Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1085: Bitterness

   Chapter 1085

As soon as Man Bao arrived, Mrs. Yin greeted him and explained: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, look at Qi Lang's injury. The wound is still not fully recovered, so he clamored to go to school. This..."

Man Bao went to Yin or got the pulse, took another look at the scabs, and said with a smile: "You can go to school. Since the old lady is not at ease, then go back two days later, and go again on the fifth day of the day. "

   Yin or withdrawing his hand, with a look of unwillingness.

  The old lady Yin nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, let's go on the fifth day."

   She said: "Actually, I want to see, you might as well go to school after Chongyang, otherwise you will go now, and you will have a vacation in a few days."

   Yin or detour: "Then go to the fifth day."

  Old Madam Yin looked at his expression, sighed for a while, and agreed.

  She glanced at the things on the table, turned her head and said to the people: "Go to the kitchen and serve a new table of food."

  She smiled at Man Bao three: "How about you stay here tonight for dinner?"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan looked at each other and nodded in response.

  Old Madam Yin didn't bother them, turned and left.

  Out of the yard, she let out a long sigh.

  The big girl supported her and whispered: "Old lady, you know that it was a bitter trick made by Doctor Zhou Xiao and the young master, how can you pay it back..."

   "You also said it was a bitter trick, but he doesn't feel bad for his body, can I still feel bad for him? What if I know?"

  The old lady Yin sighed: "Finally, let them go."

Ever since Yin may stroke his neck, Mrs. Yin has not dared to force him too much, and Yin may also touch a little bit, and he will not argue, but he will not eat or drink, so he will be silent. Fight.

  This is a cruel comparison, and who is more distressed than it is.

  Does old lady Yin dare to gamble?

  Naturally, she did not dare, especially after he was so desperate to commit suicide that night, she did not dare to gamble.

  What happened to her today was anger at first, but after the anger, she can only compromise. What is missing is only a step.

  Since they passed the steps over, she went down.

  As soon as Mrs. Yin left, most of the people in the house were taken away by her, and a small number of them also quit, only listening to instructions in the yard.

  The plates and dishes on the table were taken away, and Man Bao just glanced at it and asked Baishan and Baijiro: "Is it delicious?"

  Bai Shan nodded, "It's okay, the noodles are not bad."

   Bai Erlang asked: "You went to the official residence of the country today, right? His family didn't have any food?"

  Man Bao: "I have been busy, I have no time to eat."

  Yin or curious, "What kind of disease is Madam Cheng Er, and it takes so long to be cured?"

  Man Bao coughed lightly: "I saw three patients today, not just Madam Cheng, but I can't tell you what their illnesses are. I have to keep the patients secret, know?"

  Yin might ask: "Will you keep me secret?"

   "Yes, I didn't tell anyone you scratched yourself. Madam Cheng Er thought you were guilty of old problems."

   Shirazen and Shirajiro also put up **** and said: "We are the same, we have kept secrets for you."

   Yin or smiled and said: "I don't care about this."

  Bai Shan said: "The classmates in Guozixue still have a broken mouth, I think you still care about it."

  Yin or: "...they have a broken mouth?"

   "Yes," Bai Shan said, "I think they are quite talented in being a royal historian. During this period of time, the capital was very lively, and all the excitement was reflected in the study of Guozi."

  Yin might just smile and said: "Most of the Guozixue students are Enyin, and the father and grandfather of the family are officials in the court. It can be said that Guozixue is a small court, and the news there is the most informed."

  White Jiro looked up at the two of them, and asked, “Why don’t you have so much gossip if you’re too educated?”

"Because most of the Taixue students are admitted, including the four schools. Talents from all over the country are gathered in the two schools, and there are the most unusual customs in different places." Man Baodao: "I think Taixue is still relatively good. It’s fun."

  Bai Erlang shook his head, "No, I think Guozi Learning is more fun, this time on Chongyang, isn’t your Guozi Learning going to send wheat and rice cakes to the elderly? I want to go."

"That's right," Bai Shan said to Yin or said: "Erlang I almost forgot if I didn't say anything. On the seventh and eighth day of the seventh and eighth day of the lunar day, our Guozi learns to give the imperial court to the old people who are over 70 in the capital to send shoumai and rice. Cake, you go too."

  Yin or for a moment, "Does Guozixue still have this activity?"

  Speaking, the servants came in with food, Changshou heard it, and replied while laying out the plate: "Master, in previous years, the prince sent the shoumai and rice cakes with the clan’s children."

"No wonder," Bai Shan said with a smile: "During this period of time, Su Jian's case has not been investigated yet. The prince and the third prince are arguing against each other. Every day, the impeachment of the prince is particularly troublesome. That's why this errand has come to our country. On the head of learning."

   Yin or smiled and said, "I'm going to gather for this excitement."

  Bai Erlang asked Man Bao to speak, "Will you go to the drugstore on the seventh and eighth day of the seventh and eighth day? How about going to ascend the heights with your husband?"

   "Go with your husband. On the seventh and eighth day of the seventh and eighth day, we in Jishitang are going to the county government to diagnose the pulse and deliver medicine to the elderly who are coming to receive Shoumai and rice cakes. I will also follow."

   Baijiro: "...what is your pharmacy going to join in the fun?"

   "It's not just our pharmacy, but several pharmacies go together," Man Bao said, "There are some small pharmacies who want to go but can't go."

   Baijiro: "Aren't the medicinal materials expensive?"

  Man Bao hadn’t spoken yet, Bai Shan had already laughed and said, “They mostly send red dates, **** slices and brown sugar. You think they will send ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum.”

  Man Bao only learned about it from Zheng Da’s shopkeeper today, and asked Bai Shan curiously, "How did you know?"

"I heard about it in Guozixue." Bai Shan said, "Isn't it? You can inquire about the lively news of Beijing in Guozixue. Chongyang is considered a big festival, and there are sacrifices in the palace. In addition to the two counties in Beijing, If you want to give shoumai and rice cakes to old people over 70, you have to set up a banquet in the county office to entertain them and listen to them talking about things in the village. If there is an injustice, you can take this opportunity to confess."

"Every family and big family will also donate a batch of silver rice cotton cloth, some to these old people, some to Yushantang, these have to go through the hands of the yamen, and your pharmacy is just one of them. In addition to you, there are also Some cloth houses also cut out a set of clothes for the elderly."

  Man Bao opened her mouth wide. She knew that the festival in Beijing would be very lively, but she didn't expect it to be so lively.

  She thought, "Then why don't we in Luojiang County? I have an uncle, who is too old."

  Bai Shan said with a light cough, “This is the capital city. At the feet of the emperor, it is natural to show prosperity, harmony among the people, and respect for the old and love the young.”

    The next update is around nine o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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