Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1058: Angry Madame Tang (to book friends "a piece of green

  Chapter 1058 Madame Tang is so angry

  Man Bao stared at them with piercing eyes, only showing one meaning—Are you sick? Come to me if you are sick!

Everyone was silent again, and Mrs. Su was silent for a while and then smiled: "We have seen Dr. Zhou’s trauma medicine skills. To be honest, children in the family are naughty. It is common for children to be beaten. Yes, race horses and martial arts, not less hurt. Those of us parents and grandparents look distressed, we don't know what kind of medicine we need to prepare at home."

  Man Bao slightly regrets, recommending: "Our Jishitang's Panax Notoginseng ointment is good, powder is also available, to stop bleeding and reduce inflammation, and powder can also be taken. It can be eaten raw to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and cooked to replenish blood..."

Mrs. Tang smiled while covering her mouth. Seeing that everyone was afraid to talk to Man Bao easily, she just relaxed on the chair and asked with a smile, "You can tell us about this blood type, listen to Mrs. Su. Say, you also named this blood type, I was curious about this. I never saw you give it to Master Ji when I was in Yizhou City. By the way, this is Mrs. Ji, who is the eldest aunt of Young Master Ji. ."

  Madame Ji smiled, "I've heard of the little genius doctor's name a long time ago, and my old lady wrote in and said that if it weren't for you, I'm afraid that something big would happen to my family Haoer."

  Man Bao humbled and said: "It was Taiyi Fan and Doctor Ji who prescribed the medicine well, and they were also taking care of it. I just helped to stop the blood."

  Man Bao explained: “At that time, it was Sutured by Taiyi Fan. The first time I sutured it with Taiyi Fan. It was also because of Ji Hao that I thought about this blood transfusion.”

  It’s a pity that I have never had the opportunity to use it. I didn’t expect that this time I came to Beijing so coincidentally, and I met another sacked horse, which happened to be used.

   Thinking of this, Man Bao smiled sweetly at Mrs. Su.

  Everyone is really interested in this, and they ask, for example, how did she get this serum? Whose blood was drawn before...

  Man Bao answered questions she thought could be answered while eating snacks, and the atmosphere became happy.

As a result, she chatted and didn't stop her mouth. She had already talked about nourishing vitality and beauty from the blood transfusion. The young, middle-aged and elderly women in a room heard them with gusto, and she was Mrs. Tang who knew her best. I was stunned to hear it, and I wanted to grab her by the hand and call my sister, and directly took out two prescriptions from her.

  Until the evening, people watched that the time was almost almost time, which reminded all the old ladies and wives that it was time to go home. After all, there were husbands and children waiting at home.

  Man Bao looked up and realized that it was late, and immediately got up to say goodbye.

  Lao Madam Su woke up, and quickly had someone prepare medical supplies for Man Bao, and then they sent her back.

  Man Bao refused and said: "No, no, I came in a carriage."

  Lao Mrs. Su knew that her family was not bad, and there was always someone who followed her in and out, so she didn’t force her to get up and sent a large group of people out.

  Ms. Tang took Man Bao’s hand and said, "Come on, we haven't seen each other for a long time, and we happen to be on the way again. Let's go for a while."

  Man Bao nodded, and when he got to the front, he saw Daji and said, "I will sit with Mrs. Tang for a while, and you will follow us behind."

   Auspiciously, after looking at the back, he asked: "Miss Man is okay?" How come you have been in for so long?

  Man Bao knew what he was asking, looked up at the sky sadly and sighed: "It's okay, I only watched the illness for a quarter of an hour, but I chatted for two hours, oh~~"

  Too waste of time.

  Good luck:...

  He always had a bad feeling, wouldn’t it be Miss Man who was talking about those two hours?

  Ms. Tang was already in the carriage, and seeing Man Bao still standing under the carriage, she raised the curtain and said, "Come on, it's possible that I have to help you."

   "No, no, I'll come here." Man Bao climbed into the carriage, sat down opposite Mrs. Tang, and asked with a smile, "Ms. Tang, your complexion doesn't look as good as before, do you want me to show it to you?"

   "It's no longer necessary, me, this is caused by sleeplessness and anxiety, you, it's useless to prescribe medicine."

Man Bao said earnestly and earnestly: "Mrs. Tang, if you want to start something, you should be really bored. It's better to go out and look at the scenery. Anyway, you can't keep things in your heart, otherwise no matter how good people are, they will be suffocated. "

"Okay, let me just tell you. You can help me solve problems?" Before Man Bao answered, Mrs. Tang said in a convenient way: "I probably understand. Bai Shan's father Bai Qi was once the magistrate of Shu County. Back then, Huayang The county is also called Shu County. When he took office, the first emperor did not take the throne for a long time. As a result, he died because of the suppression bandit after only a year in office. Is his death related to King Yizhou?"

  Man Bao said, "Mrs. Tang, I think you should hold back your words."

  Ms. Tang gave Man Bao angrily and said: "Little unscrupulous, I have always been so good to you, but you will not tell me if you ask you a little thing."

  Man Bao looked tangled and curious, "Mrs. Tang, why is the county magistrate Tang hiding from you?"

  Ms. Tang paused and said, "This is a business or a major event. Of course he can't tell me everything."

  Ke Manbao felt wrong, "Bai Shan's classwork in school is also official, he tells me everything, even if Mr. Xueli said something to him in private, he will also tell me."

  Ms. Tang: "... I and the magistrate Tang are husband and wife, are you and Bai Shan?"

   "No, but..." Man Bao thought for a while and said, "Aren't they two people? I think they are almost the same."

Mrs. Tang said, "Don't turn to the subject. Let me ask you. Is the death of Bai Shan's father related to King Yizhou? Otherwise, why do your three children get involved in this kind of decapitation? "

  Man Bao asked in a low voice: "Mrs. Tang, do you know about King Yizhou?"

  Ms. Tang lowered her voice and said, "I'm not stupid. You all said it so obvious last time."

  Man Bao looked surprised, "Is it obvious?"

  Mrs. Tang did not speak.

She and the Tang County magistrate have been married for several years, and they did not get to know him less before they got married. Naturally, they knew his personality. Even the land invasion case is not a small case. If she asks, he will tell her. He is from a family, is there anything else that needs to be kept secret from her?

  Combined with Tang County Order’s unusual behavior, what else do you not understand?

  Ms. Tang grunted, and glanced at Man Bao obliquely, "Can you tell me?"

  Man Bao was embarrassed, "Why are you asking me? You adults are like this. You always like to pick up soft persimmons. If you have the ability, you can ask Tang County magistrate."

  "I asked you because he refused to tell me."

"I haven't understood this. Why didn't he tell you?" Man Bao looked at Mrs. Tang suspiciously. "He even told the magistrate Yang, why didn't he tell you? Didn't he say that the husband and wife are one body? ?"

  Ms. Tang almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood, and she was mad at her alive. If she hadn’t known her for a long time, Mrs. Tang would have suspected that this little Nizi was deliberately mad at her.

  But because she understood, she knew that she was simply doubting.

  Ke also because of this, she was so panicked.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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