Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1055: The little doctor is here

  Chapter 1055 The little genius doctor is here

  Although I really want to stay outside, I still have to go home for dinner at noon. The most important thing is that Mrs. Liu and the others have just arrived, so why do they have to eat together for the first meal.

  The three men counseled to go home.

  Lao Mrs. Liu didn't ask them to settle the account, and with a faint smile on her face, she asked them to sit down and eat.

After finishing the meal, she took Man Bao’s hand and said to them: “The new house bought at home is not far from Changqing Alley. Just pass two alleys, knowing that you are used to living in this place. , Don’t have to move, just visit me every other time in the future."

  The three nodded fiercely.

  Lao Mrs. Liu said: "I have brought you a lot of things, Man Bao, your family has asked me to bring you some food and clothing, and I will leave Mother Liu to help you organize them."

  Man Bao thanked me happily.

  Lao Mrs. Liu smiled and said, “You have to study medicine and read books. Time is tighter than them, so these mundane things are left to the subordinates to do.”

After she finished talking about these things, she brought up this famous incident. She sighed: "You guys, it's still too hasty. There are not many other people in this capital city. There are many people in this capital. When there are many people, the power will be mixed. Now I don’t know who is involved in this matter in secret."

   "But no matter who it is, as long as people check this matter, they will definitely find you," Mrs. Liu said: "It's not too private for you to ask someone to make a name. Just check it out."

  Man Bao said: "Check it out. Anyway, there are more people who use this method to make a name for themselves, and we haven't broken the law."

   "You are not against the law, but someone will always think that you are not worthy of your name."

  Bai Shan said, "But those talented men also spent money to invite people to make a name for themselves. I also spent money at that time. Why doesn't my grandmother worry that my name is not worthy of the truth?"

"This poem is not the same as being a doctor. If the poem is good or not, you can figure out some of it when you listen to it. However, whether the medical skills are good or not is not something layman can know," Mrs. Liu explained carefully: " Therefore, the matter of spending money to invite people to be famous has always been done by scholars. If you know it, you will not think it is bad. You are a doctor who spends money to be famous. They inquired about it. I am afraid that they have more doubts in their hearts. Some people think your name is improper."

  Man Bao thought for a while, especially thinking about it, “It’s okay, the little grandpa’s matter is not fake, there will always be people who believe, as long as there are people who come to see me for medical treatment.”

   She said: "The reason why we want to be famous is that we want to have more ways to see your Majesty after we go out? So the fame is enough, and others feel that it doesn't matter if it is true or not."

  Lao Mrs. Liu nodded her forehead and said, "This is your reputation, you don't think it matters anymore."

"We can't control far places. The rich and powerful families in the capital can know the true and false as long as they go to Piguo Gong's mansion to find out. The common people are the most likely to follow suit. I am sitting in Jishitang again, and the reputation is also Here, and I won’t mess up my reputation. I won’t care about it far away, and I’ll talk about it later."

  If they can't get past the killer stick, then there is nothing far or near.

Seeing that she had thought so thoroughly in a short time, Mrs. Liu had also considered things that she hadn't considered, she couldn't help sighing, patted her hand and said: "In a blink of an eye, you all grow up too. NS."

  Man Bao smiled embarrassedly.

   "Since you understand it in your heart, you can make your own decisions, and ask us later if you are uncertain about it."

The three responded and sent Mrs. Liu back to Daliu Lane. There was a stream of water splitting in by the moat. The side door of the house bought by the Bai family was facing the water. Because there were rows of big willow trees hanging down into the water at the end of the lane. It's called Daliu Lane.

  This house is a bit smaller than the one they are renting now, but it is also two-in-one. It is more than enough for Mrs. Liu and Zheng to live here.

  She also left a room for the three children, so that they would come back to live in their free time.

Mrs. Liu led them to the main hall of the backyard. The people had moved the cages into the house, but they had not cleaned them out. As soon as the old ladies came back, they would get hot water and hot tea. .

Mrs. Liu waved her hand to make them retreat, "The location of this house is not as good as the one you rented, and the light is not as good as yours. Unfortunately, our own courtyard is rented out. It is not easy to catch guests. We can only keep it for next year. Take the house back again."

  She said: "That house is good. There will be a junior in. When you take it back, you will move there to live. It is convenient for you to study."

  Bai Shan hasn’t visited their other courtyard yet, and asked curiously: “Isn’t it about two jins?”

"Bigger than Liangjin. Back then, your father loved Ya, so he cut out a part of the back to make a small garden. This became Sanjin. In the past, he and his classmates, friends, and colleagues loved to hold a literary meeting at home. What the poem will do."

  Bai Shan nodded.

Mrs. Liu talked about the situation of Bai Qi in Beijing, and then said: "Although our time in Beijing was short, we have also met some friends and we have been in contact with each other over the years. In the past few days, your mother and I will have to When I get around, I won’t take care of you when I get busy."

  She said: "I won't hold accountable for today's affairs, but I have to go to school tomorrow, do you know?"

  The stone in Shirazen and Shirajiro’s hearts fell, and they nodded again and again, indicating that they would also go to school tomorrow if the knife was cut from the sky.

  It’s impossible to take the knife, but they changed the order of getting off the car. Man Bao and Daji sent them to the Imperial College first, and then drove the car to Jishitang after watching them enter.

From a distance, before reaching the entrance of Jishitang, she poked her head out to look quietly, and found that there were still a lot of people around the entrance of Jishitang, and Man Bao whispered and said, "Let’s go to Baohe Medical Center. , Climb from there to Ji Shitang."

  Daily: "...Miss Man, no matter how you enter, don't you have to open the door and sit in the hall? It will still be blocked at that time."

  Man Bao thought for a moment, and felt that this was correct, so there was no need for them to sneak past other drugstores.

  Daji suggested, "Why don't you go to work today and go back to rest for two days?"

   "No, instead of wasting time like this, I might as well go to Pi Guo Gong's Mansion to see Su Jian." Man Bao has always been a tough temper. The more she can't go to the drugstore, the more she wants to go.

  She glanced at the people in front of her, put down the curtain and said: "Go, let's go to work."

Daji hesitated for a while and rushed forward. The people who were lingering in front of Jishitang saw this somewhat familiar carriage parked in front of Jishitang, and immediately brightened their eyes, "Here is the little genius doctor, it's the little genius doctor here! "

    The next update is around nine o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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