Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1043: experiment

  Chapter 1043 Experiment

As soon as Man Bao and Grand Doctor Zheng went out, Duke Pi Guo smiled and nodded to Grand Doctor Zheng before looking at Man Bao, "This is Doctor Xiao Zhou, really young. You are promising, I don’t know who you learned from?"

  Man Baodao: "My teacher's name is Zhuang."

  Pi Guogong glanced at Imperial Doctor Zheng, and saw that he had no response, he touched his beard and smiled: "Famous teachers make good students."

  Emperor Zheng knew that Man Bao had a teacher whose surname was Zhuang, but that man was not the one who taught her medical skills, but the one who taught her to read and read.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan nodded in agreement, thinking that their husband can be a master teacher, they can also be a good disciple.

  Piguo is more concerned about when his youngest son can wake up.

  Man Bao said: "Wait for noon, he has a low-grade fever right now and is getting better."

  Lao Mrs. Su said anxiously: "Is it a bad thing if I have a fever?"

"It's not a bad thing, it's not a high fever, it's okay if it's burning. Feed him more water and pay attention to his body temperature." Man Bao said, "If he can wake up at noon, then we will be able to consult a doctor. Make sure there is nothing else. After the problem is the wound problem."

  Doctor Zheng nodded deeply, this is also the idea of ​​him and his colleagues.

  The next step is to wait for someone to wake up, boil the medicine, and the waiter carefully filled him with half a bowl of medicine, and then stopped.

  Man Bao took over from Grand Doctor Zheng and let him go to sleep.

  The other two doctors were tired and frightened all day and night. They didn't sleep well last night. When they woke up and saw Man Bao, they turned around and went to sleep again.

  Of course, Manbao won’t keep guarding in the house all the time. There are still two young men in the house. She just needs to come in and take a look from time to time.

  So she sat in the yard and talked to people.

  It is mainly Mrs. Su and the third wife who are also worried about Su Jian, so they sit in the yard and guard them. Since they are guarding, they naturally have to talk.

  Especially they are quite curious about Man Bao, and Bai Shan stays here.

  But he was still young and good-looking. Mrs. Su liked him very much and didn't let him go to the front hall to be with her bad old man.

  The four of them sat on the stone bench under the tree in the yard and talked.

Mrs. 3 handed the son in her arms to her subordinates and let them hug him to play. Man Bao glanced at the child and asked, "How old is he? Is he two years old?"

Mrs.    smiled: "Xu Sui is two years old, just learning to walk, she is naughty, yesterday the house was noisy, he was scared, so he pestered me a little today."

  Manbao nodded, and commented: "Looks a lot like the little father-in-law."

  Lao Madam Su was also happy when she heard the words, "Even her temper is the same, she has big ideas at a young age."

After a pause, Mrs. Su asked worriedly: "Dr. Zhou, do you think if my son gets better, will there be any sequelae?"

Man Bao said: "I'm not sure yet. His leg is broken. He has to wait until the injury on his stomach is almost healed before connecting it. lame."

  The third wife was taken aback, and asked, "Why didn’t they say anything, Doctor Zheng?"

  Man Baodao: "Legs are naturally more important than fate."

  Yesterday, I didn’t even know if I could keep my life. Who is so idle to worry about the legs?

  Lao Mrs. Su also reacted, and quickly said: "It would be great if you can save your life, but I don’t know if he will have an impact on lifespan in the future?"

  Man Bao thought about it carefully. The spleen is reproducible. Yesterday she was not only stitched up, but also put a lot of broken pieces out of it. This is somewhat affected, but the biggest impact is...

Man Bao gave a light cough and told them about the situation: "I found that the pulse of the little grandpa is a little weak. Of course, this is related to his injury, but I think his foundation is also a little weak. It has a great influence. If the old lady wants him to be healthy and live longer, then I suggest that he abstain from **** and not to indulge too much."

  Ms. Su's face became stiff, and the third wife's eyes burst into tears.

  Bai Shan couldn't help coughing lightly, poured her a cup of tea, and whispered: "Drink tea."

  Man Bao picked up the tea and drank, but his big eyes still flashed and looked at the other side.

Mrs. Su slowly nodded, "When he gets better, I will definitely teach him."

  Man Bao nodded.

Mrs.    hurriedly changed the subject, “Dr. Zhou Xiao, according to what you said yesterday, that blood confession is totally innumerable.”

  Man Bao immediately put down his teacup and said: "Yes, but I still have some curiosities. I don't know if human blood and chicken blood, sheep blood, and cow blood can be combined."

  Lao Mrs. Su and Mrs. Third: ...this is a bit scary.

  But the two of them were also a little curious, "Do you know by dripping blood into the water?"

   "Yes, it's a pity that I'm not free now, so I can't go to the vegetable market to find fresh blood."

Mrs. Su thought for a while, then turned her head and said to the mother: "Go and ask the kitchen to kill a chicken, take fresh blood into the basin and bring it, and there is sheep blood, um, go out and look for it. Wherever there are cows, buy one too."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan looked at them dumbfounded, and they recovered after the grandmother took the order. They looked at Mrs. Su together, "Can't you kill the cow casually?"

  Lao Mrs. Su smiled and said, "Of course we are going to kill some old cows, sick cows and the like."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan are dubious, because even their family does not eat sick beef.

   And the Bai family can occasionally buy some old cattle meat, but not many are distributed. Most of the time, they kill the old cattle in their own village.

  They eat lamb and pork the most.

The two basins of water were quickly brought over, and the drop of blood in it was slowly spreading. Man Bao immediately took out a short needle from the back basket, his eyes swept across the crowd, and asked: "Who is it?" of?"

  Everyone said nothing.

  Lao Madam Su put down the teacup, and the teacup gently touched the stone table with a crisp sound, and a girl shook her hand forward, "Dr. Zhou Xiao, pierce, pierce mine."

  Man Bao raised his head and smiled at her, holding her hand and saying: "Don't be afraid, it doesn't hurt much."

   After saying this, she gave her fingertips a gentle prick, and she felt the tingling a little, and then the pain disappeared, just like she was stabbed by her own needle when she was doing a needle and thread.

  Man Bao waited until it began to bleed before squeezing out a drop of blood, and then squeezing out another drop of blood, dripping them into two basins respectively.

  Man Bao took out a bottle of ointment and wiped her fingertips, and then asked her to cover it with a clean veil.

  Lao Madam Su smiled slightly when she saw it, and said: "It's a brave child, come here, and reward her with a silver coin. Turn around and put it in the house as a second class."

  The girl's eyes lit up, and she knelt down to thank her.

  Man Bao glanced at Mrs. Su, and when she saw her talking with a smile, he stretched out his hand to pull the person up, and then went to look at the two basins.

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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