Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1045: give up

   Chapter 1045

After a moment of silence, the prince asked, "Do you remember how you fell on a horse?"

   "Of course I remember, that kid attacked me from behind!" Although the latter thing was too confusing, he didn't remember, but the memory of being slapped by Du Yu with a polo stick is still there.

  The prince coughed softly: "Your horse is injured, and it has been mad with a scratch on its stomach."

  Su Jian was taken aback, the memory came back a little bit, "What I said, I'm about to turn back on the horse back, why did it suddenly shovel its hoofs, who secretly counted on my horse?"

  The prince glanced at his broken foot and said: "Your foot, there is a nail under the boot."

  Su Jian was taken aback for a while and his face paled, "It was calculated? Who did it? Your third child?"

  Lao Madam Su couldn't help coughing heavily, and Su Jian immediately closed his mouth, only to realize that there seemed to be a lot of people in the room.

The prince    also stretched out his hand and patted his hand and said: "You can recover from your illness with peace of mind. Just leave these things to us to deal with, and the father has already asked Feng Shangshu to investigate."

  Su Jian murmured, "It shocked Feng Shangshu, that's not..."

   Then those things that they vie with the three princes will also be found out?

  He kept winking at the prince.

  The prince didn’t care very much, and waved his hand: “You can heal your injuries. Next month is the queen mother, you always have to enter the palace, right?”

  Lao Madam Su nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yeah, you are not hurt this time, so you have to take care of it."

  Su Jian responded, and said to the prince: "His Royal Highness, you tell the little girl that I'm all right, so don't worry about her."

  The prince responded, got up and left, giving him time to rest.

Mrs. Su also got up and took some people out. The third wife hesitated but did not leave.

  Man Bao and Zheng Taiyi rolled up their sleeves to give him a detailed examination.

  Man Bao said to Xiao Si: "Fill two pots of warm water, and then another pot of boiling water."

  Xiao Si responded, quickly brought people up to the water, and then bowed back out.

  Man Bao cleaned his hands and went to untie his clothes.

  Su Jian's eyes rounded, looking at Man Bao's face for a long time and never remembered who she was, mainly she didn't look like a girl at all.

  He was a little uncomfortable, but unable to move, he asked: "Who are you?"

  Mrs. 3 hurriedly explained: "Husband, she is a doctor who will treat you."

   "No, isn't there an imperial doctor in this? Why do I need a girl to see me?"

  Although he is a big man, he is awkward to be looked at by a female doctor, okay?

  Man Bao has already untied his clothes and the bandage on his stomach. After a careful look, he said to Doctor Zheng: “There is still some blood oozing, let’s clean it before giving the new medicine.”

  Emperor Zheng also took a closer look at the wound and responded.

After discussing the medicine to be taken, Man Bao soaked a strip of white cloth to gently wipe the wound, and replied: "Don't be shy, I turned over all the viscera in your stomach yesterday. I watched everything."

  Su Jian's face turned pale.

  The third wife quickly took his hand to comfort him.

  Man Bao is dealing with Su Jian in the house, but Bai Shan outside the house is a melon.

No way, he didn't hide his existence at all, so he sat on the stone bench and wrote honestly. As a result, Lord Pi and Mrs. Su, the prince who just came out of the house, stood as if they could not see him. Discussing things not far from him.

  For example, how to deal with this matter with Du's family.

  Whose calculation is this? Is it the third prince, or are they ignorant of others?

  How did the emperor feel about this matter? The most important thing is, what did the prince and the three princes do these days, and if Feng Shangshu investigates, will they find out those things?

  What to do after finding out.

How to do it?

The crown prince was not worried at all, he sneered: "I just found someone to impeach him, and someone to pull his person down, what can he do? The prince may go to investigate Saburo's person, this Don't worry about it."

  Pi Guoguo saw him so arrogant, he couldn't help but say with earnest heart: "His Majesty, Your Majesty and Empress have high hopes for you. The third princes are your brothers. Even if you are no longer dissatisfied, don't show it on your face."

  The prince was angry and said, "I treat him as a brother, did he treat me as a brother? It was so easy to have a child alone, and as a result..."

   "He wants to be a prince, talk to Gu, come and grab Gu, kill my offspring, he dares to kill my offspring..."

Bai Shan saw that the prince flushed, his eyes were about to bulge out, and he turned around in a irritated place. The prince Pi hurriedly comforted him, but the prince waved his sleeve to fend off him and said angrily: "There is no room for change in this matter. There is someone behind the matter, but there is nothing wrong with the kid because he got rid of it!"

  The prince's voice was choked up, he gritted his teeth with red eyes and said: "Brother, brother, this may be my only heir..."

  If someone else did this, he might not hate it so much!

  Duke Pi and Mrs. Su both fell silent.

  Although the child did not grow in their daughter’s belly, they also looked forward to it for a long time. As long as they were born, the crown princess could be held by her side to raise her. It is the best son, and the daughter is not bad. It is a child anyway.

  But they were so cautious, they were still taken advantage of.

  Both old men sighed.

  The prince walked away.

  The old couple looked at each other for a long time, and finally sighed faintly. They were about to take them away. As soon as they turned their heads, they found that Bai Shan was sitting on the stone bench holding a pen and looking at them innocently.

  Pi Guogong and his wife:...Is it too late to clear the field?

  Naturally, it was too late, but the two of them thought about it. What they said just now was confidential, but it was not confidential either.

  Because most of the final Feng Shangshu will be found out, it doesn’t seem to make much sense to conceal it or not.

   So the two nodded to Baishan, and walked away.

  Bai Shan pondered for a while, shook his head and said to Man Bao, who had dealt with the injury, "I think the road to the prince will not work."

  Man Bao asked: "Why?"

  Bai Shan didn't answer at the time, and didn't say until he returned home: "The prince gave up the position of prince from the bottom of his heart. He gave up first, so naturally he couldn't win."

   "Is that the three princes going to win?" Man Bao asked, "We are now rushing to the past, is it too late to deal with the three princes?"

  Bai Shan thought for a while and said, “If the child of the prince’s concubine is really lost by the third prince, I don’t think the emperor will care about the third prince. We want to avenge, not participate in the seizure of the prince.”

  Man Bao thought about it, and asked, "Then what shall we do?"

  Bai Shandao: "I think it's easier to make your name known now than to make my name. Come on, give me ten taels of silver."

  Man Bao covered his pocket and asked, "What are you doing?"

  Bai Shan: " your famous capital, don't worry, when you become a famous doctor in the capital, you will soon earn your money back. Think about how many things the Su family gave you last night."

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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