Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1071: Concealed investigation

   Chapter 1071

  Old Doctor Tan was also taken aback, Man Bao was holding the pen and writing hard, and handed him what he had written, "How about changing this recipe?"

  Lao Doctor Tan returned to his senses, looked down at the prescription and then looked up at Man Bao. After a long time, he nodded and said: "Very well, I see, you will really need to heal the young son's injury in the future."

  The old lady Yin returned to her senses, "Lao Doctor Tan?"

  Lao Doctor Tan said to Mrs. Yin: “Old Madam, Doctor Xiao Zhou is more suitable to treat the little son than I am.”

  Old Madam Yin looked at Man Bao, and Man Bao also looked at her with round eyes.

After a while, she sighed, nodded and said: "After that, Dr. Lao Xiaozhou will be there."

  Man Baoyang gave a big smile, did not refuse, and directly responded: "Don't worry, the old lady, I will try my best."

  The old lady Yin sighed, helped the girl's hand to get up, looked back at the inner room, and left.

  Man Bao looked at Mrs. Yin's slowly disappearing back, and looked at Old Doctor Tan strangely, "Isn't this treatable..."

  Why is it the same as Yin or the end?

  Lao Doctor Tan smiled and said: "This is a good thing, in the future, you can treat it well."

  The more entangled old lady Yin is, the more it shows that her heart has actually been loosened. She will only get entangled when Yinor's thoughts have been considered.

  The old doctor Tan looked at the young Man Bao and smiled and said: "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. There are some things. You really need you young people to fight."

  Although it was impulsive, not stable enough, or even reckless in the eyes of their group of adults, life is like this, isn’t it?

  There will always be some small accidents, and the old guys who have been sticking to the rules are willing to use their brains to think about things.

  Old doctor Tan asked Man Bao with a smile, "Can you teach an old man about blood transfusion? The old man heard that the boy of the Zheng family used a medical book to change this method for you?"

  Man Bao immediately said: "No, no, just communicating with each other. I only watched it for three days."

   Then copy the book and read it slowly.

  The exchange is better to hear, but the exchange seems too domineering.

  Lao Doctor Tan smiled and said, “It just so happens that I also have some unique medical skills. Why don’t I use one to communicate with you?”

  Man Bao nodded again and again, "Okay, okay, then I have time to visit the mansion?"

   "Okay," Old Doctor Tan said with a smile: "Just come to the door with my door tag."

  The two doctors were talking lively outside, and the three inside were also talking lively. If it were not for the longevity reminder, they would not know it was dark.

  The Yin family left them for dinner.

  Man Bao glanced at Yin Or and then agreed. The old doctor Tan, who wanted to refuse, met, and wanted to talk to Man Bao for a while, and agreed.

  They didn’t go anywhere else, they just ate in Yinor’s outer room.

  Yin may hurt the collarbone of the neck. Although it hurts, he can still get out of bed if he insists.

  He had always been able to bear it again, so he got out of bed and sat at the dinner table.

  Man Bao lit the soup and said, "This soup is very light, you can drink more."

  Bai Erlang was holding the soup, he served him a bowl and took a sip and said: "Don't say, your cook is really good, you can compare with Aunt Rong."

  The old doctor Tan also drank the soup first, and then sighed: "The soup nourishes people."

  Man Bao nodded in agreement, "So if you want to get fat, you have to drink soup."

  The old lady Yin was so lively when she ate for the first time, and she was in a strange mood.

  She barely found a topic, smiled and asked the two doctors, “I don’t know what soup Shichiro is suitable for, I will let the kitchen make it for him when I turn back.”

  Man Bao immediately said: "That's too much. I can list three pieces of paper, and you can change them according to his taste. By the way, what soup do you like to drink?"

  The last sentence is to ask Yin or.

   Yin or tilted his head for a while and said: "I can do it."

  Bai Shan said: "The ribs soup is delicious."

   Baijiro suggested, "I think the mutton soup is good."

  Man Bao said: "The chicken soup is also delicious."

  Old Doctor Tan listened with a smile, and waited until Man Bao really wrote a piece of soup for her, and Old Lady Yin came back to his senses.

She asked Man Bao to go out. When she looked back at her grandson, she saw that his face had returned to the usual blank expression. Seeing his grandmother looked over, he pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled. Go back to the inner room to rest.

  The old lady Yin sighed, but didn't talk to him at all.

First, she hasn’t made up her mind yet. She is afraid that if Yin or mention the topic of unmarriage to her, he will hurt herself if she refuses to agree. Second, if there was too much trouble last night, I’m afraid she will say nothing else. Would believe it too much, just like her, now she still dare to believe every word he said?

  So let's wait for the son to come back, and let them have a talk with the son.


  Old Madam Yin frowned, took the big girl's hand back to the main courtyard, and then called the housekeeper to ask, "Did you find it?"

The housekeeper bowed and said: "Checked, that girl’s brother is in charge of the stables in the front yard. He taught his sister to say those things. I checked. The boy brought back a pack of silver from the outside the day before yesterday and beat him. He hired him immediately, saying that he was stopped when he was going out. That package of silver was a deposit, and there was still a sum of money after the event was completed."

   "Where is that person?"

   "I didn't find it, and he never appeared again, but the small person drew a portrait, so I asked someone to check it quietly these few days."

  The old lady Yin began to ponder, and after a while, she said, “Let people take the portrait to the Third Prince’s Mansion, the Wang’s family, and the houses that are close to the Third Prince to check, and check it quietly, don’t disturb people.”

  The butler was taken aback, "Old lady..."

   "You don't need to do anything, just find out who that person is," she said with an unclear expression: "Just a little bit, I always want to know who did it..."

Last night, if it wasn’t for Longevity, Mrs. Yin had a chill in her back. She didn’t care whether the person behind her was coming to their Yin family or Zhou Man, but the one who might be hurt the most was. Is her grandson.

  The old lady Yin is a little bit indecisive on the issue of Yin or, but she is very decisive in other aspects, and she is not a fool.

  She pondered for a moment, and asked: "Have you found out about the nails in Su Jian's boots?"

   "I didn't hear the news, but the horse farm and the Su family died a few people." The butler bowed and asked, "Would you like to check it out?"

"I'm afraid I can't find out anything..." The old lady Yin thought for a while and said: "I don't remember how long the birthday of the old lady of the Lu family will be passed, right? Ask if the old lady is going, if I go, I will also join in the fun. ."

  The housekeeper hurriedly responded and bowed away.

Yin or the assassination of himself only spread in a small area. This is considered a scandal. Of course, the Yin family will not spread it. However, someone is staring at Man Bao and them, so they found that the old doctor Tan came to the door for two days in a row and asked about it. Then I inquired.

  (End of this chapter)

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