Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1077: Medicine box

   Chapter 1077

  But she is not afraid anymore. Since her husband's family knew that this was Shi Dalang's problem, her life has been much easier.

  The clothes at home would not be piled up for her to wash. After knowing that she had better not touch cold water, the mother-in-law took the laundry.

  This time they took the medicine and the husband and wife ate it together. Every time the family boiled the medicine, the smell of medicine would not always be talked about when it spread, and there would be no more stabs in the hospital.

  So Liu Niang had a very comfortable life, so she was still childless, but her head was raised up, unlike before, it was always low.

  At this moment, I asked Manbao about his illness. It was not as anxious as the first time. I just asked a little curiously: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, can my mate's disease really be cured?"

  Man Baodao: "It's 80% possible."

   "Then he is cured, can I be pregnant with a child?"

  Man Bao thought about it seriously, and then said: "In theory, it is possible, but my mother said that the child is a gift from God, so it is better to wait for him to heal. If you still can’t get pregnant, go and worship Tianzun?"

   "Tianzun?" Liu Niang thought for a while and said, "Doctor Zhou Xiao believes in the great old man, then I will go back and worship."

  After speaking, Man Bao motioned her out and called the next patient in.

  Her patients have been constantly, and I don’t know if it is the reason why her reputation is spreading more and more widely. Except for female patients, her most patients are trauma patients.

  Manbao has always been able to receive patients who need sutures these days. The sutures are advancing by leaps and bounds. Her sutures are already good, but now they are better.

  Doctor Ding, they couldn’t help but learn from her. Recently, there are often pig's feet in the drugstore. The stewed pig's feet are soft, not to mention, they are quite delicious.

  The patient who came to the pharmacy to look for Manbao for treatment was also familiar with her rules, knowing that she only worked half a day, and left in the afternoon.

  So if she insists on seeing a doctor, she must come early, or turn around and leave as soon as she comes, and come back early the next day.

  It doesn’t have to be hers to see, if she can’t get her, she will get rid of other doctors.

At noon, Man Bao walked around and saw there were no strange patients, and there were only two patients on her side, so he simply watched them all and went to the backyard for lunch after all prescriptions were prescribed. .

  They still have stewed pig's feet to eat at noon today. After all, it is the chef of Ji Shitang, and there are some herbs in the pig's feet.

  Man Bao picked up two pig's trotter, and after checking it curiously, he asked, "Who used this trotter to practice?"

  The treasurer Zheng said with a smile: "Doctor Ding, yes, this is Xiao Shao, a few years older than you, let him follow you as a medicine boy in the future."

  Man Bao turned his head and looked at Xiao Shao, and saw that he was about the same age as Senior Brother Bai, and he was not like Yao Tong at all, so he asked curiously, "Which Shao is it?"

   Xiao Shao was stunned for a moment and then said: "The peony of the white peony."

   "Hey, is your surname Bai?"

   "...No, my last name is Zheng, Zheng Shao."

  It sounded like a girl's name, but she looked at the person seriously, she was indeed a man, and she was not as good as Xiao Zheng's shopkeeper.

  Man Bao nodded and asked: "Have you eaten? We will go out for consultation in a while."

  Zheng Shao bent over and replied: "If you have eaten, Doctor Zhou Xiao will eat first. I'll go to set the car."

  Man Bao nodded.

When the treasurer Zheng saw that Zheng Shao had gone out, he smiled at Man Bao: "He is older, more stable, and ordinary in length. It is convenient to bring him into the inner house. If you have any chores in the future, you can let him. It's the same even in the drugstore, let him give you a shot."

  Man Bao always finds these words familiar. After thinking about it, she asked, "Then is he my apprentice?"

  The treasurer Zheng said with a smile: "It is his blessing that Doctor Zhou Xiao is willing to accept him as an apprentice."

  Man Bao understood, but she was a little uneasy, "I have only been in the hall for a short time, so I can accept apprentices?"

The treasurer Zheng smiled: "We are doctors, although we also look at seniority, but we also see medical skills. Dr. Zhou Xiao is now a small genius doctor. The medical skills are recognized in both Beijing and Yizhou. We only accept an apprentice. You are young and inconvenient for your identity. It is okay to be admitted directly to the hospital from the palace."

  Man Bao was taken aback, "Don't say you, I sound scared."

  The treasurer Zheng said happily: "Doctor Zhou Xiao is joking again."

  She is not joking, she just sounds scared.

After eating lunch, Man Bao had to pack up the basket and go to the clinic. The treasurer Zheng followed behind. Seeing that she was sorting out the bamboo basket which looked very old, he immediately coughed and Xiaoding offered a brand new medicine box. .

  The treasurer Zheng smiled at Man Bao and said, "Doctor Zhou Xiao, what do you think of this medicine box?"

  Man Bao looked over, nodded and said, "It looks good."

"It's pretty, this is for you." The shopkeeper Zheng introduced to her, "Look, there are two layers here, and there are a lot of grids. In addition to the pulse pillow and the needle pack, it can't be put. Few medicinal materials."

  The treasurer Zheng introduced to her, “This next floor contains some commonly used life-saving medicinal materials. Do you know what medicinal materials should be brought?”

  Man Bao nodded and said: "I know, Doctor Ji taught me that the style of this medicine chest is exactly the same as his."

  The treasurer Zheng laughed, “The medicine cabinets of the best doctors in this world are almost like this, but yours is better, lighter, and more spacious.”

  Man Bao reached out and touched the medicine box, and asked curiously: "Really gave it to me?"

  The treasurer Zheng nodded with a smile, "Of course, Xiao Shao will carry this medicine box for you in the future."

   "No, I have to memorize it myself."

  Man Bao is also very reluctant to have her own small back basket. After all, her back basket has been with her for many years, and was changed twice in the middle, but each time it was tailor-made for her by Ergoth.

Man Bao put the same things in the back basket into the medicine box, and there are many empty spaces. The treasurer Zheng only glanced at and knew what was missing, so he smiled at her, turned to the counter, and put those things on the counter. She made up for the missing medicinal materials.

While the treasurer Zheng Da put the packs of medicine into the medicine box, he said to Man Bao: "This medicine is not only the life of the patient, but also the doctor. Sometimes it is just a medicine, and it can save a life if it is used in time. Therefore, the doctor’s medicine box must be full at all times. If it is missing, it must be filled. It must be replaced from time to time to prevent the medicinal materials from becoming damp."

  These doctors have all told her, but she had just been in the hall and rarely had the opportunity to go to the doctor. She had been carrying a basket, putting all messy things in it, so she had not paid much attention to this.

  Man Bao looked at the filled medicine box, put her in the back basket with the law book, and then closed the medicine box, then carried the back basket, holding the medicine box to leave contentedly.

  The treasurer Zheng said hurriedly: "Let Xiao Shao take it for you."

  Man Bao held the medicine box tightly, shook his head and said, "No, I will take it myself."

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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