planned to eat breakfast and lunch together, but they didn't eat it.

  Originally, Shirajiro wanted to join in the fun. When they heard that the prince likes to chop people, he was heartbroken and frightened. In the end, he was afraid of gaining the upper hand. He just sent the people to the front yard and waved: "Take care."

  Wu Gonggong, who was being sent out by Mr. Zhuang, looked up at Bai Erlang.

   Bai Erlang didn't notice anything, and waved goodbye to Bai Shanmanbao with a heavy face.

  Bai Shan stood in the car and saluted her husband. Mr. Zhuang waved his hand and said, “If you go, be obedient, and don’t make trouble for your highness.”

  Bai Shan responded, and Man Bao also poked his head out of the car and responded.

  Duke Wu smiled and said, "Mr. Zhuang, you can rest assured that our family will take good care of Little Young Master Bai and Little Lady Zhou."

  After a while, he also figured out the family background of Bai Shan and Zhou Man, and was more polite to the two of them.

  He glanced at Shirajiro and then climbed into the carriage, smiled at him, and said sharply: "This son can rest assured, we are just going to treat the disease."

  Anyway, what cannot be cured is also the sin of the imperial doctor. It seems that there will be nothing wrong with these two.

  Bai Erlang nodded in a daze, and after the carriage left, he looked back at Mr. Zhuang suspiciously, "Sir, who is he, how do you say that weird?"

  Mr. Zhuang glanced at him and said, "Didn’t you say that you have to write both policy theories before dinner? You finished the first one?"

  Shiijiro screamed, and then he remembered it.

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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