Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1038: Blood transfusion six

  Chapter 1038 Blood Transfusion Six

  Water is readily available.

  Man Bao opened her precious things while pouring the two remaining blood in the vessel into the water. Everyone couldn't help but look at it.

  I saw the blood dripping into the water slowly dispersing, and after a long time, the two gradually merged together.

  Everyone was stunned.

  Man Bao took out the jar and sheep intestines she prepared through the doctor Fan a long time ago, and then beckoned to Du Yu: "Come here, don't be afraid, it won't hurt to draw blood."

  Du Yu's face turned pale.

  Du Shu stood in front of Man Bao and asked sternly, “Who are you, the doctor of the hospital, can you be the master of the treatment of Su Xiaopai?”

  His voice was too loud, and Man Bao jumped.

  Bai Shan stepped forward and stood in front of him and said: "This is what your highness meant. She opened the patient's stomach. Now the lives and deaths of the elder doctors in the hospital are hanging on her. Can you say that she can take charge?"

  Man Bao said: "What are you afraid of, don't you just draw a jar of blood, don't worry, go back and eat something to replenish the blood and you will come back. The people in the house have not died after bleeding so much."

  The prince frowned, "Didn't you say that you need a lot of blood?"

"Isn't there a lot of people?" Man Bao glanced at him and said, "Everyone is almost the same if they take a little bit. Your Highness, I am a doctor. Even if the blood transfusion cannot save the blood transfusion, it will not be enough to collect blood. People who are dying to death, right?"

  She is not an executioner.

  The prince pursed his lips and said: "Other people's blood is too low, how can they lose their blood?"

  Man Bao couldn't help but said, "Your blood is quite noble. Would you like to try it later?"

  Gonggong Wu burst into cold sweat, and quickly scolded: "Doctor Zhou Xiao, be careful, you, how can you talk to His Highness like this?"

  The prince thought, "My blood goes in. He doesn't think that my blood is a relative, and then let go of the source of the disease?"

   "Are you related to him by blood?"


   "Let's draw," Man Bao picked up a needle again, "Let’s see if the blood type is the same first."

  The prince rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward.

  Lao Madam Su and Duke Wu hurriedly stopped, "Your Highness, please..."

The prince didn’t care, and forced Man Baozha, and Man Bao didn’t care about the two people who stopped him. She felt that the people in the yard were too long-winded, but she was nothing. Anyway, there are stories to watch, and there is nothing to watch all day long. , But the people in the house may die. If they continue to fight like this, the people in the house are dead, and they might have to take away three imperial doctors.

  Man Bao took the short needle and pierced it directly. After taking the blood, she went back to test the blood type. When waiting for the result, she rolled up her sleeves and waved to Du Yu, "Come here and sit down."

  Du Yu looked at her, then at the fingertips that the prince was pressing with the kerchief, and silently stepped forward and sat down.

  Du Shu didn't stop now.

  Lamb’s intestines and hollow needles were made with the help of Doctor Fan. Even the jars were made by Doctor Fan. When the two were in Yizhou, they had secretly pierced rabbits and sheep, but they had never pierced anyone.

  Man Bao has more experience, because she has also done anthropomorphic models, but facing a real person and an anthropomorphic is still a bit different.

  Man Bao swallowed, and after looking for a long time on his arm to confirm the blood vessel, she took a rope to tie her arm, she looked up at Du Yu and said, "I have it."

  Du Yu looked at her curiously, "How to get blood? Didn't you use a knife?"

  What kind of knife to use, she even thinks it will contaminate a large area of ​​bleeding.

  Full of anger sinking Dantian, the needle in his hand pierced in. Not to mention, it felt a bit like an anthropomorphic. Du Yu screamed in pain, almost jumped up, but was held down by the forbidden army behind him.

  Du Yu's whole body was shaking, a tube of red blood passed through the translucent sheep intestine and poured into the jar...

  Man Bao saw him yelling "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhqh

  Du Yu opened his closed eyes, cold sweat broke out, "You, you lie, you say it doesn't hurt."

  Man Bao coughed lightly: "I haven't pierced anyone. How do I know if it hurts? My teacher told me this?"

   "Who is your teacher?"

  Man Bao pointed to the bottle and said to him: "Isn't it, your blood."

  Du Yu turned his head and saw that the blood in the jar was slowly rising at a speed visible to the naked eye. He looked away with some fear, "This, this, so much..."

   "Not much, not much, not enough for one can."

  Man Bao turned to see the prince’s blood reaction, and happily said to him: "It's a coincidence, your blood is also suitable, come and come, you sit here, we will also draw a can."

  Duke Wu flopped and knelt on the ground, "No way, your lord, you are a daughter of a golden body, how can you draw blood? If you want to draw, you can draw an old slave."

  Du Shu swallowed, and reluctantly stepped forward and said: "Let's smoke mine..."

  Man Bao looked at him, and then at Du Zhong again, "Are you brothers?"

  The two nodded.

  "The blood type is estimated to be the same. Come, come, and you should also try it. This is a blood draw, the more the better."

  Bai Shan gave a light cough, and stepped forward to help. He felt that it was not that more was better, but that she found the touch and became addicted to Erlang, but did he dare to say it?

  Man Bao also only made five sets of blood drawing devices. She used them for the Prince and Du Shu, and then used one for the patient, and there was only one left.

Although the prince and Du Shu were also a bit scared, they weren't gaffes like Du Yu. After all, they had already seen him smoke, and they would not yell out after they had insights.

  Man Bao asked someone to press down on the needle, glanced at Du Yu's blood tank, and felt that it was almost done, so he pulled out the needle and loosened the rope.

   Then he held the eye of the needle with the veil and said: "Press it yourself, and press it for seven or eighty breaths."

  Du Yu was very suspicious, "After so much blood is drawn, this needle must be very big, right? It won’t bleed anymore?"

  This needle is bigger than what she saw in the system, and she was a little unsure, "Then you press more, press for a quarter of an hour to try?"

  Du Yu: ...Where did the doctor come from? Is it reliable?

  Prince and Du Shu were also a little skeptical.

  But Man Bao had already taken the blood in to infuse the patient, and the imperial physician Zheng and the imperial physician left behind in the house helped.

  Doctor Zheng asked in a low voice, "Is it really useful?"

  "This is whole blood. In fact, someone told me that blood transfusions are divided into many types. Unfortunately, we don’t have the means to deal with blood. We can only do this." Man Bao said, "At least this is also a hope, isn’t it?"

  Man Bao plunged an empty tube needle into the jar, and then stuck it into the patient’s arm after the blood came out. The imperial physicians saw the blood slowly flow into the patient’s body...

  Blood transfusion should not be too urgent.

It is also the first time for Man Bao to give a blood transfusion to a real person, so he is very busy, busy drawing blood, and then returning to the blood transfusion, busy observing the patient’s condition, and taking time to sink his consciousness into the system and communicate with Teacher Mo this time. The case of blood transfusion.

  Tossing until the sun sets, Man Bao withdrew the blood transfusion device, and then took turns to get Su Jian's pulse with Tai Doctor Zheng and the others.

  (End of this chapter)

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