Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1059: advice

  Chapter 1059 Advice

  In the end, Mrs. Tang still failed to get the exact information from Man Bao’s mouth, so she was so angry that she drove her out of the car halfway, and did not take her to the fork in the road.

  Man Bao didn't care at all. After he got out of the car, he waved his hands with Mrs. Tang happily, "Mrs. Tang, see you next time."

Madam Tang opened the curtain and said, "I don't want to see you again at all, but I still want to remind you that after today, I am afraid that many people will ask you to come to see you. Say less."

  Man Bao approached the window and asked with bright eyes: "Are they really going to invite me to the door?"

  Ms. Tang stretched out her hand from the window to nod her forehead, and said, “You said specifically that you are good at bringing down the disease, didn’t you just want them to come to you?”

  Man Bao smiled.

Mrs. Tang leaned on the wall of the car and said, "I can’t figure out what you are going to do, but you must remember that in front of these big clans, you must be cautious when speaking and doing things. You are also a doctor. It's a private matter, what can you hear, what can be said, has your husband taught you?"

Man Bao also got serious, and solemnly nodded with Mrs. Tang: "Mr. said, it’s ok to keep the courtesy when interacting with people. Doctor Ji said that if you want to be a doctor, you can only do what the doctor does, and don’t ask anything else. Don't answer or intervene."

  Ms. Tang nodded in satisfaction, lowered the curtain and said: "Okay, you can go home."

  Man Bao stepped back two steps, saluted the carriage solemnly, and watched their carriage go before turning to the lucky carriage.

  Daji asked: "Ms. Man is going to see a doctor in the future?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "This matter is not in a hurry."

  It is necessary to discuss with her husband and the treasurer Zheng Da for such a major event as a doctor visit, especially with the treasurer Zheng. As a doctor, whether she has the qualifications to go to the doctor or not has to be decided by the treasurer Zheng.

  Furthermore, after today’s incident, she found out that there was a big problem when she went to the clinic. The time for the doctor’s visit was too long. In addition to seeing the doctor, she had to chat with others. How many patients could she see with this talk?

  Man Bao thought about this. When they came home, Bai Shan and Bai Erlang had already been picked up by Takamatsu and the others. They both came back from Bai Da Lang's car today.

   During this period of time, Bai Dalang would have a lot of poems, and he has not been free until now when he goes to school. Once he is free, he can't help but go to the next door to eat and drink.

   Seeing Da Ji come back with Man Bao, Bai Da Lang, who knew nothing about it, greeted her with a smile, "Why Man Bao came back so late today?"

  Man Baodao: "I went to the clinic today."

  She took out two fat silver ingots from the back basket and showed them to Mr. Zhuang, "Look, sir, these are the medical expenses for my visit today."

  Mr. Zhuang: "...doing a doctor makes money so much?"

"No, I have asked the treasurer Zheng. If you visit a large family like Piguo Gongfu for the first time, you will have to prescribe a prescription and do other work. Usually it is twenty taels. Visits to see changes in your condition are usually around a dozen. It also depends on the mood of the host. If you feel better, or if you have a door-to-door secret that needs to be concealed by the doctor, you will be rewarded a little more."

Mr. Zhuang pointed to the two silver coins on the table and asked, "Then this is..."

   "For the follow-up visit, it's supposed to be a dozen taels, but today they took me to talk a long time. The extra should be for chat."

  Mr. Zhuang: "...You didn't say anything that shouldn't be said, did you?"

   "No, I'm talking about medical matters. I don't know if they understand it. Anyway, I think they are listening with gusto."

  Mr. Zhuang breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s good, if you really can’t control your mouth, then talk to them more about medicine or books, and less about other things.”

  The three brothers of the Bai family couldn't help but bow their heads and smile.

  Man Bao exclaimed: "Sir, I am very self-controlled, OK? I saw Mrs. Tang today. She asked me about Bai Shan's father, but I didn't say anything."

   Although I don’t think this is anything to praise, Mr. Zhuang still praised her with a thumbs up, "Well, Man Bao is getting better and better."

  Man Bao finished talking about his own affairs, so it was Bai Shan’s turn to report, “We were punished to copy books during school, and we had to clean the library for a period of time.”

  Bai Dalang did not know about their truancy yesterday, so he raised his head and asked, "Why were they punished?"

  Bai Shandao: "There was a small accident on the road yesterday, and then we ran into our grandmother to enter Beijing, so we stopped going to school."

  He knew about the grandmother's arrival in Beijing, and they went to the new house to have a meal together last night.

  Bai Dalang nodded in understanding.

Bai Shan continued: "When I went to clean the library building today, I heard people say that the prince was impeached by courtiers, and the prince instructed the court to impeach the three princes. Now the court is in chaos. Many students’ fathers and brothers are forced to stand in line. Everyone is trembling, and even the atmosphere in school is not very good."

  Bai Dalang was confused, "What does this have to do with us?"

  Man Bao asked curiously, "Why was the prince impeached?"

   Bai Erlang turned his head and said to Bai Dalang: "Brother, you don't care about government affairs too much. We will all be officials in the future, of course it is related to us."

  Bai Dalang: "Isn’t this kind of battle to win the grandfather as far away as possible? No one in our family is even going to be an official. What are you doing with this fun?"

  Speaking of this, he had a meal, stared and asked: "You don't want to participate in the seizure of the grandfather, and then take revenge on the King of Yizhou after winning the merits of the dragon?"

Mr. Zhuang had been listening quietly. He couldn't help but fold the book in his hand and knocked him on the head, and asked: "The emperor is still healthy, what are you thinking about all day? Did you read those scripts too?"

  Bai Dalang immediately shrank his head and said nothing.

  The three little ones bowed their heads for joy, Man Bao took the opportunity to kick Bai Shan under the table, and asked him to speak quickly.

Bai Shan simply said: "Why, three things, one is that the prince should not go out of the palace privately; the other is to impeach the prince who sent the imperial army to arrest Du Yu; My lord...cough cough, I heard that Yushi impeached the prince to confuse the blood of the royal family, and even gave his dragon blood to the little grandpa."

  Man Bao was dumbfounded, "Well, this is the first three points. What is the confusion of royal blood?"

  Bai Shan couldn't help but laughed loudly, and said happily: "The prince's blood was given to the little grandfather. This is confusing the blood of the royal family."


  But after thinking about it, Bai Dalang whispered: "Actually, think about it carefully, he has some truth in saying this..."

"What's the point," Man Bao couldn't help squirting, "There is no sense at all! Forget it, let's talk about the prince and the third prince. Can't the prince impeach the king of Yizhou? Why does he always impeach him? The third prince?"

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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