Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1039: As sponge absorbs water

  Chapter 1039 Like a sponge to absorb water

  Man Bao touched his chin and thought about it. Seeing that the last imperial doctor had finished the pulse, he went and touched it again. After confirmation, he nodded slightly.

  The prince and the others still had a veil tied on their arms, and when they saw this, they quickly asked, "How is it?"

  "The pulse condition is a little better, but we have to observe it for a few more days." Man Bao looked at Zheng Taiyi and the others.

  Doctor Zheng, they nodded quickly: "Exactly."

  Man Bao was done, he was very happy. He got up and was about to leave. Suddenly he thought of something and asked, "By the way, he shouldn't hurt his brain?"

  Doctor Zheng and they looked at the prince and Du Yu together.

The prince sneered at Du Yu.

  Du Yu was silent for a while and then said: "It shouldn't be there."

  Man Bao heaved a sigh of relief, "That's good, then wait for tomorrow. If it goes well, he should be able to wake up before the evening of tomorrow, and he will be half set when he wakes up."

  Doctor Zheng and others nodded repeatedly.

  The old lady who only brought her daughter-in-law in heard the words, and asked anxiously: "Why is it only half set when I wake up? Shouldn't it be all right?"

  Man Bao coughed lightly: "He has a large wound on his body and is in danger of inflammation, so I have to watch the follow-up."

  Emperor Zheng hurriedly explained: “The little father-in-law had bleeding from his internal organs. It was thanks to Dr. Zhou that he cut off the abdomen to stop the bleeding. This saved the man back, but how the wound healed afterwards depends on God’s will.”

  God’s providence...

Man Bao couldn't help but glanced at the doctor Zheng, and said to the old lady: "The wound is the most taboo and dirty, so from now on, except for the doctor and one or two people who are waiting for care, no one else will go in and out. By the way, you guys. Is there any vacant room here? It's best to clean up a new one and replace the people. The bed is too dirty."

  The three imperial physicians nodded again and again.

  The beautiful woman frowned and said, "But isn't the patient the most taboo to move? In case of bleeding again..."

  Three imperial physicians:...

  Man Baodao: "Dirty is more dangerous than moving. From the time he brought it back to the present, the dirty things on his body, as well as the dirty things brought by everyone in and out, can you control the movement of people, but can you also control these dirty things?"

  The old lady thought for a while and said: "Listen to Doctor Zhou and the eunuchs, let them clean up the side room without putting anything in it. After cleaning it, move Saburo over."

  Everyone responded.

  Physicians can guide you on the movement, and even they have much more experience than Manbao, where to change clothes, how to change, how to move, what medicine to prescribe and what medicine to take...

  Man Bao Pi Dian Pi Dian followed them to learn, they had to read a prescription before handing it to the next person.

The three imperial doctors didn’t know the details of the treasures and thought she was checking the prescriptions. She occasionally lit a few medicines and asked them why they should prescribe them like this, what the monarchs said, and thought she was going to test them, so she gave her meticulously. explain.

  Man Bao carefully remembered in her heart that they felt that they were better at prescribing specific illnesses than Teacher Mo. She planned to write down these prescriptions silently and note them when she returned, and then study with Teacher Mo.

  Bai Shan only listened to one ear and then stopped listening, because he didn't understand most of it.

  Although he did not know some medical theory under the influence of Man Bao, he could not understand it if he was too advanced. When he stood beside the prince, he heard him mocking the Du brothers.

  He took two steps back slightly, listening to the story with his ears upright.

  Man Bao took out all the treatment plans of the eunuchs tonight and then patted her buttocks and got up to leave. The emperor Zheng hurriedly kept her, "Won't Dr. Zhou Xiao stay behind tonight?"

  Man Bao looked out at Bai Shanhou and shook his head, “Forget it, it’s inconvenient. I’ll go home and come back tomorrow morning.”

   "But if someone burns up..."

  "It's really amazing. Just send someone to call me. We are in the same place. We can leave at night." Man Bao said, "But in terms of fever, I am afraid I can't compare to you."

  Doctor Zheng: "Dr. Zhou Xiao is too modest. I heard from Dr. Ji that you use acupuncture and moxibustion very well, including a set of acupuncture methods to reduce fever..."

  Man Bao asked: "Do you want to learn?"

  Emperor Zheng’s face stiffened, and he said uncomfortably: "...I want to learn, but..."

  "I will teach you," Man Bao said with a smile: "You just said that the prescription for nourishing blood and reducing fever in Plan 2 is recorded in a book of your family. It is an improved prescription, and there is also a record..."

  Princess Zheng was silent for a while and then said: "I can lend the book to Doctor Zhou Xiao to read it for a while."

  Man Bao was too happy, and felt that today’s harvest was too great.

  She smiled and said goodbye to the doctor Zheng, and then looked at the other two doctors, "In the future, we will exchange medical skills together."

  The three of them smiled stiffly and nodded, thinking in unison, it's no wonder that she has such a medical skill at a young age, she is one of courage and carefulness, I am afraid it is also one of thick-skinned.

  When we first met, who would want to exchange medical skills?

They have been working with the imperial physician Zheng for many years, and the usual exchanges are only limited, and there is a degree of learning from each other. Each imperial physician has his own case and plan. After learning it from others, they still think about what is in the Pacific. Where do you get a foothold in the hospital?

  If the proposal was not for a girl who cannot enter the hospital, let alone they will not agree, I am afraid that the doctor Zheng who has a deeper relationship with her will not agree.

  Although I can learn something from Man Bao.

   But they know their talents, and they can’t compare to Man Bao at first glance.

  The same knowledge is not something that you can master once you learn, nor is it that you can only master the learned part after you learn it.

  Recalling that this doctor Zhou Xiao opened his abdomen to find out the blood port and the proficiency of stitching. In private, I still don’t know how many rabbits and pigs and sheep have been dissected.

  The two doctors trembled, and then they looked at Doctor Zheng together, "Emperor Zheng, I think the kit used by Doctor Zhou Xiao seems to belong to Doctor Fan."

  Emperor Zheng said: “She had exchanged medical skills with Dr. Fan when she was in Yizhou. I heard from family members that Dr. Fan fell in love with her.”

  The imperial physicians sighed, "Emperor Fan is a well-known ulcer doctor. I didn’t think it before. It was only after his transfer that he discovered that there was no imperial physician who inherited his skills in the imperial hospital, alas~~"

  In the past, everyone looked down on ulcer doctors, thinking that they always cut things and were inferior, but now it seems that ulcer doctors do have an advantage over them in treating urgent bleeding injuries.

"Although he has supplemented the blood for the little father-in-law, the most important thing is to rely on his own blood production to stabilize the body," Zheng Taiyi first returned to his senses, glanced at the written prescription, and chose one: "The second one. Use this as a prescription."

  The two imperial physicians also slowly returned to their minds. After reading them, they considered them and nodded: "Yes, that's it."

  Man Bao found Bai Shan and said, "Let’s go home."

  The old lady hastened to stay, but Man Bao refused, "We should know about the place where we live. If the fever can't be stopped, the doctors will pick me up again. I will come back early tomorrow morning."

  The old lady saw that she was young and a little girl, and the family might not be at ease, so she said to the grandmother on the side: "Send Little Doctor Zhou and Little Young Master Bai out, let the butler personally send them back and prepare a generous gift."

When changing clothes just now, she took a peek at the bandaged wound on her son's stomach, and then asked the person who was serving. Then she knew that her son had already stepped halfway into the ghost gate before. It was also because of this that the prince cut off the doctor. .

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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