Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1044: wake up

   Chapter 1044

  The human blood that had just dripped also slowly dispersed, and it was filled with the two kinds of blood in the basin, but did not melt together.

  Lao Madam Su saw, she breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, and smiled: "It didn't melt, it didn't melt."

  Man Bao thought thoughtfully, "What if you add some salt?"

  Bai Shan answered, "Try adding some vinegar on the other side?"

  Man Bao nodded again and again, "Hmm, try them all, get the salt and vinegar."

  Lao Mrs. Su looked dazed, "Why add vinegar and salt to it?"

  Bai Shan glanced at Man Bao and said, "I remember you said before that water is also divided into acidic and alkaline, and alkali can be added with salt."

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly, "Yes, so let's try with some salt and vinegar."

  Lao Mrs. Su glanced at the girl, and her servant went to fetch it.

  The two were tossing, adding salt and vinegar. If there were only two drops of blood in this basin, Mrs. Su almost thought they were cooking.

  After a tossing, the two layers of blood in one of the pots slowly blended.

  The onlookers opened their mouths in surprise.

  Man Bao became satisfied and took out a pen to write down, "How much vinegar did we just pour in?"

  Bai Shan: "Twenty-one drops."

   "That time has passed for a long time. I don't know how long the two kinds of blood will blend together if vinegar is added at the beginning."

  Bai Shan saw the young man guarding the house standing at the door, looking at them, and said: "Try again later."

   motioned to Man Bao to see the little boy.

  Man Bao turned his head and took a look, then handed the pen to Bai Shan, confessed to Mrs. Su, and went first to see people.

  Lao Mrs. Su and his third wife also got up and walked to the door.

  Bai Shan glanced at them, and took a pen to record the process of their experiment.

   Xiao Si led Man Bao into the house, and whispered: "I touched it, San Ye seems to be getting hotter and hotter."

  Man Bao stretched out his hand and touched his forehead before he got his pulse.

  She frowned for a while and then said: "Go and get my back basket in, and I will give him a needle."

  Xiao Si hurried to fetch things.

After giving Su Jian a needle, the fever did not go away, but it did not rise any more. Man Bao prescribed a prescription. After thinking about it, he still said: "Go and see the doctors, whoever it is, just ask one to see the prescription. ."

The one who came was naturally Grand Doctor Zheng, who had just slept a short time ago. He touched Su Jian's pulse and looked at the prescription prescribed by Man Bao. After changing the name of the two medicines, he asked, "What do you think of Doctor Zhou Xiao? "

  Man Bao took a look, he was gentler than her, and indeed better to Su Jian, so he nodded.

  Emperor Zheng gave the prescription to the young man, "Go grab the medicine and boil it."

   Carefully pouring the medicine down, and holding it for another half an hour, the patient began to sweat and the fever dropped.

  Man Bao reached out and touched, nodded in satisfaction, "Low-grade fever, it's not very serious, just go ahead and feed him more water."

  Taking a nap, Grand Physician Zheng nodded in a daze, and continued to fall asleep with his chin supported.

  Man Bao went out to tell Mrs. Su the good news, and the Su family sighed with relief.

  Man Bao saw their spirits so tight and said: "Mrs. Su, you can't do this. He will definitely have a fever from time to time these days. If you are all like this, I am afraid that he is not well, and you are sick first."

  Lao Madam Su sighed, "Parents' hearts cannot be controlled."

  Man Bao looked at them sympathetically.

  Lao Madam Su took the opportunity to ask, "Dr. Zhou Xiao, I don’t know my son..."

   "The fever is gone, it's okay."

  Man Bao was about to go back to take a look at the water basin, the little servant waiting in the room suddenly screamed, and then ran out and said: "Old lady, Doctor Xiao Zhou, San Ye is awake!"

  When everyone heard it, their eyes lit up, and they immediately rushed in.

  Man Bao hurriedly stopped the people behind, "Just go in two or three people..."

  Others didn't dare not listen, so they only went in Mrs. Su and Mrs. Third.

  Su Jian opened his eyes blindly, and when he saw the person in front of him clearly, he faced a haggard and shaggy man's face. He shrank in shock, but found that there was a bed behind him, and he couldn't shrink.

  The doctor Zheng who looked closer was happy, and said with joy: "Wake up, wake up, I am awake, with clear eyes, there is nothing wrong with it."

Man Bao squeezed in from behind him and squeezed him a little bit to the side. Seeing Su Jian with a dull face looking at them in a daze, he stretched out a finger and shook it in front of him and asked: " Do you know how many fingers these are?"

  Su Jian: " piece."

  Man Bao nodded in satisfaction, "I am so sober indeed, it seems that it really didn't hurt my head."

  The two doctors nodded in satisfaction, "Fortunately, fortunately."

   Falling off the horse, fighting, or something, they are most afraid of hurting their heads.

Even if he had opened the head of a anthropomorphic model, Man Bao didn't really want to open his head to a real person. Although her hands were itchy, she felt that no one in this world would open her head to her, and he could really open his head. The patient's condition must be more serious than the current one.

  The two doctors took turns to touch Su Jian, and asked a few more questions, and after confirming that he had no other major problems, they stepped aside and asked Mrs. Su and the third wife to come forward and talk to him.

  Lao Mrs. Su sat in front of the bed, holding her younger son’s hand, and started crying, while the third wife was standing in front of the bed crying.

  Su Jian was flustered by the cry of the two of them, and his voice was empty and comforting: "Mother, am I okay?"

   "Are you okay, your legs are broken, and in order to save you, even the stomach was opened, and almost couldn't be saved, you know?"

  Su Jian was in a daze. He could understand the broken leg, but... "What does it mean that my stomach has been opened?"

  He raised his hand to touch his belly, only to find that it hurts, his stomach hurts, his back hurts, his legs hurt, and he hurts everywhere in his body.

  Man Bao took a look and reminded, "Although it is bandaged, it is best not to touch it with your hands. Your hands are dirty and will cause inflammation."

Mrs.    quickly took his other hand with her eyesight and quickly sat down on the bed.

  Su Jian was holding both hands. One was a mother and the other was a daughter-in-law. He couldn't move at all. He could only look at the standing doctor and the unfamiliar little girl with his eyes widened.

  "San Lang is awake?" The prince walked in with wind, Zheng Tai doctor immediately pulled Man Bao back to the side, and bowed deeply in salute.

  Man Bao turned his head and nodded to the prince, and then said, "I'm awake."

  The prince waved to the doctor Zheng, and didn't care that Man Bao hadn't bowed, so he went up to see Su Jian.

  Lao Mrs. Su and his third wife quickly stood up and avoided saluting.

  The prince hurriedly helped Mrs. Su, and kindly said to his third wife that he was exempt, and then sat down in front of the bed to look at Su Jian, "The little girl is going to come to see you, but I was stopped by the lonely girl. How do you feel now?"

   "Is my younger sister's health better?" Su Jian said, "Let her recover from the illness, or don't come. Isn't there a doctor here?"

   "By the way, did that kid Du Yu catch him?" Su Jian gritted his teeth and said, "That kid is too **** and attacked me unexpectedly."

Announcement: I only learned last night that the spleen is very fragile. In a situation like Su Jian, it cannot be sewn. It should be cut off, but it can’t be changed after going back. So everyone knows this medical common sense, so let Su Jian’s wrong spleen continue. Exist

     The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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