Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1057: Lascivious (to book friends "Jin Yiwei: Rong Rong"

  Chapter 1057 Lust

The people in Piguo Gong’s Mansion had been waiting long ago. The grandma in the mansion ran to the gate and asked three or four times. The steward also went to Changqing Alley. Only then did they know that Man Bao had gone to Jishitang early in the morning. Sit down.

  So the old ladies and wives who came to visit the patients in the morning all sat in the flower hall, drinking tea and chatting, and took a nap in the Piguo government by the way.

As soon as Man Bao arrived, a group of old ladies became excited and smiled: "This little genius doctor has finally come. It's harder to see her than to see the empress."

  Wait for a while when no one came in, someone curiously asked: "Didn’t you say it, why haven’t you come in yet?"

  Lao Mrs. Su also looked down at the person.

  Someone quickly stepped back and forth and said: "Old lady, Doctor Zhou Xiao will go to the backyard to see San Ye first."

  Lao Mrs. Su smiled at the crowd and said, “Doctor Zhou Xiao is very responsible. After she finishes reading Saburo, I will ask her to come over.”

   "Let's go to see her in Saburo's courtyard at all," one of the ladies smiled: "Since she is called a little genius doctor, she must be young at that time. I am still curious about how she treats people."

  Everyone looked at each other, and they all agreed. When Mrs. Su saw it, there was nothing to do, so she got up and took them over.

  Su Jian’s room is still forbidden to too many people. Except for Mr. Pi, Mrs. Su, and his third wife, almost no one can visit him in this house.

  Don’t look at the number of people who came today. Everyone talked in front of them and never came to see the patients.

  I can’t get in because I’m here.

  The three imperial doctors still stay in Su Mansion, but they are much more relaxed now, because Su Jian rarely has a high fever, that is, a fever, but also a low-grade fever. The trouble is a little troublesome, but it will not scare people.

  Man Bao untied the straps and took a look at the wound. He felt that he was recovering well, a bit worse than Ji Hao's, and still within her estimate, so he nodded and said: "Take care of it."

  Su Jian now has a lot of energy, he won't fall asleep without moving, so he finally has the energy to look at his treasure.

  He asked, "You really opened my belly?"

  Man Bao nodded at him.

  Su Jian's face has all kinds of colors, and he asked, "When will he be better?"

   "At least half a year later."

  Su Jian stared, "It will take so long? Next month, the queen mother, Qianqiu, I am going to enter the palace."

"It's okay to enter the palace, just put your legs on the street, and then carry them in," Man Bao said, "By the way, you have to have a lot of taboos if you want to be good, like wine and big meat, you can't eat them, look back. You can ask Grand Doctor Zheng for a list, and he will list the things you cannot eat."

  "Emperor Zheng said that’s not what he said. He said that he would be better in two or three months. There is no problem with riding and walking. Are you not a genius doctor? Why are you so bad?"

  "Yes, but you still have injuries in your body. You have a lot of blood out of your internal organs. This has to be slowly raised. You are so old that you can't get better in less than half a year."

  Su Jian's lips trembled, "I am older..."

Mrs.    quickly calmed him and said, “San Ye, Doctor Zhou Xiao didn’t mean that. If you think about her age, it’s better for us to be older than her.”

  Man Bao turned his head and smiled at his third wife, "Third wife, you look much younger, just like my elder niece. By the way, my elder niece is sixteen this year and is about to say kiss."

Mrs.    was very happy to hear, she touched her face and smiled and asked, "Does it look almost the same?"

  Man Bao nodded fiercely, "Yes!"

  Su Jian:...

  The people listening outside the window couldn't help but laugh. Man Bao felt that the sound was a bit familiar, so he collected his things and went out to watch.

  At a glance, she saw Mrs. Tang standing behind the crowd. She greeted her happily, "Mrs. Tang, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

  The ladies turned their heads to look at Mrs. Tang, and asked with a smile, "Ms. Tang knows the little genius doctor?"

  Ms. Tang smiled and said: "Of course I know, haven't they all passed on from the outside? She used to study medicine in Yizhou City."

  Everyone remembered that Mr. Tang was the county magistrate in Yizhou, and said one after another: "This is fate."

  Ms. Tang looked at Man Bao with a meaningful smile and said, “Isn’t it, but it’s the first time I saw a little genius doctor with such a sweet mouth. Why didn’t I know you would be so boastful before?”

  Man Bao said in a serious manner: "This is not a boast, this is the truth. I do not praise Mrs. Tang, it is because you are praised by the county magistrate of Tang."

   "Oh," the ladies looked at Madam Tang, who had a reddened face, and said with joy: "I believe it right now, this child's mouth is really sweet."

  But it doesn’t look like a genius doctor anymore, but rather like a child who can usually see beautiful things.

Everyone's interest in her fell down. An old lady sat down on a stool in the yard and waved to Man Bao and said, "Come and see. People outside say that you are a genius doctor. You rescued it?"

  Man Bao didn’t go there, but shook his head at her, and said with a chuckle: “It’s not me, it’s Doctor Zheng who rescued me with me.”

   "But how can I hear the outside saying that you saved me, and even rumored that you are a little genius doctor."

Although she spent money to make herself famous, she felt that the old lady was a bit stupid. She looked at her silently and said: "Old lady, this is the Piguo Mansion. You can come back and ask this directly. The family members of the patients at home will know, why go out and listen to rumors from outsiders?"

  The crowd who were still talking happily quietly and looked at Man Bao.

Mrs. Tang looked at the old lady, and then at Mrs. Su San. She couldn't help covering her mouth and smiled. She stretched out her hand and nodded Man Bao’s forehead and said, "I said why your mouth suddenly became sweet. It looks good."

  Man Bao glanced at his third wife, then bowed his head embarrassedly.

Mrs.    couldn't help but touch her face, her face was a little red.


  Man Bao has a thicker skin in the end. She was embarrassed and looked up at Mrs. Su, “Old lady, I have seen the little grandpa, and you have seen me. If I’m okay, I’ll go back first?”

  Lao Mrs. Su came back to her senses, and immediately said, “After eating dinner, let’s go. Why should you rush for a while? I heard that you went to Jishitang to sit in the morning. Have you had lunch?”

   "Eat, I ate at Ji Shitang."

  "Then use some snacks and some tea before leaving," he said, pulling Manbao hard, and then he dragged him to the flower hall to sit down and talk.

Everyone felt that she was a bit like a little genius doctor. The old lady didn’t hold her posture anymore. She sat next to Mrs. Su, curiously watching Man Bao holding a snack, and asked: “Little genius doctor is good at treating. What disease?"

   "I know a little bit about everything, but the best cures are some common collateral diseases, as well as some diseases such as traumatic hemostasis."

    The next update will be around 11:30 PM



  (End of this chapter)

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