Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1072: Surging from all sides

  Chapter 1072 All parties are surging

  Yin or suicide, some people regretted the most, and then said with emotion: "It is not easy for the Yin family to raise children."

The prince    felt very strange, "It's good, why did Yin commit suicide?"

  "The little one has checked, and I heard that it was the old lady Yin who was going to question the young man who was waiting next to him. The young man couldn't stop him, so he hurt himself."

  The prince frowned, "Old Madam Yin always obeyed her grandson, why did she go to ask his young man for questioning?"

   "This, the little one didn't find out."

  The prince glanced at him, "Check it out."

  Feng Shangshu also found it strange, but he didn't quietly send someone to inquire, but came to ask in person.

  Yin’s house, it’s not that easy to check.

Not to mention that Yin Li is Jing Zhaoyin, even the old lady Yin’s butler has always been strict. Sending someone to inquire about it. It takes a lot of time to say, and it may be found out by the Yin family instead of finding anything. That would be offensive. People.

  Stunned who was spied on in his house, and he was not in a good mood.

  The old lady Yin only pondered for a moment and asked Feng Shangshu to speak in the front hall. The two old foxes came and talked, drank a cup of tea, and then Feng Shangshu walked away contentedly.

  Mrs. Yin also decided not to attend any birthdays.

She called the butler and said, "The people sent to the third princes don’t need to be withdrawn. You can choose a few clever people from Zhuangzi. You have to be fresh faces in the city. Let them check Yizhou. King."

  The housekeeper was surprised, "King Yizhou?"

  What does this have to do with King Yizhou?

  The old lady Yin said with a cold expression: "Yes, go and check him to see if our Master Shangshu guessed it right."

  The old lady Yin was a little uneasy. If only the prince and the third prince were fighting, it would be fine if they used their Yin family as a raft. She could bite back and take a bite back, and they would have nothing to do with their Yin family.

   But if the King of Yizhou is involved, the water will be too muddy.

  A fierce fish comes out of the muddy water. When the Yin family is in the water, someone will bite it, or be swarmed to eat...

  Old Madam Yin closed her eyes, and asked the housekeeper in a whisper, "Isn't the lord believe me yet?"

   "Counting the days, there should be a letter to report safety in two days."

  Old Madam Yin nodded, “When the letter comes back, bring it to me immediately. I have a letter to send to him, so that the person sending the letter should not rush back and get back to life.”


  The Feng Shangshu who went out immediately returned to the Criminal Ministry and invited a confidant to say: "You take someone to the back door of Yin's house quietly, and take this handwritten script to go in and mention two people."


   "I have mentioned it to the old lady of the Yin family, you can just mention someone."

  The confidant heard that it had been negotiated, and immediately responded happily. He likes to do this kind of errand the most, so he doesn't need to step forward and get scolded.

  The King of Yizhou also heard that he knew even faster and more detailed than the prince. He heard that Yin might stabbed himself. Zhou Man ran in with three pedals, and then ran out safely.

  Not only did the three of them have nothing to do, they heard that Zhou Man would also treat Yin or's illness in the future, and the king of Yizhou was very unhappy.

King Yizhou’s confidant stepped forward quickly and bowed and said, "Master, it is found out that Zhou Man, Bai Shan, and Bai Cheng are indeed from our Jiannan Road. Bai Shan’s father, Bai Qi, is the magistrate of Qianshu County. Because of the merit of the bandit, Eun Yin went to Beijing to study."

  Yizhou Wang looked back in surprise, "Who?"

  The confidant paused and said, "Bai Qi, Zi Qi..."

   "Enough, this king knew him, how could he be the son of a small county magistrate?"

  "This time, there are a lot of Enyin's children, all of them are descendants of officials above the seventh rank and below the fourth rank."

Because of the third rank, there is no need to specially invite them. Basically, each family has one person who can enroll in the school, and they are low in official ranks, and they are officials from other places. This is why they can’t be ranked for various reasons. .

The king of Yizhou pursed his lips, "Bai Shan? Go and check him. Check him from the time he was born. He is still in the family and what he has done over the years. Check this king carefully. "

  "Ke Bai Shan's family is in Longzhou..."

  "Then go to Longzhou for investigation. Is there not enough people? Should I send you some help?"

   "Don't dare, there are enough people. If you are young, send someone..." After all, seeing that King Yizhou was in a bad mood, he could only bow down and retreat.

  The confidant walked out, while worrying in his heart. The words were nice. How long does it take to go to Longzhou for investigation? How long does it take to travel from Beijing to Longzhou?

Not to mention the investigation over a dozen years ago. After the investigation, Longzhou has to go to Mianzhou. These two places are not their sites. If you want to investigate, you can't find anything in two or three months. .

  To count the time on the road...

  I felt that instead of wasting manpower and time so much, it would be better to wait for them to return to Yizhou and check again.

  Furthermore, it’s just a young boy, what can I check?

   But seeing the prince getting more and more angry, he didn't dare to say it.

  When the prince’s people finally touched a little bit, the Yizhou king’s people were almost on their way to Longzhou.

  After the Yin family experienced such a thing, Mrs. Yin calmly passed all the people in the mansion, and changed many people.

  It’s very difficult for people outside to get news from the Yin family.

The three aunts of the Yin family still like to go back to their natal family. It's not that the king of Yizhou and the prince have never thought to start with the servants beside them, but it is strange that their mouths are the same as those in the Yin residence. The same stiff mouth, no matter how you pry it, you can't pry it off.

  The people who inquired didn't dare to show their behavior too much. Several times, they found that they were following people behind their backs, and it took a lot of effort to get rid of them.

  Nothing was found, which made Sister Yin very angry, and she couldn't help **** her husband several times when she returned to the room after she sent her off.

  Big sister-in-law Yin was pinched and yelled, so angry that big sister Yin slapped him several times, lowered her voice and said angrily: "What's your name? I don't know if you use your force?"

  Big sister-in-law Yin rubbed his arm and said, "It must be red, don't believe me."

   "A big man, what happened to you twice?"

  Big brother-in-law Yin was wronged, "You got angry outside, and you will sprinkle it on me when you come back."

   "Fart, who would dare to make auntie **** up?"

   "Yes, yes, you are not angry, then tell me why you pinch me?"

Sister Yin snorted coldly, but didn't tell him.

  Big sister-in-law Yin didn’t care, and whispered in her ear: “I heard that the younger brother wants to adopt a child from our side?”

  Sister Yin flew over and asked: "Who did you hear?"

   "No, didn’t I go with you to see the younger brother in the mansion before, I heard the subordinates in the mansion talk about it, now the younger brother’s doctor has also changed, and the medicine has also been changed, so I think..."

  QQ reading seems to be blocked from writing, it’s not that I’m not good night.

    See you at 6 o'clock in the next update



  (End of this chapter)

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