Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1086: Respect the elderly

   Chapter 1086 Respect for the Aged

  Four people, except for Shirajiro, all of them have settled down at once.

  Shiajiro looked at them silently.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao also turned to look at him. Man Bao suggested, "Do you want to play with Brother Bai?"

   Baijiro picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and fiercely clamped a piece of meat, "No, my eldest brother went to the literary club or the poetry club. It's not fun at all."

  Bai Shan smiled and said, "Then you go with Man Bao and give her a shot."

   "No," Baijilang refused, "I don't know how to do medical science, so what fun will I join in?"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan also took over the meal and said, "You can help send some red dates, brown sugar or something."

  Bai Erlang was very reluctant, but on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, he went to Chang'an county office with Man Bao Baishan early in the morning.

  Many stools have been laid out there, and some people have come to help their old people, and there are old people in some villages outside the capital. They arrived in the capital last night and lived in the post.


  Man Bao also saw that an old man was brought up on the bed.

  Don't talk about her, Bai Shan and Bai Erlang are both staring at it.

  The treasurer Zheng also came in person, Doctor Ding and Doctor Gu were left in the drug store, and Doctor Tao arrived with the medicine boy carrying the medicine box.

  As soon as he saw Man Bao in the same place, he hurriedly greeted him: "What are you doing in a daze? Come and give the old people a sign. We will look at the sign in a while."

  Man Bao stepped forward.

  Bai Shan also stepped forward. He looked at the time and found that none of his classmates had come, so he also took the Ji Shitang sign and said with a smile: "I'll help you send it."

  The treasurer Zheng hastily thanked him, "Thank you, Mr. Bai."

  The three of them sent the signs one by one, and occasionally squatted down to talk to the old people, asking about the harvest this year and the situation at home.

  Yin might have come here early. He got off the carriage and saw the three people shuttled among a group of old people, and hurriedly came forward.

  Only two steps later, a carriage stopped in front of him, Liu Huan jumped off the carriage, looked at him up and down and said: "Didn't you say you are sick? It doesn't look like it."

  Yin or stopped, nodded to him, and then went to find Bai Shan and the others.

   "Hey, I said, we went to the county office to pick up things..." Liu Huan hurriedly followed him when he saw him, "Hey, Bai Shan, what are you doing here?"

  Bai Shan respectfully handed a sign to an old man, got up and saluted Liu Huanyin, and smiled: "The other classmates haven't arrived yet, so I will help Ji Shitang distribute some signs first."

   Liu Huan took the brand and looked at it, and said, "This brand is so old, how many years hasn't it been changed?"

  Man Bao happened to pass by behind him, and took the time to reply, "Change the brand and ask for money."

   Liu Huan looked back at her, Yin or reached out his hand, smiled and said, "I will help you send some."

  Bai Shan gave him all the signs in his hand, and then went to ask the treasurer Zheng for some more.

After the sign was issued, a few teenagers and Man Bao sat on some empty stools and talked. At this time, the doctors from Baohe Medical Center had just arrived. They greeted Man Bao familiarly and said a few words. Later, he also went to give out signs to the remaining old people.

  Chang’an County is Guo County in the capital, but there is also Wannian County on the other side of the capital, where Bai Caotang and other medical clinics went there.

  Liu Huan saw that the Baohe Medical Center had not finished issuing the signs, so he was a little curious, "What's the use of this brand?"

"It's used to get things from the doctor," Man Bao said, "We have three doctors in Jishitang today. The number of patients we see is limited, so there is a fixed number of brands. One patient takes back one brand and distributes medicinal materials. Just go back and continue to do so tomorrow."

   "Then if there are a lot of elderly people tomorrow, is there anyone who can't be turned?"

   "Impossible," Man Bao said, "The number of people reported to us by the county government was paid 10%. We have prepared more brands. How could it be impossible?"

  There are countless people near the capital who are over the age of old. The county government has informed them that Jishitang has prepared since the first day of the new year, and it is not the first time that Jishitang has done such a thing, and it is impossible for such a situation to happen.

  It’s just that Man Bao did not expect that some people would bring the elderly who had fallen ill in bed to receive these things.

  The Guozixue students who were assigned here gradually arrived. Bai Shan and Man Bao greeted them and led everyone to join them.

  The county government's main book greeted them and bowed to invite them in.

  Before, the princes and clan members came to do this. This year, they are students of Guozixue. It seems that the status is low, but the people in the county government are still not able to provoke them.

  The students here are either their fathers or the grandfathers, or their grandfathers are the prime ministers or other officials, and they can't afford to offend any of them.

  So respectfully greeted people out, and no one came out for a long time.

  The treasurer Zheng and they have set up Ji Shitang’s stall. Seeing that Man Bao was still sitting in a daze, they patted her on the head and asked, "What do you think?"

  Man Bao regained his senses and stood up and said: "It's nothing, the treasurer, have we started to see a doctor?"

   "It's time to start, come on."

  Man Bao sat behind a table, and a stool was placed in front of the table. The sound of the gong Duang of Ji Shitang officially started.

  The old people who have been here a few times have experience, and immediately took the Ji Shitang sign and walked over. Seeing many companions passed by, they simply dragged the stool over.

  Everyone sits in two rows and waits in line to see the doctor.

The reason why    is two rows is because there is no one in front of Man Bao.

  Obviously, the old people don’t know her, the newly promoted little genius doctor in Beijing.

  Man Bao:...

  The treasurer of Zheng Zheng immediately asked the medicine boys to help propaganda and publicity, but the old people insisted that the older the Chinese medicine, the better, and they resolutely refrained from seeing a doctor at Man Bao, who is younger than their great-grandson.

  Man Bao was silent for a while, without reluctance, he simply rolled up his sleeves and went to the treasurer Zheng and Doctor Tao to help.

  This old grandmother had a bad waist, so she stretched out her hand to help press a button, and the old grandfather's hands and feet would tremble, so she helped with some injections.

  After a long time, she didn't feel a pulse, did not draw a prescription, but got a lot of needles, pressed a lot of waist, and with a smiling round face, she succeeded in becoming one of the most popular children on the spot.

It is one of the reasons because the young people from Guozixue have also filed out of the county government. Everyone is carrying a small bag of wheat and a basket of rice cakes in their hands. They are holding notebooks, one by one. Send it over, then write down their identity information, and then ask about the situation in the village or at home.

  Among them, several of them are very white and beautiful, and they are gentle and very popular with the elderly.

  Bai Shan is one of them. A well-dressed grandfather still took his hand and said: "The young man looks good, what kind of official is your father's ancestor?"

  Bai Shandao: "My father and grandfather are not officials in the court now."

   "Then you were admitted to the Guozi School?"

  Bai Shandao: "It was Enyin who entered. My father is a loyal martyr of the court. Your Majesty is kindly summoned."

  "Your father is gone. Oh, it's so difficult. Have you made a marriage? Do you want me to tell you a marriage?"

After reading the patient, Man Bao, who was passing by with a pile of brown sugar and red dates, stopped. She walked to Bai Shan and looked at the grandfather. Seeing that his sign was placed aside, she stuffed him with a pack of red dates and brown sugar. , Smiled and said: "Grandpa, this is from our Ji Shitang, I wish you health and longevity."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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