Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1054: Refute rumors

   Chapter 1054

  After Dashan gave a wave of preaching, and before the crowd dispersed, he first found an excuse to pat his buttocks and get up. He planned to pass it to another place and let them discuss it here.

  As soon as he squeezed out the crowd, he saw the three of Bai Shan.

  As soon as the two sides met, without saying a word, Bai Shan turned and walked towards a quieter alley, Dashan hurriedly followed.

  Four young people met in the alley.

  Bai Shan asked: "What's going on outside?"

   Da Shan said: "I still want to ask you, how many people have you invited to make you famous?"

  Bai Shandao: "I invite you."

  "This is impossible. Since yesterday, people on the street have talked about this. In some markets, we have not had time to pass. The little doctor's story has been spread all over, and the spread is getting more and more outrageous."

   Dashan said: "Although I will exaggerate a little bit, but I will not spread it so outrageously. I also said, you must be a pitfall."

  He looked at the three people of Bai Shan with a clear face and said: "You have invited two groups of people, and you have two groups of people. As long as you give me a lot of money, I won't blame you."

  Bai Shan: "...I thank you, but I really haven't invited anyone other than you. Do you know who are those who share the news with you?"

  Dashan was taken aback, "Isn't it really yours?"

  He went to see Man Bao and Bai Erlang beside him.

  The two nodded, asking them to be expensive enough, please call again, how much will it cost?

  They are not fools, so they don’t spend so much money.

Da Shan didn’t think much. He heard that they weren’t invited, so he wowed: “It must be your friend or the elders of your family, but they definitely don’t understand our business. , They didn't tell the whole story at all, they just spread it out one sentence at a time."

  Bai Shan looked at him and asked, "Do you know who they are?"

   "Didn't you say it, because they are spreading the word from the east to the west. It doesn't take long and the stay time is short. You can't find anyone at all."

  In fact, he also wanted to find someone to see who was robbing him of business, but several times, he had already caught sight of the person, and after a short period of follow-up, he was lost.

  He also inquired with people nearby, those uncles and aunts, grandparents and grandparents don’t know that person at all.

   Dashan regretfully said: "You might as well go back and ask your elders or friends, who paid for you."

  The three of them understood in their hearts. They couldn't help but glance at each other. Mr. Zhuang would definitely not do this without hiding them, and they don't have such good friends here.

  So who is it?

  Man Bao thought for a while and said, "You are doing a good job. Since they have already made a name for themselves, then you can follow along and refute the rumors."

  Da Shan blinked, "Refute the rumors?"

"Yes, first, I didn’t cut his stomach. I had an open stomach. The two were different. He was bleeding from the internal organs. Acupuncture and medicine could not stop the bleeding. There was blood in the abdominal cavity, so he had to Open abdomen."

  Dashan was stunned.

Man Bao continued: "Secondly, blood is not transfused casually. It is necessary to fusion blood. It is best not to transfuse blood from close relatives. In addition, everyone can draw countless blood, knowing that we usually eat. Bowl?"

  Da Shan nodded blankly.

"For such a big bowl, one person can draw three bowls. The blood drawing is not done with a knife. If there is a needle, you can wipe it with a knife." It can stop the bleeding. If you donate blood to someone, and you lose too much blood and die, you will have to panic."

  Dashan: "...Who would donate his blood to others?"

  How much meat must be eaten to have blood, he is not willing to give it to him.

  "The last point, I really want to share this medical technique with others. If there are peers to learn, you can use your own housekeeping skills to communicate with me."

  Da Shan was taken aback, "Communication?"

"Yes, medical skills, you have to communicate with each other to make progress. Anyway, you just spread it like this," Man Baodao: "Although they also made me famous, they said it was vague, and most of them were false facts, you Just follow along and refute the rumors."

   Dashan entangled: "Then how is the money counted? How far do I have to dispel the rumors? You don't know how powerful they are. They spread all over the city in just one day and one night."

   "I know, because today I was blocked when I went to Ji Shitang."

Bai Shan thought for a while and said, "You take people out every day to refute the rumors. Say it twice to five times in a busy place in the city. After five days, no matter what the result is, you can come to Changqing Lane to collect the remaining money. ."

Dashan's eyes lit up and he immediately patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, my little son, we are going to be here for a long time, and we won't fool you. We will definitely be able to do this in five days, let alone inside. We can also help you dispel the rumors in the city, even in several important towns in the outer city."

  Man Bao expressed his satisfaction, so he stuffed him with the copper plates left over from the food he bought and happily said, "Please have tea."

  Da Shan took the money and started to have fun.

  Looking at him running far away, Bai Erlang pointed to the way home and asked, "Are you going home?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao shook their heads fiercely and swallowed, "Why don't we go to another market to see what's going on outside."

Both Mr.    and Grandmother Liu were terrible, and Man Bao decided to go back later.

  Bai Shan also felt that he could hide for a while, so the two of them took Bai Erlang into the carriage and asked Da Ji to go to another market to see the situation.

  At this time, the people in the Jishitang gradually dispersed, and the patient was the last one left.

  The shopkeeper Xiao Zheng had his head disheveled. He returned to the backyard and sat down on a stool. The shopkeeper Zheng sorted out his clothes and led the three doctors out to take his place.

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng saw that his father would go out to harvest his fruit, he sighed sadly, grabbed a handful of stray hair, turned back to the house and cleaned it.

Although the pharmacy is not messy, the tables and chairs have also been squeezed out a lot. The shopkeeper Zheng doesn't know whether he should be happy or sad, but the careful product seems to be a little more happy.

  With Manbao’s character, she will definitely not leave Jishitang in the short term. Now there is a genius doctor in Jishitang...

  The treasurer Zheng is very happy just thinking about it.

   is weird, why is it suddenly spread so widely?

  The treasurer Zheng thought for a while, and he invited a man to say: "You go back to the mansion, and let the masters in the mansion go out to find out what's going on outside and who is telling you about Dr. Zhou."

  Man took the order and left.

At this time, the emperor who had just finished asking politics in the palace was holding a note and laughed. He received the note and said to Gu Zhong with a smile on his face: "Okay, get everyone back." , Don’t make a fuss too much, that’s great."

  Gu Zhong responded with a smile.

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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