Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1076: Renamed

  Chapter 1076 Renamed

  Man Bao jumped out of the carriage with a back basket on his back, turned back and waved his hand with Bai Shan Bai Erlang in the carriage, and entered Ji Shitang under their gaze.

  Bai Shan saw that she had entered, so he lowered the curtain and said, "Let's go."

  The carriage began to go to the Imperial College.

  The pharmacy has just opened. The patients haven’t come yet. Man Bao first put the things down and sorted them out. After looking around, he took out a thick book of classics from his back basket and opened it up.

  Doctor Ding who came to the door saw him and was stunned, "Dr. Zhou Xiao, are you reading the law book?"

  Man Bao nodded, got up and asked Doctor Ding to sit down.

  Doctor Ding didn’t sit down. He asked curiously, “Why did you read the law books? Didn’t you read all the medical books before?”

  Man Bao sighed, “Mr. asked me to read a few pages. I can’t help it. I’m too busy these days and I can’t squeeze out the time, so I can only watch it now.”

  Doctor Ding nodded, and felt something was wrong. Aren’t they doctors? Why read the law book?

Doctor Ding was about to turn around in a daze. Suddenly he remembered something. He turned around and said: "By the way, after you left at noon yesterday, Cheng's family sent a post. I want to invite you to the clinic today. The shopkeeper will ask you to ask. Will you go now?"

  Man Bao curiously asked, "Whose family is the Cheng family?"

"President Suguo," Doctor Ding said: "This time the second wife of their family is asking for the consultation. It is better for you to get in and out of the inner hospital. The shopkeeper means that if you go, you will be given a medicine boy later. Bring it. It’s easier to get in and out like this. The old rule is that you take all the money for a visit like this, and grab the medicine from the shop."

   "Is there medicine in the storeroom?"

  Doctor Ding laughed, “That’s even better. If you get a good treatment, most of the medicines in their warehouse will be refilled from our shop in the future.”

  This is one of the reasons why pharmacies like doctors to go out for consultations in their spare time.

  After all, the main profit of the drugstore still comes from the medicinal materials.

  Man Bao nodded, indicating that he understood, "I'll go."

  Doctor Ding nodded and turned to go out. As soon as he opened the curtain, he saw a man lying outside. The man was startled and raised his head awkwardly and smiled at Doctor Ding.

   Then he turned his body to let Doctor Ding go out. Doctor Ding walked out. He immediately pulled Liu Niang behind him and got in.

  Doctor Ding glanced back, pointed at him and asked Xiao Ding, the guy on the side, "What is Shi Dalang doing?"

Xiao Ding only glanced at him and said: "When you come to see Dr. Zhou Xiao for treatment, you come early every time, for fear of meeting people. Just now, he leaned in to eavesdrop. I reminded him that you were inside. Go up and listen. I thought you and Doctor Xiao Zhou wouldn't say anything confidential, so I didn't stop it."

  They all talked about confidential matters in the backyard. Who would say things that cannot be said to people in the consulting room separated by a curtain?

  The walls have ears, let alone a curtain.

  It was the first time Dr. Ding had seen someone who eavesdropped so openly under everyone’s eyes.

  He shook his head and saw that more patients in the lobby began to grow, so he went back to his clinic.

  Man Bao saw the couple who got in, so he took the book and said: "It's Dou Dalang and Liu Niang, sit down."

   Dou Dalang pleased with a smile, and sat in a chair with his wife and said: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, you show my mother-in-law to see if she is pregnant?"

Liu Niang shyly stretched out her hand.

  Man Bao said as he felt his pulse: "Not so fast, right?"

  She stretched out her hand and touched it for a while, then smiled and said, "Nothing."

   "But she is late for her month." Dou Dalang was a little anxious.

"It's normal for a few days later," Man Bao said to Liu Niang: "In your case, it is normal within seven days. I just looked at it. You have been well-conditioned in the past few months. I'll give you another prescription. When you go back, you can stop taking the supplementary medicine. You need to maintain nutrition later, which is a good preparation for pregnancy."

  She prescribed Liu Niang a prescription, and then looked at Dou Dalang, who had an ugly expression, and said, "Let me look at your pulse."

   Dou Dalang stretched out his hand dejectedly, Man Bao touched it for a while and said: "I have improved, but I still have to continue taking medicine. Also, don't be too stressed."

   "It's simple to say, I will be twenty-five years after the Chinese New Year," Dou Dalang said with a mournful face: "My cousin is younger than me, and the children can now run all over the floor..."

   "Then there is any way, you are the disease," Man Baodao: "Also, try to minimize having **** during the period of taking the medicine. Take this prescription first, and I will change you a prescription later."

  Man Bao prescribed Dou Dalang a prescription, and then let him go out to grab the medicine.

  Duo Dalang did not leave, he took the prescription and asked hesitantly: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, I heard people outside call your little genius doctor, so my disease can be cured, right?"

Man Bao said: "We are doctors, and we treat diseases, but my mother said that we have to take fate to have a child. I can only tell you that now I can cure you by 80%, 80%, what a high cure rate. , But if you lose this 80% chance yourself, when I didn’t say it."

   Dou Dalang was stunned, and asked: "How can I not do nothing?"

   "Simple, please follow the doctor's advice, take medicine and take medicine, go to bed early in the evening, get up early in the morning, and have less sex." Man Bao waved his hand, "Go."

   Dou Dalang still did not leave, he whispered: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, you didn't tell anyone about my case, did you?"

  Man Bao: "...No, we are doctors, and we are not people who sit in the street and gossiping in the street, and you are a pseudonym, what are you afraid of?"

  Do Dalang smiled embarrassedly, "Yes, I, I want to change my name."

  Man Bao felt very strange, and asked curiously, "Why did you suddenly want to change it?"

  "It’s just that I suddenly felt that it’s not very good to use the person’s name to see a doctor." Dou Dalang swallowed and whispered: "Actually, my surname is Shi. You can call me Shi Dalang in the future."

   "It's easy to say." Man Bao neatly added a symbol to Dou Dalang's name, and then wrote Shi Dalang's name.

  Duo Dalang then took two prescriptions and went to the checkout to get the medicine, and asked his wife to stay and contact Doctor Zhou Xiao.

  He felt that after a good relationship with the doctor, she would be able to dig out more.

But Manbao has only one heart and lungs. It is obviously impossible for her to take out her heart and lungs for them. Since Liu Niang knew that being unable to get pregnant was not her problem, she was not so anxious, so as soon as her husband left, she and Manbao Talking about gossip.

   actually tells Man Bao, why Dou Dalang, oh no, it was Shi Dalang who changed his name.

"The one who took us to see the doctor was our grandmother. Dou Dalang is her grandson. Qianer didn't know who told her. Knowing that the Xiang Gong was using Dou Dalang's name in the drugstore, the old aunt's grandma called the door. "

  Man Bao couldn't help but laugh out loud, and gave Liu Niang a thumbs up, "Actually, you are very funny."

   Liu Niang smiled and said, "Doctor Zhou Xiao really likes to joke, what can he have fun? He, he just eats soft and afraid of hard."

    The next update will be at four o'clock in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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